Brief for the United States (1914)

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I 'A HI Mil. 291 ])('liti(»ll ill llic sale llicl-cof ;it r('t;iil, ;m(l i.ssiK'd c'Ut-(>IT lists, so called, dirccliii^ tlir discuntiuiiancc i)f the sale ol' copyrinlitcd hooks to olTcndcrs, and i that the plaiiitilTs in error, who had fail('(l main j tain net jM'iees u})on copx ri«;*hte(l hooks, liad hecn put U])()n the eut-off lists and were unahlo to socnvo a supply of such hooks in the ordinary eoni'se of j business. It further apjx'ars that in some instances deak'rs who had su])plie(l the plaintiff's in error were wholly ruined and driven out (d' business; " that the Booksellers' Association widely circulated ! the names of such dealers and warned others to 1 avoid their fate, and that various circulars were issued to th(^ trade at large hy both associations warning all ])ersons against dealing with the ])lain in error or other so-called price cutters. I Referring to the decision of the court in Bohhs \ Merrill Co. v. Strauss (210 F. S., 339), :\Ir. Justice ] Day said : ' (234) This court, in the case of BohhsMerrill Co. v. Straus (supra), held that the copyright act did not grant the right to tix a limitation upon prices of books at subsequent sales to purchasers from retailers by notice of price limitation inscribed upon the book, and, construing the copyright act, held that in conferring the right to vend a j book it did not intend to confer upon the ' holder of th(^ coi)y right any further right ^ after he had (^xercised the right to vend ' smired to him by the act. (12) Easter)) States Betail Lu))ther Dealers' Asso j ciatio)i V. U)iited States (234 U. S., 600). De I cided June 22, 1914. Opinion by Mr. Justice Day. I