Broadcasting (July - Dec 1937)

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LESLEY C. PAUL, of the publicity department of Westinghouse with headquarters in Pittsburgh, effective Oct. 1 is transferred to the radio division of Westinghouse at Chicopee Falls, Mass., to handle publicity and promotion. He will report to Walter C. Evans, manager of the radio division. RAYMOND A. SMART. U of Washington graduate, and William Bernard Ryan, formerly faculty member of California U and Santa Clara U, and recently with Foster & Kleiser, outdoor advertising firm, have joined the NBC sales staff in San Francisco. LLOYD M. SMITH, formerly of Toledo, and Bernard Wilson, from WIBM, Jackson, have joined WKBZ, Muskegon, Mich, as salesmen. DUDLEY W. FAUST, and not Paul Faust, as announced in Broadcasting, Sept. 15, has been added to the sales staff of WBBM, Chicago. Dudley Faust is a brother of Paul Holman Faust, radio director of the Mitchell-Faust Adv. Co. Inc., Chicago. Oliver W. Tuttle OLIVER W. TUTTLE, 50, one of the first managers of KPO, San Francisco, before it became an NBC affiliate, died suddenly Sept. 20 at his home in Burlingame following a heart attack. Mr. Tuttle, for 25 years a newspaper man, was instrumental in putting the San Francisco Examiner on the air in 1922 with KUO, erected by the paper on the roof of the Hearst Bldg. in San Francisco, and was its manager. Two years later he joined KPO as manager and aided in developing that station. In later years he was promotion manager of the San Francisco Examiner. He remained "radio minded" and staged numerous promotion stunts over the Hearst ovimed KYA on behalf of the newspaper. He is survived by his widow and a son, Oliver W. Tuttle Jr. Lynn A. Willis LYNN A. WILLIS, 30, announcer of KYW, Philadelphia, died as the result of a fall from a second story window at the Presbyterian Hospital on Sept. 21. He had suffered a nervous breakdown several months ago and on Sept. 18 was removed to the hospital after an acute appendicitis attack. An operation was performed the following day. He had been with WIP, Philadelphia, for eight years prior to joining KYW. He is survived by his widow and mother. Harry H. Bliss HARRY H. BLISS, president of WCLO Radio Corp., operating the station in Janesville, Wis., and publisher of the Ja?2esri7Ze Gazette, died on Sept. 22 following a heart attack. He was 66. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Sidney H. and Robert 2nd, both identified with the newspaper and the station and a daughter, Mrs. Fergus Mead, of Kenilworth, 111. Ashley L. Hawken ASHLEY L. HAWKEN, attorney in the law offices of George 0. Sutton, Washington radio lawyer ended his life Sept. 26 by gas in Washington. His family reported he was apparently despondent over financial affairs. Mr. Hawken was 33 and had joined the Sutton firm in December, 1936. He is survived by his wife, a. son, Ashley, Jr., a brother in Washington, Dr. Stafford Hawken, and his mother. SELF-CARICATURE — Of Benne Alter, announcer of WMT, Waterloo, la., whose cartooning ability has won him the plaudits of such radio notables as the late Will Rogers, W. C. Fields, Harry Von Zell and others whose walls are adorned with sketches he has done of them. BRUCE OGILVIE, announcer of CJRC, Winnipeg, has joined CJRM, Regina-Moose Jaw, with Clair Chambers, of CJRM, replacing him in Winnipeg. George Titus, jiublicity and advertising man, has been transferred to the C.TRC sales staff. He has been replaced by Norman Chamberlin. George Kerr, of the CJRM continuity department, has been transferred to the same department at CJRC. JOHN CHARLES DALY Jr., born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and formerly of WLOE. Boston, has joined the announcing staff of WJSV. Washington. He succeeds Charles Godwin, who resigned recently. BETTY HUDSON, fashion commentator of WJSV, Washington, has returned from an extended business trip to London and Paris. GRACE FULTON, for two years office manager of Radioaids Inc., and more recently with C. P. MacGregor Hollywood transcription concern, has joined Associated Cinema Studios, transcription firm in that city. JACK STILLWELL. who was to join the WLS announcing staff Oct. 1, became the father of a 7% pound bov, Sept. 21. WILLIAM MEREDITH, head of the continuity department at WLS. Chicago, has joined the NBC-Chicago continuity staff. He has been succeeded at WLS by Frank Baker, who had been Meredith's assistant. Baker was formerly with NBC-Chicago and was at one time radio director of the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago. JACK WILLIAMS, formerly with KHBC, Hilo. Hawaii, who has been visiting the United States to study announcing methods, returned in September to Honolulu, where he joined the announcing staff of KGMB. BILL HIPPEE has joined the news staff of the Iowa Network as assistant to Benedict Hardman. editor. HOLLIS WRIGHT, chief announcer of WNBX, Springfield. Vt., has resigned to join the announcing staff of WTAG, Worcester. ROBERT EMMET MacALARNEY, former city editor of the 'New York Post and New York Tribune, and later managing editor of Ladies' Home Journal, has become news commentator of WQXR, New York. LEE C. GRAHAM, former assistant editor of the Chicago Daily Times, has joined the NBC-Chicago press department as assistant to Dan Thompson, in charge of the news desk. Under the new set-up, William Ray succeeds Al Williamson, NBC-Chicago publicity head who recently resigned. Gilbert McLelland, a member of the department for more than three years, will be in charge of exploitation, pictures and special assignments, while Dan Thompson takes