Broadcasters’ news bulletin (Jan-June 1932)

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April :^0, 19?S HSAiillWa (C^a&iHtied) md^m. 1932 (donUnued) --iPADOA^mQ Locket #1563 WCAL St. Olaf College 1250 kc 1 m Wbrthfield, r/lnneeota »iod. Lie. Shares with and WTB m.a: Docket #1562 moc Carletoa College Mod. lie. 1250 ko 1 KW Worthflelde l^iamesota Shares with and WTB Iktcket #1.565 ’^>13 University of Klnnesota Mod. Me. 1250 kc 1 KW WOPIS Minneapolis, Minnesota Shares with fCAi & wm Docket #1393 'imm Minnesota Broadcasting Corp, •Sen. Lie. 1250 kc 1 o Mlnneaisolis, Minnesota Shares with and woAL, xma yHIDW. May S. B^14a043^T'p> Docket #1553 KF'.?1 %di« ^itertalninents. Ltd. f4od. Lie. 930 kc 500 1. San Pranclaco, California 1 KW L-S, iShares with ‘^nfiont +> 1 m 9?^ kc, 500 shares with KW^» Docket #1569 imt Nfldlo Nntertfilnments, Ltd. Poja.Llc. 930 ko 500 f. San ?y>ncisco. Galiforriia 3>5are@ with APPLICATIONS SI3MI33KS At its sessions daring the onnrent we^-Tc the CoMtiission dissj^issed the follow¬ ing ao”'lieations at the request of the applicants! tXSA AT\ms&^ Broadcasting CoBipany Wod. Lie. kc*, 500 wj 1 US* un 14. t tie Flock, ^sk-ansae Ural tad tltae. WLAP American Broadcasting Coro, of K^. , Sgeelal auth. 1010 kcj 250 -j 3/4 time, louisvlllf", Kentucky UISC'iaLAJ^Fpjs COMMISSION ACTION Stations yfCf^A, Oalv©"^, Ind. } W1CHF, Indianaoolis, Ind.g «?nd 1SRAA, West I^afayette Ind . ; ware granted authority take depositions in regnrl to apolicotion of tT. T. Griffin, %lsa, Oklahorra, to be he^»rd. I4ay Pth, 1032. WOW i^oodHien of the World Life Ins. Assn., Overruled deiuurrer to Statement of Pacts OiBftha, Nebraska filed by Station ^JAY, Cleveland. Ohio in Its application for c’aang© to 690 ke.