Broadcasting (Oct 1931-Dec 1932)

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APING INTO /^OMES a time when the will to win leaps into life. Always this stimulation follows a period of lowered vitality. Al ways it lends wings to the spirit, courage to the heart, strength to the arm, and sweeps aside difficulties with fresh energy. To the national advertiser who is looking for fresh energy comes Western Electric Noiseless Recording. This new method of broadcasting offered by World Broadcasting System, is so alive and true, and indescribably fine, that it lends wings to the spirit of salesmanship. By its economy (this System uses spot broadcasting and eliminates the costly waste of broadcasting outside of sales territories) it gives strength to the arm. By the thorough-going organization of the World Broadcasting System — with a complete service in the creation and distribution of these superb programs, difficulties are swept aside. Sales are stimulated. The will to win inspires business. Today, there are available over 125 broadcasting Stations in the United • Some of the national advertisers who ° are users of this system: States equipped by World Broadcasting System to use this new method. Ask for booklet Spot Broadcasting, 1932. Chevrolet Motor Co.; Edna Wallace Hopper, Inc.; Life Savers, Inc.; Maxwell House Coffee; Phillips' Dental Magnesia; Louis Philippe, Inc.; Jocur (Wave-Sef) ; Remington Rand, Inc.; John H. Woodbury, Inc.; United Drug Co., Inc.; Vick Chemical Co.; Oldsmobile; Oakland Motor Car Co.; Frigidaire Sales Corp. orld B roadcasting System, Inc. World Broadcasting Building 50 West 57th St., New York SOUND STUDIOS OF NEW YORK, INC. WESTERN ELECTRIC LICENSEE (Subsidiary of WORLD BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC.) 179 King Street W., Toronto 6-242 General Motors Bldg., Detroit Baker Hotel, Dallas, Texas ruary 15, 1932 • BROADCASTING Page 29