British Kinematography (1948)

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32 JAMES A. SINCLAIR & CO., Ltd. NEWMAN SINCLAIR AUTO KINE CAMERA Latest Model C embodying important new features Completely self-contained spring-driven 35 mm. cinematograph camera as used by the principal Newsreel, Documentary, Instructional and Educational Film Companies, and by the Studios for location and special shots. All metal construction, capacity 200 ft. in interchangeable magazines — lens panel mounted — frames 10/32 per second. Gate and ground glass focusing. Brochure and price list on request. N.S. UNIPOD Ground support for light 35 mm. and all 16 mm. cinematograph cameras, ]-W. and f thread, complete with wrist sling £2 17 6 N.S, STEADY SLING Camera support from neck, wide web sling with bucket holding short rod, ]-W. and f thread £4 0 0 CHANGING BAGS Best quality sateen fabric, safe for all Panchromatic emulsions, available in three sizes, 30" x 30" for Auto Kine and similar magazines, sleeve loading £4 7 6 40" x 30" with roll-up ends £5 7 6 Special large size for studio magazines, "Zip" aperture -£8 76 3, WHITEHALL LONDON, S.W. Telephone : Whitehall 1788