Broadcasters’ news bulletin (July 1932-Mar 1933)

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October 15, 1932 C0NF2REITCE OIT CONVEFriOH PLAl-TS Sd Spence, Atlantic City, IT. J. chairman of the NAB Convention Coramit tec and Philip G. Loucks, ma.naf!?;in£: director of the 1IA3 met with Thomas Patrick Convey, IGTK; Cla.rence Cosby, F’/K; Bill West, IQ-IOX; L. A. Benson, WIL; James L. Spencer, KSD; and George Hamlin, K3D, in St. Louis last Saturday night to go over plans for the Tenth Annual Convention of the NAB to be held at the Hotel, St. Louis, !lo. November I3, 1^, 15 16. As a result of the conference the program is nearly complete and it is hoped toat a tentative program! will be ready for distribution within the next week or ten days. The St. Louis stations are cooperating to the fullest extent to make this year's meeting the best ever held by the Association. WILL DISCUSS STANDARD POSMS A joint meeting of the Commercial Section Cha,irmen of the NAB and Committee of the AAAA will be held in the Library of AAAA. headquarters October I7, at 10 a.m. Standardization of order forms and rate cards the topics listed for discussion at the meeting. the Radio on Monday, are among JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ON RADIO CASES ihe Departnient of Justice has issued the following statement in connection with suits under the Radio Act and other federal statutes: "It is noted in a sumiuary prepared in the Antitrust division of the Depart¬ ment of Jiistice, which has charge of such litigation, that, londer the Radio Act of Congress of 1927. two cases were brou-ght to test the constitutionality of the Act, whic'n cases were instituted during the preceding fiscal year, a.nd reached a final conclusion during the last fiscal year. One of these was the Anerican Bond St Mortgage Co. and Trianon, Inc. v. United States, and the other Clinton R. White V. George E. Q. Johnson, and H. D. Hayes. Daring the year the former case was appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals and decided in fe.vor of the Government. The Supreme Court of the United Sta.tes declined to review the for¬ mer case upon petition for writ of certiorari and following this decision the case of Clinton R. White v. George E. Q. Johnson and H. D. Hayes was voluntarily dismissed. "The criminal provisions of the Radio Act of I927 are enforced through the agencies of the Department of Justice, and complaints of violation of the Act are investigated by the Radio Division of the Department of Commerce and the Bu¬ reau of Investigation of the Department of Justice. Six criminp.l cases a.rising under the Act were disposed of during-' the year, in five of which sentences v/ere imposed. Nine such cases were pending in the courts at the close of the yea.r."