Broadcasting (Jan - June 1936)

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BEHIND THE MICROPHONE GEORGE GATES, formerly of WHX, New York, replaces Walter King on the announcing staff of WCAU, Philadelphia. King is free lancing on commercial programs. PAUL LUTHER, formerly of WGN, Chicago, and who has been working on the CBS Romance of Helen Trent series, on June 1 .ioined the announcing staff of WBBM, Chicago. JOSEPH PARKER, news editor of KGFJ, Los Angeles, in June was named production manager. CARLTON K AD ELL, who announces the "Strange as it Seems" transcriptions, will announce the Amos 'n' Andy programs from Hollywood for 13 weeks. Rich SPOTS for PORTSMOUTH SUFFOLK. WG H NEWPORT NEWS NORFOLK VI RG I N I A Affiliated with Me Vircfinia Broadcasfinc^ Si^sfem GORDON KERR, known to radio as Don Kerr, is now working with Garnett Marks in the baseball series on AVMCA, New York. Until recently he was chief announcer of WTAR, Norfolk, and had previously been heard on WOR, WAAM, WHK and WTAM. MARGARET HECKLE, for the last two years dramatic director of AVCLO, Janesville. Wis., has joined the headquarters production staff of iho Affiliated Broadcasting Co., Chicago. WILLIAlSr HOLBROOK. formerly of the Providence Journal and prior to that with the Springfield (Mass.) RepuhJican, has joined the NBC press department in Radio City. ROBERT S. PRITCHARD. formerly of WLW. Cincinnati, has joined WWYA. Wheeling, as an announcer. CHARLES ARLINGTON, recently of Yankee Network News Service and before that with WFBL, Syracuse, has joined the announcing staff of KYW, Philadelphia. LOUIS SCHAEFER has been named publicity director of WKRC, Cincinnati, succeeding Chuck Wise, who resigned. STANLEY SCHULTZ, recently in .i number of Hollywood musical productions, has joined WPJIO, Providence, as musical director. AMONG announcers who have joined the staff of the Texas Centennial Exposition at Dallas are James Crocker, formerly of WOAI, San Antonio ; Margery Leuthi. former continuity writer of KNOW, Austin, Tex. ; (iertrude Gale, formerly of KMOX, St. Louis, and WMCA, New York, handling copyright clearance and music ; Lewis Lacey and David Clark, formerly of Southwest Broadcasting System ; Dudley Williamson, formerly of KFJZ, Fort Worth, and West Coast stations. The Only Single Medium For Reaching at the _ Same Time the ^ Multiple Texas Centennial Market ▲ ium A Always a desirable market, the Lone Star State this year offers advertisers a huge plus value. Centennial celebrations throughout the State add outside wealth, put thousands to work, attract millions of spending visitors . . . loft the "bright spot of the nation" to a new peak of prosperity. The Texas Quality Network, with an audience of over a million radio families, affords the sole means of reaching simultaneously all the units that make up the huge Texas Centennial Market. Strategically located, high-powered NBC affiliates provide the only complete, effective coverage of Texas (plus Oklahoma and portions of five adjacent states) with one program ... at one cost. — Productive, economical, an important influence on the prosperous consumers of the Southwest, TQN is an outstanding advertising buy for 1936! FIRST YEAR — WTMV, East St. Louis, 111., celebrated its first birthday recently with a birthday party and anniversary programs. Here is Bill West, manager, cutting the cake as Lester E. Cox, president, watches. Members of the local Charober of Commerce paid tribute to the rapid progress made by WTMV during the year. PETER de LIMA, associate director of the CBS Artists Bureau Inc., New York, will be transferred to the West Coast in .July with headquarters at KNX. Hollywood. PAGE OILMAN, 18-year-old son of Don Oilman, NBC Pacific division vice president, who is known as "Jack Barbour" of One Man's Family, has been elected to Stanford's Hammer & Coffin fraternity made up of men on the comic publications. The young actor's drawings appear regularly in the Stanford Chaparral. LEW STARK, chief announcer of WHAM. Rochester, is taking a leave of absence for the summer due to illness, Tom Murray, nemo announcer and member of the dramatic staff, taking his place. MRS. DAVID BAYLOR, wife of the WGAR. Cleveland, announcer, is