Broadcasters’ news bulletin (Jan-June 1932)

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13 forth, in cxie stater.ient of roasons for appeal, _ The conTt may, in its discretion, enter ju^gnent for costs in favor of or against the party appealing and/or other interested parties apnehring on said appeal, bnt not for or against tjoe coninission. (g) The court snail not have power to r.ialce any order or enter any jridgnent affecting any substant ial interest of any person who has not appeared or heen made a party to the proceedings upon said appeal. An/ order made or judgment entered contrary nereto shall oe void and of no effect v/itri respect to such per¬ son, and Shall protanto not be hinding upon tne commission. ( h ) Tne court may, sudject to the foregoing limitation, unon notice to the commission and to all other parties to tlie au'peal, after nearing, and for good cause shown. enter an order staying action of the commission under the order ap pealed from. in whole or in uart , upon the giving of a bond by the party applying for the stay in such amount and with suen terms and conditions as the court may deem or ope r. pending a hearing uuon the application for stay the court may enter a lemporary stay for a period of not to exceed fifteen days. (i) The .iudgment of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia shall Toe final, exceut that it shall oe compet ent for the Supreme Court of the United States to require py certiorari, unon 'loctition tnerefor after ,iridgnent , that the cause, including the findings of fact, and the Judgi-ient, hut omitting the evidence be certi fied to it for review. Upon such rev iew the Supreme Court shall have power to gffi rm, or if the judgment of the District of Columbia C oiir t of Appeals is not in accordance with law, to i.,odif,y or reverse said judgment for error of law. Any judgment so modified or reversed shall be corrected to accord v^ith the mandate of the Supreme Court and shall become final as so corrected. Underscoo-ei raote-' to be inserted in place of part struck out (underscored matter is lu intern in italic Ir tne original). hOTS :