Broadcasters’ news bulletin (Jan-June 1932)

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MB BOAM) AM) COPYRIGHT COMMITTEE I#:ET The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers announced its proposal to increase license fees in a letter to the National Asso¬ ciation of Broadcasters, dated April 11. Immediately upon receipt of this conmiunication, President Shaw summoned the Board of Directors and the NAB Copyright Committee to meet in joint session at the Commodore Hotel, New York City, on April IS and 19, to consider the Society's pro¬ posal . Members of the Board who attended were: Harry Shaw, WMT, President; A. L. McCosker, WOR; Walter J. Damm, WTMJ ; Henry A. Bellows, WCCO; J. G. Cummings, WOAI ; Ed L. Bill, WliIBD; Paul W-,. Morency, WTIC; Leo Fitz¬ patrick, WJR; John J. Storey, V/TAG; Don Lee, KID' (by proxy to Harry Butcher); Arthur B. Church, ZMBC (by proxy to Hai’ry Dijtcher); E. B. Craney, ZGIR (by proxy to Frank M. Russell); H. K. Carpenter, WPTF; William S. Hedges, WMAQ,; M. A. Hewlett, WHK; George F. McClella.nd, ‘vi'EAF; Eugene O'Fallon, KFEL (by proxy to Joe Chambers); Quin Ryan, WGN (by proxy to Louis G. Caldwell). Members of the Copyright Committee who attended were: Paul W. Morency, WTIC, Chairman; Edward Klauber, WABC; A. L. Ashby, WJZ; (E. S. Sprague, alternate); Sidney Kaye, WABC; John Sheprard, W.mAC; FrEUik M, Russell, MC; John J. Storey, WTAG; Father James F. Wagner, WHBY; and J. Thomas Lyons, ’WCAO. The Society's letter ?;as laid before the meeting by the Managing Di¬ rector as the first order of business. Discussion followed which cul¬ minated in the appointment of a committee to draft a reply to the Socie¬ ty's letter. This Committee later bro‘'aght in a. suggested reply which met unanimous approval of this meeting. The same Committee then deliv¬ ered the letter to Mr. Mills of the American Society. The official announcement of the Association following the meeting with Mr. Mills and based upon the attached correspondence is set forth on the front page of this Bulletin. Before adjournment the Boa.rd and the Copyright Committee gave con¬ sideration to the general legislative and copyright problem and outlined a comprehensive program for the future. A committee headed by A. L. Mc¬ Cosker, WOR; Frank M. Russell, WRC; and Hajrry C. Butcher, WABC, was ap¬ pointed with broad general powers to carry out this program. This Bulletin is being sent to all broadcasting stations so that all may be accurately informed of the sta,tus of the copyright controversy and in the hope that the Association will have the financial and moral coopera¬ tion of every station in bringing this controversy to a satisfactory and permanent conclusion.