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HELENA RUBENSTEIN, New York (cosmetics), on Jan. 10 started a campaign on WEBI, Boston, consisting of two quarter-hour programs weekly This 'Way to Beauty, whicli will run for 13 weeks to advertise the opening of her new beauty salon in Boston. The programs are made up of talks giving hints on beauty by Madame Angela, woman commentator. Hartman & Pettingell, New York, placed the account.
HANOVIA CHEMICAL & MFG. Co., Newark (sun lamps), on Jan. 7 renewed its 10-minute Saturday program Sunshine in Your Home on KYW, Philadelphia. The program, consisting of live announcements and NBC Thesaurus music, was tested throughout December and will be continued during February and March. Scheck Adv. Agency, Newark, handles the account.
CALIFORNIA Food Products, Oakland (Calo pet food) recently contracted with KSFO, San Francisco, for release of three evening news broadcasts weekly with Bob Garred as newscaster, placed through Emil Brisacher & Staff, San Francisco.
WINTER & Co., New York, makers of Musette pianos, is sponsoring a series of broadcasts featuring Louise Wilcher playing a Musette on WOR, Newark, and WGN, Chicago. The programs are heard Tuesdays, 5 :456 p. m. Account is handled by Samuel C. Croot Co., New York.
NASSOUR BROS., Los Angeles (cosmetics), which has appointed Hugo j Scheibner Inc., that city, to direct advertising and to promote 42 Bucaj lyptus Oil Shampoo, is planning a ( spot announcement campaign, using 11 major Pacific Coast stations. Starting date has not been revealed. A conI test will be conducted along with the I spot campaign. Edwin D. Klein is the I agency account executive.
IhEALTHAIDS Inc., Jersey City (Serutan), has increased its advertis
|ing budget 50% for 1939, M. B. Rosenhaus, president, has announced. Detroit, Cleveland and Los Angeles markets are being opened, and extensive newspaper advertising will supplement radio in New York, New England, Philadelphia, Chicago and other established markets. Austin & Spector Co.,
1 New York, handles the account.
I LIGGETT DRUG Co., New York, has j begun sponsorship of three quarterhours of the Morning Almanac, Phil I Cook's daily program on WABC, New J York, each week, broadcasting Moniday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30-7:45 a. m. Neff-Rogow, New York, is the agency.
EVANS FUR Co., Chicago, has enlarged its schedule of quarter-hour series featuring Dr. Preston Bradley, religious commentator, to thrice weekly. Auspitz & Lee, Chicago, is agency.
General Mills Agencies
DONALD D. DAVIS, president of General Mills, Minneapolis, in recent letter to media carrying General Mills advertising schedules clarified agency alignments for the firm's products. Effective June 1, 1939, he said, Blackett-SampleHummert will have sole agency responsibility for advertising Gold Medal "Kitchen Tested" flour, Koi-n Kix and Softasilk Cake Flour, while Knox Reeves Advertising solely will handle Wheaties and Bisquick.
CHIP STEAKS Co. of California, Los Angeles (frozen meat products), out of radio for some months, thru Glasser Adv. Agency, that city, on Jan. 9 started using daily spot announcements on KFVD and in February will expand activity to include other Southern California stations. An extensive West Coast campaign is contemplated for late winter.
LEVER BROS., for Lux and Lux Toilet Soap, started Jan. 6 a halfhour weekly French language studio show over a network of Quebec stations. J. Walter Thompson & Co. handled the account.
COCA COLA Bottling Works, Cincinnati, has renewed its Civic Cliib of the Air, twice-weekly five-minute program of church and fraternal news, for 52 weeks on WCKY, Cincinnati, making the tenth consecutive year for the feature on WCKY.
PHILIP MORRIS & Co.. New York (Paul Jones cigarettes), has renewed for six months its sponsorship of John B. Hughes' news program twice weekly on KFRC, San Francisco ; KDON, Monterey ; KQW. San Jose ; and KIEM, Eureka, Cal. Blow Co., New York, placed the account.
BINKLEY COAL Co., Kansas City, is sponsoring the broadcast by transcription of Kansas U basketball games on WREN, Lawrence. Due to prior commercial commitments, the games, starting at 7 :30 p. m., are transcribed and broadcast later.
MULVENEY'S REMEDIES, Toronto, which has been using small stations for its patent medicine products, has started a test on larger stations, by using CFRB, Toronto, exclusively to push one of its products, and will expand if the program is successful. Tandy Advertising Agency, Toronto, placed the account.
LEE MACK MARSHALL on Jan 1 became advertising manager of the Continental Baking Co., New York, (Wonder Bread and Hostess Cakes) replacing Cedric Seaman, now director of sales and advertising.
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Radio's greatest serial, available for national sponsor!
The sensational, madly scheming Dr. Fu Manchu — in a thrilling serial, crammed with drama, romance, intrigue and destined for radio history during 1939. A fifteen minute program dramatized three mes weekly. Wire for full details!
WESTERN CANADA Flour Mills, Toronto, (Purity Flour) starts on Jan. 16 a weekly live talent program and contest in western Canada on CJOR, Vancouver; CHWK, Chilliwack, B. C. ; CFJC, Kamloops, B. C. ; CKOV, Kolowna, B. C. ; CFPR, Prince Rupert, B. C. ; CJOC, Lcthbridgo, Alta. ; CP^AC, Calgary; CJCA, Edmonton ; CFGP, Grande Prairie, Alta.; CKBI, Prince Albert, Sask. ; CFQC, Saskatoon, Sask.; CKCK, Regina ; CJGX, Yorkton, Sask. ; CFAR, Flin Flon, Man. ; CKX, Brandon, Man. ; CJRC, Winnipeg ; and CKPR, Fort William, Ont. Account was placed by A. McKim Ltd., Toronto.
GAMBARELLI & DAVITTO, New York (wines), on Jan. 6 renewed its Moonheams program for 26 weeks on WOR, Newark, WAAB, Boston, and WOL, Washington. The program under the direction of George Shackley, conductor, has been shifted back to the late evening spot, 11 :15-11 :45 p. m., which made it famous for six consecutive years from 1929 to 1935 before it left the air to return last fall at an earlier hour. De Biasi Adv. Agency, New York, handles the account.
CLE'S CHILI PRODUCTS Co., Chicago, on Jan. 4 started a weekly quarter-hour series in Swedish dialect, O/e's Phoolosophy, on WIND, Gary. Agency : Dasho-Rogers, Chicago.
WILLIAM R. WARNER & Co., Toronto (Sloan's Liniment) has started five weekly transcribed spot announcements on CFCY, Charlottetown, P. E. L; CJCB, Sydney, N. S. ; CFNB, Fredericton, N. B. ; CKCW, Moncton, N. B. ; CJKL. Kirkland Lake, Ont. ; CJIC, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. ; CKGB, Timmins, Ont. ; CKBI, Prince Albert, Sask. ; CFGP, Grande Prairie, Alberta; CFJC, Kamloops, B. C. ; CKOV, Kelowna, B. C. ; and CJAT, Trail. B. C. James Fisher Co., Toronto, placed the account.
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Wouldn't you like to have proof of profit when you buy a radio show? Every MacGregor client gets "90 days to prove it pays" . . . and you may choose from the full library of the world's largest producers of dramatic shows.
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We have a mania at WWVA for smashing records! Eyes are continually glued on those monsters — "last year's figures", with but one ambitious vengeance in mind — BREAK 'EM!
1937 was the all-star year for that famous WWVA Jamboree, with 106,123 turning the stile, which meant a terrific job of "breaking" for 1938. But after the final shot was fired and the smoke cleared away Saturday, December 31, we did it with a "paid" for
1938 of 107,061.
That, we can assure you, was a job of jobs for a year that columnists tell us was not so hot. Up, Up, Up, Up, Up and UP for six interesting years, have gone our Saturday night Jamboree attendance records ; all of which speaks volumes for the listener loyalty enjoyed by "The Friendly Voice From Out of the Hills of West Virginia".
Yes, and we broke our all-time annual mail record during 1938, with 295,180 letters!
Do you have a sales record to break? Let's take a look at it!
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BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising
January 15, 1939 • Page 53