Broadcasters’ news bulletin (July 1932-Mar 1933)

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October 29, 1932 EECOMMEllDS EAST ST. LOUIS STATION Chief Examiner Ellis A. Yost, in his report No. 425 this week recommended that the application of Station WKBS, Galesburg, Illinois, for license renewal be denied that the application of Maurice L. Barrett, to erect a new station at East St. Louis, Illinois, on 1500 kilocycles be granted and that the applications of Samuel E. Yaste and Burrel Barash to erect a station on 1310 kilocycles at Galesburg, the freauency now used by MBS, be denied. The Examiner states that both Permil N. Nelson, owner of WKBS and Samuel E. Yaste and Burrel Barash failed to appear at the hearing and their cases were denied "as in cases of default." The Chief Examiner recommends that Barrett be allowed to erect his station at East St. Louis using 100 watts power, a freauency of 1500 kilocycles and unlimited time, the time being the facility of WKBS. It is recommended that "the motion to deny the application of Samuel E. Yaste and Burrel Barash for a construction permit should be sustained because of the de¬ fault and failure of applicants to appear or offer any evidence whatever in support of said application." In connection with the refusal of the station license, the report states: "The motion todenythe application of Permil N. Nelson, licensee of radio station WKBS for license and renewal of license to station WKBS should be sustained because of the default and failure to appear or offer any evidence whatever in support of said applications. " It is further stated in regard to the application for a new station at East St. Louis that "no objectionable interference is expected to result from the opera¬ tion of the proposed station" and "the equipment proposed to be installed by Maurice L. Barrett, conforms to the technical requirements of the Commission." NEWSPAPER PROTESTS MOVE The Telegraph Herald Company, of Dubuque, Iowa, this week filed an appeal in the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia against the decision of the Radio Commission granting Station WKBB, permission to move from Joliet, Illinois, to East Dubuque, Illinois. The newspaper company has no station but wants to obtain one. This is the first time, it is stated, that anyone not owning a station has made an effort to appeal from a decision of the Commission. Opposition to the stay order asked by the Telegraph Herald Company was filed with the Court on Friday by the Radio Commission claiming that the appellant, "The Telegraph Herald Company is not now and never has been a licensee of any radio broadcasting or other station, and has not now a rd never has had any application pending before the Commission for a broadcasting station construction permit or license, or other instmament of authorization."