Broadcasting (Jan - June 1943)

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How one radio station dominates its market WSPA —the Piedmont's station in Spartanburg, S. C— is ostensibly "ringed in" by outside stations, two of them 50 kw. But people listen to programs in the prosperous Piedmont — to WSPA programs, tailored for our people, balanced by a solid CBS structure. We knew what kind of job WSPA is doing up and down the Piedmont Plateau; we wanted to prove the kind of job we're doing in Spartanburg. Hooper found out. This Fall, they made 5,872 coincidental calls. Here's what they found : 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON 12:00 NOON to 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. WSPA 59.8% WSPA 59.0% WSPA 63.8% All outside stations combined 27.6% All outside stations combined 22.1% All outside stations combined 16.4% More listening to WSPA than to all outside stations combined — more on a day-and-night average by over 300% ! In the half-millivolt area of WSPA alone— exclusive of the Army Camps— are 73,670 radio homes. Retail sales exceed $100,000,000. It's a big target we aimed at. Thanks for helping us hit the bulls-eye. WSPA South Carolina's FIRST station • Spartanburg, S. C. 5000 WATTS DAY • 1000 WATTS NIGHT • 950 KC • REPRESENTED BY HOLLINGBERY