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Broadcasting (July - Dec 1937)

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X ES. our time can be your time (and mighty valuable time) this Fall and Winter. Furthermore, we'll guarantee that you will not have to change periods, once you have selected time over WGR or WKBW. When we speak of guaranteed available time, we don't refer to the doldrum periods. We mean absolutely peak nighttime periods. We mean the choicest daytime spots. This Fall BBC is the answer to a time buyer's prayer with choice guaranteed periods still available. This Fall BBC oflFers you the prestige of a network with the complete CBS schedule plus the flexibility of a local station! Get in touch with us or our representatives now, and we'll be happy to give you the facts and figures on BBC guaranteed available time at peak audience hours. WKBW How would you like to have fifteen minutes "across-the-board" through WKBW, Buffalo's highest powered station, at 7:45 P. M.? It's available now! Monday thru Friday 7:05to7:10 7:30to7:45 8:30to8:45 WGR Naturally we don't expect that WKBW spot to last long, but if it's gone before you've wired a reservation, we'll be glad to offer you 9:30 P. M. through WGR, Buffalo's oldest station. Monday thru Saturday Wednesday 9:30to9:45 9:10to9:30 Friday 10:15tolO:30 9:05to9:20 BUFFALO BROADCASTING CORPORATION WGR*WKBW 'TTie ends o/tAe diaF' Represented by Free & Peters, Inc. J BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising September 15, 1937 • Page 9