confined to an Oil City, Pa., hospital following an appendectomy. ^Mrs. Baylor is the former Alice Abbott (home counselor) of WCAE, Pittsburgh. HAL HUBERT, formerly of WXYZ, Detroit, and recently added to the program staff of WGAR. Cleveland, has been appointed copyright manager. HAROLD HUGHES, formerly of WAIU. Columbus, has joined the summer staff of KOIL-KFOR-KFAB. of Central States Broadcasting System. Don Finlayson. new to radio, will work with Bruce Wallace in promotion and publicity. WILLIAM FULLER, formerly on the production and announcing staff of KYA, San Francisco, has joined the continuity department of KJBS, that city. HERMAN NEUMAN. musical director of WNYC. New York municipal station, has been granted a threemonth leave of absence to study education by radio abroad and to conduct All-American concerts over 10 government owned stations in Europe. He sailed .Tune 9 on the Bergenfjord for Oslo. Norway, where he will conduct his first concert. VICTOR CRAZE, medal winner at L'niversity of Texas for journalistic achievements, has joined the news staff of AVOAI. San Antonio. Kay Burton, famed as the tirst woman on the scene of the Dillinger capture and formerly with Transradio Press. Chicago Daily Xeics and Pittshurgh PostGazette, also has joined the staff. .JOHN HALLAM. announcing on KFI. Los Angeles, as Bud Heistand, early in June was married to Miss .Jean Wood, daughter of Sam Wood, film director. JACK BRASHEAR, formerly advni tising director of Ambassador Theatre. St. Louis, has been named publicity director of WTMV, East St. Louis. Fred Moegle, recently of WKBB, Dubuque, la., has returned to the WTMV announcing staff. .James Gillis. announcer and singer, will play in stock at Colorado Springs this summer. Woody Klose, WTMV program director, who was married in May to Miss Mary Virginia Taylor, is expected back from his honeymoon .June 1-5. JOHN K. CHAPEL, announcer and continuity writer of WOW, Omaha, leaves July 1 on a lecture tour in a number of Western states. Mr. Chapel, a former Count of Pskov, will describe present and iiast conditions in Russia. ZACH HURT, announcer and guitarist, formerly of KGKO, Wichita Falls, Tex., has joined KFJZ. Fort Worth. BEN SWEETLAND, formerly of ' W.JR and WW J, Detroit, as the "Friendly Counsellor", early in June joined KNX, Hollywood, for a daily morning program. VERA OLDHAM, writer of the Drums series on the Don Lee California network, and staff member of the Raymond R. Morgan Co., Hollywood radio agency, sailed .June 4 for Tahiti on the Makura to gather material for next winter's copy. WALTER KNOBELOCH. former announcer of WCSC, Charleston, has joined WIS, Columbia, S. C. Francis Fitzgerald, formerly of WIS, is now with WCSC. BOB CUNNINGHAM, production manager of KOIL, in Omaha, addressed a vacation class at Omaha Tech High School, describing operation of a radio station. R. Bruce Wallace, Central States Broadcasting System promotion manager, addressed the Ladies Night meeting of the Syracuse. Neb., Community Club. ROLAND BRADLEY, formerly of WGY, Schenectady, and until recently program manager of WINS, New York, has transferred to WBAL, Baltimore. DOROTHY SHANNON, whose reai name is Dorothy Shanman. has replaced Miss Marnie Campbell and Miss .Joan Davis as the fillers of th' Daily Market Basket on WGY. Schenectady. She save fashion talks at ' one time for WTAM, Cleveland. GARNET GARRISON, program di \ rector of WJIM, Lansing has resigned to spend the summer in graduate work at the University of Mich . igan and join the faculty of Wayne University, Detroit, in the fall, teaching speech and radio broadcasting. HAROLD SOUTHARD, son of Edythe Fern Melrose, manager of WJAY. Cleveland, will act as page in the WJAY executive offices during the summer. He is a high school student. 7 out of to Listeners to BUFFALO STATIONS tune in WGR or WKBW between 5 and 7 P. M. says Ross Federal BUFFALO BROADCASTING CORPORATION RAND BUILDING, BUFFALO Represented by FREE & SLEININGER BROADCASTING • June 15, 1936 50.000 Watts 50,000 Watts 5.000 Watts (D.) , 50.000 Watts WFAA . WBAP . KPRC • WOAI DALLAS FORT WORTH ' HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO National Representatives: Edward Petry & Co. A