over the news desk. PAGE OILMAN, 19, son of Don E. Oilman, vice-president of NBC in charge of the Western Division, was married Sept. 21 at Burlingame, Calif., just five weeks after his father was married again at Santa Rosa, Calif. Young Oilman, who plays the. role of Jack Barbour in One Man's Family, married the former Miss Jean Meredith LaFontaine, high school sweetheart. He has been a dramatic actor on the NBC San Francisco staff since his ninth year and is now a senior at Stanford University. ALLEN FRANKLIN, formerly of WFBR, Baltimore; WABC, New York ; WHB, Kansas City, and KVOO, Tulsa, has joined the announcing staff of WKRC, Cincinnati. Robert Geis, formerly of WHBC, Canton, also has joined the WKRC staff. HIRAM HIGSBY, the Hiram of Hiram d Henry, formerly with WLS, Chicago, and WBT, Charlotte, has joined the program staff of WMPS, Memphis. YOLANDE LANG WORTHY, who authored Arabesque when she was in the program department of CBS, has joined Radio Events Inc., New York, and will devote her full time to the writing of dramatic serials. LAURETTE PETERSON, of the publicity department, WOR, Newark, has resigned to become secretary to Dave Elman, producer of Hobby Lobby, now sponsored bv Hudson Motors on WOR and CBS. Miss Peterson is succeeded in publicity by Rosalie Shutta. JOHN FACENDA, night supervisor of WIP, Philadelphia, was married Sept. 11 to Miss Dorothy Hunger at St. Edmond's Church, Philadelphia. GENE MORGAN, former staff announcer of WIP, Philadelphia, and later a AA^FIL newscaster, has become a staff announcer of WMCA, New York. DAVID ZIMMERMAN, formerly of WSPD, Toledo, has joined the NBCChicago announcing staff. Don Hallman, secretary to Everett Mitchell, senior NBC-Chicago announcer, has been made a junior announcer, with Bob McCoy replacing Hallman as Mitchell's secretary. ROGER AVILSON. in charge of talks for the British Broadcasting Corp. at Manchester, England, was in Chicago Sept. 17 conferring with Judith Waller, NBC-Chicago educational director, and other NBC executives concerning broadcasting methods in this country. ARCH McDonald, sports announcer of WJSV, Washington, has signed a contract for 1938 to broadcast for General Mills, Tydol, Dr. Pepper and Kellogg. ROBERT E. LEE has joined the announcing staff of WHK WCLE, Cleveland. TOM HUDSON, recently with the announcing staff of KXYZ, Houston, has resigned to join the radio staff of Gulf Oil Co. in Dallas, where it is exhibiting at the Greater Texas and Pan American Exposition. RUSSELL HIRSCH, director of programs and publicity of WCOA, Pensacola. and at one time with WRBL, Columbus, Ga.. has resigned to enter Maryville College, near Knoxville, to study music and radio. JANE BARRETT has been named secretary to Manager Bob Roberts, of KYA, San Francisco, succeeding Nan Goforth, who resigned. Van Newkirk Appointed Don Lee Program Head Ea new position as special event.s and program opcasting System, Los Angeles, and appointment of , , . , Van Newkirk to ivir. Ncvkirk the post was announced by Lewis Allen Weiss, general manager of the network, on Sept. 20. Newkirk resigned as program director of KMPC, Beverly Hills, Cal., to take over his new duties. Successor to his former position is Don Austin, formerly special events producer and announcer of KGW, Portland, appointed by Leo Tyson, KMPC general manager. Growth of the West Coast chain, which on Sept. 26 added 13 affiliated stations to its list of 11 outlets, and now stretches from Seattle to San Diego, inspired the move by the Don Lee Broadcasting System as a means of coordinating network programs and developing new broadcasts hinging on special events. Don Lee network is the Mutual Broadcasting System's Pacific Coast outlet. Immediately following his appointment Newkirk, accompanied by Willett Brown, Don Lee network assistant manager, left for the Pacific Northwest on a station check of operations and programs. VINCENT PELLETIER, NBC Chicago announcer, is taking courses in economics and physchology at Northwestern University. Pelletier, who secured his A. B. degree at the University of Minnesota, is working for his master's degree at the Chicago school. JOSEPH WEEKS, veteran announcer who has served at WXYZ, WGN. WJR and WSBT. joined the staff of WEIL, Philadelphia, in latter September. He broke into radio at WFDF in his home town of Flint, Mich. Al Stevens has been selected as WFIL's newscaster. BARNES V. NASH, formerly with WHIS, Bluefield. W. Va., as production man and announcer, has joined WOPI, Bristol, Tenn. BOB FINCH, formerly business manager of the Albany baseball club, has been appointed commercial manager of AVGPC, Albany, Ga. Hubert Bately has been added to the station's announcing staff. BOB MIMMS is now handling the INS news broadcasts at WRBL, Columbus, Ga., and Dick Pyron has the same task at WATL, Atlanta. Both stations are members of the Woodruff Georgia group. JEAN WILEY has succeeded Gladys Niemeyer as secretary to Birt F. Fisher, manager of KOMO-KJR, Seattle. Miss Niemeyer resigned before her marriage recently. VIC HURLEY, young Seattle author, was appoited continuity director of KOMO-KJR, Seattle to succeed Grant Merrill, resigned. Hurley, who joined the staff last June, is the author of three non-fiction books on the Philippines, numerous travel articles and only recently had his first fiction story accepted and published. TERESA AEZER, formerly KFRC, San Francisco, music librarian, has joined KFI-KECA, Los Angeles, in a similar capacity. She succeeds Donald Estep who recently returned to college. Page 40 • October 1, 1937 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising