Broadcasting (Jan - June 1940)

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WILLIAM E. BETTS, for three years Hollywood manager of RuthraufE & Ryan, has been transferred to Detroit as executive on the Dodge Bros. Corp. (autos) account. Charles Perrine, who managed the agency's San Francisco office, has been transferred to Hollywood, taking over the p> ot formerly held by Betts. Frederick W. Duerr has been made manager of the San Francisco division. IVAN HILL, for several years account executive of Don Lee Broadcasting System, Los Angeles, has joined Russell M. Seeds Co., Chicago. TED NBALE has joined the Mayer Co., Los Angeles, as account executive. HAL COTTON, formerly of United Press in Omaha and Denver, has joined Glasser Adv. Agency, Los Angeles, as production manager. BUCHANAN & Co., recently moved its Los Angeles oifices to 427 W. Fifth St. The radio division, headed by Jack Runyon, continues at 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. SCHWAB & BEATTT, New York agency, is moving May 1 from 386 Fourth Ave. to larger oflBces in the new U. S. Rubber Bldg., 1230 Sixth Ave., in Rockefeller Center. New telephone wUl be Circle 5-9090. LEONARD M. LEONARD, continuity editor of WOR, Newark, on May 1 resigned to join Austin & Speetor, New York, to supervise all radio continuity and production. Mr. Leonard previously was editor of Current History and education editor of the New York Post. ALVIN GARDNER Co. has moved its offices in New York from 527 Fifth Ave. to 347 Madison Ave. New telephone is Murray Hill 6-7640. DOROTHY BARSTOW, New York radio director of McCann-Erickson, was in Hollywood during late April to confer with Joan Cannon, producer of the Chesebrough CBS Dr. Christian program on summer plans. COWAN & DENGLER, New York advertising agency, on April 25 moved from the RCA Bldg. to new offices in the Bankers Trust Co. Bldg. at 527 Fifth Avenue ; phone, Murray Hill 2-0940. STATION PARTNER WANTED With $20,000 for proposed local in one of the rare big towns without local competition. Box AA4, Broadcasting. Agency Man Available For Radio Consultation Now an account executive, I used to be time buyer for one of the largest agencies. I now have spare time to consult with a station whose presentations need a fresh viewpoint — ^the advertiser's viewpoint. Outline your problem (confidentially — I'm very discreet) and I'll tell you frankly whether I can help. Ethics may bar certain problems. Reasonable fees for rich experience. Box 789, Broadcasting. Runyon Texaco Director As Gardner Quits Post WITH Ed Gardner having resigned as Hollywood producer of the West Coast section of the weekly onehour CBS Texaco Star Theatre, sponsored by Texas Co., New York (gasoline), Jack Runyon, radio director of Buchanan & Co., agency servicing the account, on April 15 took over the assignment for remaining 11 weeks of the current season. Tony Stanford continues as New York agency producer of the dramatic half of the weekly program. Runyon is one of the Pacific Coast's veteran producers, having been with Lord & Thomas for 13 years before switching to Buchanan & Co. last year to become the agency's radio director. Gardner produced the series 31 weeks. It is understood he will forego producing to devote his time to comedy acting, reviving his Archie character. Sam Perrin, wellknown Hollywood radio writer, has been added to the Texaco show as head of the scripting staff. Writers include Keith Fowler, Abram Burrows, Frank Galen, Royal Foster, Bob Ross and Leo Townsend. T. S. Buchanan, New York president of the agency, was in Hollywood during mid-April. WARREN E. KRAFT, of Erwin, Wasey & Co., recently was elected chairman of the Washington State chapter of the American Assn. of Advertising Agencies. Other newly elected officers include N. W. Mogge, of J. Walter Thompson Co., vice-chairman ; George Weber, of MacWilkins & Cole, secretary-treasurer; W. H. Horsley, Mrs. Elva V. Tomowski, C. P. Constantine and W. T. Prosser, governors. SAM BARTLETT, who previously has operated his own radio producing unit, has joined McJunkin Advertising Co., Chicago, as manager of the agency's radio department. HARRIE K. RICHARDSON, formerly of H. W. Kastor & Sons and Presba, Fellers & Presba, has joined the radio department of Needham, Louis & Brorby, Chicago. CAMPBELL-EWALD Co. of New York, on April 22 moved its New York offices from 1790 Broadway to the sixth and seventh floors of the new U. S. Rubber Co. Bldg. in Rockefeller Center. Telephone continues Circle 7-6383. TOM LEWIS. Hollywood producer of the recent CBS Screen Guild Theatre, sponsored by Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh, and his assistant. Bob Lee, have returned to New York. METROPOLITAN ADV. Co., has moved its West Coast offices to 355 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Arthur F. Nelson continues as manager. NORMA GIBB, media executive at J. Walter Thompson Co., Toronto, is on an extended business trip in western Canada. KENNETH HANSEN, of Young & Rubicam, Hollywood production staff and Leslie Congden, New York actress, were married April 15. RAYMOND LEVY ORGANIZATION, New York, on April 22 moved its offices to 400 Madison Ave. New phone number is Eldorado 5-6312. FRANKLIN W. DYSON, formerly advertising manager of A. Beshar Co., New York (rugs), has been named regional promotion supervisor of the Beneficial Management Corp., Newark, to direct advertising and promotion of the eastern division of the Personal Finance Companies, managed by Beneficial and large users of radio advertising. HOWARD H. WILSON Co. has been appointed national representative of WAGA, Atlanta; WHBF, Rock Island, 111., and WPIC, Sharon, Pa. KENT GODFREY, formerly with the Hearst papers in New York, Simplicity Magazine and most recently sales manager of Forjoe & Co., has joined the New York staff of Furgason & Walker Inc., station representatives. HARRY KRAFT, new to radio, has been appointed San Francisco manager of Homer Owen Griffith, station representative. Gordon Heater, formerly writer-producer of K G E R , Long Beach, Cal., has joined the Hollywood staff of Homer Owen Griffith as sales executive. Firm has been appointed to represent KLO, Ogden, Utah, and KLAH, Carlsbad, N. M. KMPC, Beverly Hills, Cal., has opened its own representation offices in New York at 101 Park Ave. with Roger E. Vernon as manager. He was with CBS for more than a year when the network first formed Radio Sales and since has been associated with various advertising enterprises. A. K. Bucholtz heads the Chicago office of KMPC at 360 N. Michigan Ave. WTBO, Cumberland, Md.. has appointed Burn-Smith Co., New York, as its national representative, effective April 20. CKNX, Wingham, Ont., has named James L. Alexander as its Toronto representative, with Joseph Hershey McGillvra continuing as representative in the United States. THOMAS M. RAY Jr., formerly with Chevrolet Motor Co^ recently joined the Katz Agency in San Francisco. WHLS, Port Huron, Mich., has appointed Radio Centre Ltd., Toronto, as Canadian representative, according to S. Grow, president of Radio Centre. Port Huron is opposite Sarnia, Ont., and WHLS is the only station in that area. BBDO San Francisco Office BBDO about May 1 will open a San Francisco office at 2810 Russ Bldg. under the management of R. L. Hurst, who was formerly manager of BBDO's Chicago office and has been with various agencies for the last few years. Charles McDougall, formerly of McDougall & Weiss, Chicago, will assist Mr. Hurst in handling advertising for the MJB Coffee Co., the new office's main account. Both the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices will be under the supervision of Jack Cornelius, BBDO vice-president in the Minneapolis office, who is in charge of all the agency's western offices, including Chicago. South Carolinians ONLY Regional CBS Station Charleston, S. C. 1000 w^atts Free &. Peters, Representatives Bert Cairns Is Appointed Radio Director McKim's BERT CAIRNS, sales executive at All-Canada Radio Facilities, Toronto office, has been appointed radio director of A. McKim Ltd., advertising agency, with headquarters at Toronto, effective May 1. He succeeds Don Henshaw v^ho resigned March 31 [Broadcasting April 15]. Still in his early thirties, Cairns came to Toronto from Mr. Cairns Western Canada three years ago when All-Canada moved eastward. His radio career started in 1929 while at the University of Alberta, where he did sports announcing and programming at the university's station CKUA. On graduation he joined the former CFTP, Edmonton, and then went to CJCA, Edmonton, where he was production manager when transferred to Toronto as the owners of CJCA branched out into Eastern Canada as western station representatives. He is succeeded at All-Canada by Ed. G. Chown, sales manager of CJCA, Edmonton. CHICAGO AGENCIES PLAN BULL SESSION FIRST of a series of regular semimonthly luncheon meetings planned by Chicago agency men dealing in radio was held April 18, at which more than a score of Chicago agency radio executives became charter members of the infoi*mal organization. The second "bull session" luncheon was scheduled for May 1, with Frank Faulkner, CBS technical director in Chicago, speaking on FM. The meetings are modeled after those started several months ago by New York radio advertising men. Meeting the first and third Wednesdays of every month, it is planned to have guest speakers and to limit actual membership to radio agency representatives, although members may bring guests. Appointed to a three-man board to preside at the meetings were Harlow Roberts, of Blackett-Sample-Hummert, Herb Hulebus, of Stack-Goble, and George Duram, of H. W. Kastor & Sons. Among the group lined up for membership at the first meeting were : Ed Benedict and Victor Lowry, McCannErickson; Al Englehardt, U. S. Adv. Co.; Gordon Cook and Chas. Hotchkiss, Sherman K. Ellis & Co.; N. J. Cavanagh, Roche, Williams & Cunnyngham; Buck Gunn and Margaret Wiley, J. Walter Thompson Co.; Mr. Roberts, Gene Fromherz and Jack Laemmar, BlackettSample-Hummert; Mr. Duram and Hank Hudson, H. W. Kastor & Sons; B. C. Herrick, N. W. Ayer & Son; Mr. Hulesbus; Henry Klein and Agnes Hunter, BBDO; Roy Kirtland, McJunkin Adv. Co.; Lou Nelson, Wade Adv. Co.; Jack North, Aubrey, Moore & Wallace; Ross Metzger, Ruthrauff & Ryan; R. J. Scott, Schwimmer & Scott; Henry Selinger, Sherman & Marquette; Holly Shively, Lord & Thomas; Evelyn Stark, Hays MacFarland; Frank Steel, Frank Steel Co.; H. Vogel, Beaumont & Hohman; Nate Pumpian and Myrtle Wright, Henri, Hurst & McDonald; Tom Wallace, Russell M. Seeds Co. Page 60 • May 1, 1940 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising