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Broadcasters’ news bulletin (Jan-June 1932)

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April 30. 1932 fIBa AND SHULSil CA3S3 HI^ADT Ar^iiunfent in the apr^eale frojai the OojHcission*® decision* in the an^^ Her. Shuler case© will he heard hy the Court of Appeals of the District of Golnmhla neact Monday and 'Puesday* Both cases Involve issnortent (juostions of re^ilatory policy and will he the last of the broadcasting cases to he argaed before the :>xmmr re¬ cess. Ihe hi^ cower cases have been postponed until the ^11 fersj. Si2fJU?0ii C0E53I 3W0M IS Major John S. Cohen of the Atlanta Journal, which crsma and operstes Station ^SB, was sworn in as United States Senator from Georgia this week. He was ap>M}inted to the Senate following the death of Senator Harris of Georgia. Station NSB was started under Senator Oohen^s direction and i« one of the oldest, if not the oldest hroeidcaEt lug station in the South. He brings to the Senate, therefor©, an intimate knowledge of the problems of broadcaetlng. Senator Hobinson of Arkansas has announced that Senator Gohen has been ap¬ pointed to serve on the naval, ^eporoprlat ions and iiOTigration ccsa^itteep. HXCSPTI0>JS IH S'TA-SKI^^’. CASH Fotcections to the report of Examiner Cbeseldine in the case of St^^-Sfeine Pro¬ ducts Compary against the JJat tonal Uroadcas t ing Company and station ^GtPB wore filed with the interstate Oosanerce Ootamisslon this week by the attorney for the complain¬ ants. '=Ti® Goffi^ilainant contends that the oxaraiasr erred in holding that the broad¬ casting companies are not common carriers and that the Commission was withcjut juris¬ diction in th® case. 'INTC-SfPCH ASSIG?IM^?3 I?-J7miHANGHD Phe 'mminaion this week granted the application of Station l^ew York City, for jaodification of license, re-^juesting authority to interchange itf; fre¬ quency aesigrsaent with Station '^NTO, operated by the City of New York. T^e lat¬ ter station has been licensed to operate with 500 watts, sharing time with Sta¬ tion WOA on 670 kc. Station has tween authorised to operate on a daytime assignment with 500 watts power on the cleared channel of i|0 kc. This action of the Ooimnlssion gives Station N>TTC th© full operatii^ time of Station NKJH on 810 kc. The decision authorising Stations tfPCJH and ^CA to oper¬ ate on a shared time basis on 570 kc rerer^es the rec ’'Uiaendationa of Chief >-%an>iner Tost (Import Ho. 337). The Hoport favored the rellcensiag of all staclona involved In the hearing on their former operating assignroents, fltpeclfylng that Stations N^fCA and ’fVYC operate under the same time sharing agreement in effect for about two yaara. Oral argomant was heard on the case before the Oommlssion sitting en b^^^. No statement of facts or grounds for decision have yet bean made public.