Broadcasters’ news bulletin (Jan-June 1932)

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2 C,4LENJ]AP. r/SDI'JEbL'AY ^OSTPO^TEE (Contimied) Mr. CKIUDBLOM. Uo; this is not the hill that is on the calendar. This is the hill introduced hy the gentleman from ITew York and the number is H. R. 12425. For the information of the Members of the House, from many of whom I received inquiries on the subject, I here insert the amendment which I in¬ tend to offer to the copyright bill when it receives consideration by the House : If, in any suit for infringement for the unauthorized broadcasting or mechanical reproduction of any copyright musical work or works, it shall appear that the suit is brought by or in behalf of any association, society, corporation, or combination which deals with or in the issue or grant of licenses for the broadca.sting or mechanical reproduction of such works and v/hich exorcises in the United States a substantial control of the performing, broadcasting, or mechanical reproduction riglits in such works or in any class thereof, recovery shall be limited to an amount which will justly compensate the plaintiff for the use made of such work or works aid shall in no event exceed the amount of a reasonable fee for a license which, under similar circumstances, would have authorized infringing act or acts complained of. In dotemnining the amount of such just compensation or of such reasonable license fee the prices currently pahd for similar rights under similar circumstances shall be con¬ sidered. Upon payment of a reasonable license fee, as found by the court, the infringer shall, in the discretion of the court, be en¬ titled to continue the infringing acts complained of, upon such terms, and for such reasonable license period, a.s the court shall deem just. Ho injunction shall issue in respect to airy works other than those proved to have been infringed. Mr. PATTERSOil. Mr. Spealcor, further reserving the right to object, the only reason I withdraw my objection is because it is tiic wish of our chairman. This is very important legislation, and I would othemrise objeet. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Rainey). Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Hew York (Mr. O'Connor)? There was no objection. 50 CYCLE ORDER EFFECTIVE Uith the effective date of the new 50 cycle regulation passed, the Commission announced this week that broadcast stations will not be granted extensions of time to comply \7ith the order. Exceptions may be allowed vdiere it is clearly shown tho station has made every reasonable attempt to instaJl the necessary apparatus under Rales 144 and 145. It is understood vdiere a station has placed a bona fief order and Can show reasonable delivery date from the manufa,cturer, the Commission will grant extensions in such instances. Questionnaires have been sent to all broadcast stations listing the information required by the Engineering Division to insure fullest conpliance with the regula¬ tions. Tl^esc forms arc now being ret^^rned by the stations. From this data a com¬ plete teclmical file of 50 chicle equirjment can be compilodr