Broadcasting (Jan - June 1943)

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Commerce Groups Personnel Named Senate Committee Definite ; House Approval Likely VIRTUAL completion of the organization of the two Congressional committees identified with radio legislation was effected last week, with the Senate committee appointments definite and those of the House, subject to floor approval, regarded as virtually automatic. Holdover Democratic members of the House Interstate & Foreign Commerce Committee are: Lea, Cal., chairman; Crosser, Ohio; Bulwinkle, N. C; Chapman, Ky. ; Boren, Okla., Kennedy, N. Y.; and O'Toole, N. Y. Already selected by the Democratic caucus for the committee, subject to House approval, are Beckworth, Tex.; D'Alesandro, Md.; Myers, Pa.; Priest, Tenn.; Harris, Ark.; Sadowski, Mich.; Harless, Ariz. Wheeler Heads Senate ICC Holdover Republican members of the House committee are Wolverton, N. J.; Holmes, Mass.; Reece, Tenn.; Wadsworth, N. Y.; Halleck, Ind. ; Hinshaw, Cal. ; Brown, Ohio ; Howell, 111. Already named by the Republican conference for the committee, subject to House approval, are Tibbott, Pa. ; Hall, N. Y. ; Winter, Kan.; and O'Hara, Minn. Membership of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, approved Jan. 14 by the Senate, includes the following Democrats: Wheeler, Mont., chairman; Smith, S. C; Wagner, N. Y. ; Barkley, Ky. ; Bone, Wash.; Truman, Mo.; Johnson, Colo.; Hill, Ala.; Stewart, Tenn.; Clark, Idaho; Tunnell, Del.; McFarland, Ariz. Republicans are White, Maine; Austin, Vt.; Shipstead, Minn.; Tobey, N. H.; Reed, Kan.; Gurney, S. D.; Brooks, 111.; Hawkes, N. J.; Moore, Okla. Goodwin to Test Spots In East for Skin Cream N. C. GOODWIN LABS., New York, which has been testing in various eastern markets since September of last year for a skin ointment, Tobene, moves into the New York market for another test Jan. 25, with a 13-week contract for spot announcements on WHN. While testing markets, including WICC, Bridgeport; WAAT, Newark; and WAGE, Syracuse, Goodwin has been using both live announcements and transcriptions, latter titled Tobene Telephone Dramas, in an attempt to compare effectiveness of the two types of commercials. To date the live spots have brought the best results. Firm continues on WAGE in addition to starting on WHN and plans to carry on its tests in both radio and newspapers. Product is new to the general market, but has been used in clinical tests in hospitals for several years. Ray-Hirsch Co., New York, handles the account. HOW DEPARTMENT X OPERATES CBS Unit Paves Way for Handling of Problems Likely to Arise in Post-War Era IN A STATEMENT written for Broadcasting's yearend symposium on "What's Ahead for Radio?" [Broadcasting, Dec. 28], CBS President William S. Paley first revealed the existence of the network's "Department X," which, he stated, "devotes all its time to studying the war aims, post-war planning, the probable nature of the problems that we shall have to solve. Department X has already given us enough challenging data to make us definitely forwardlooking." Headed by Bryson Asking CBS for more detailed information about Department X, Broadcasting learned that it is really a part — what might be termed the post-war division — of the program department; that it is headed by Lyman Bryson, CBS director of education and chairman of the network's adult education board, currently on leave of absence from his position as professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia U; that it was started more than a year ago, on Dec. 1, 1941, six days before Pearl Harbor. "We realized then," Mr. Bryson explained, "that whether or not the United States was drawn into war, it would inevitably have to take part in the tremendous rehabilitation program which would follow World War II. The vital role which radio will play in world-wide reconstruction was apparent even then, since, for the first time in the history of wars and peace treaties, such a means of mass communication has been available." Undertaking what CBS believes to be one of the most complete surveys of post-war planning in the country, the staff of Department X has already made 400 digests from important books, pamphlets and articles, representing the opinions of more than 1,000 writers, and is now cross-indexing this mass of material. The group has also prepared five elaborate charts of postwar issues which it has placed at the disposal of public officials, experts on foreign affairs and other post-war planners. The CBS post-war division is also studying the work of more than 300 organizations, representing all facets of political and economic thinking, who are active in this field. Its agenda for further study includes such diverse topics as the establishment of an international or regional federation, the necessity for an international police force, a World Court, an international system of production and distribution of goods and services, reemployment of war veterans, economic counsels, labor control, the place of small nations in the postwar world set-up, the youth problem, compulsory education, prevention of inflation or deflation, hous ing for demobolized service men and war workers, and many more. Plans for Department X have developed largely at the weekly conferences held by Mr. Bryson with other CBS executives, writers and producers, including Edmund A. Chester, director of the shortwave department; Norman Corwin, writer-producer-director; Robert J. Landry, director of program writing; Leon Levine, assistant director of education; William E. Forbes, executive assistant; Davidson Taylor, assistant director of broadcasts; Robert L. Shayon and William Robson, producers. Department X research staff comprises Mildred Adams, writer on international politics; Sylvia Stone, economist; Rudolph Felsch, bibliographer; Mrs. Ruth Friedlich, science research worker; Mrs. Ann Spinney and Helen Kandel, general research workers. WAR CANCELS OHIO ENGINEERING MEET ANNUAL Ohio State Broadcast Engineering Conference, usually held in February, has been cancelled this year due to the war. Dr. W. L. Everitt, director and originator of the Conference, is on leave from Ohio State to the Signal Corps. Lynne C. Smeby, former Director of Engineering for the NAB, who cooperated with Dr. Everitt in handling the sessions, is now with Dr. Everitt in the Signal Corps. It is probable that there will not be another conference until after the war. According to the Ohio State announcement, the conference will be resumed as soon as conditions permit. CONFIDENCE IN BASEBALL for this year was shown when France Laux (seated), sports announcer of KMOX, St. Louis, was signed by Hyde Park Breweries for the play-by-play account on KXOK, St. Louis, of American and National League games played in that city, beginning April 21. Celebrating Laux's return to the mike are (1 to r) Gene Gordon, Hyde Park advertising manager, and Elton (Bud) Hascall, account supervisor, Chicago office of Young & Rubicam, agency handling the account. Laux was loaned to KXOK by KMOX. WILLIAM B. RYAN HEADS KFI-KECA WILLIAM B. RYAN, general manager of KGO, San Francisco, has been appointed general manager of KFI-KECA, Los Angeles, effective Feb. 15, Earle C. Anthony, head of the Los Angeles stations, announced. Mr. Ryan succeeds the late Harrison H o 1 1 i w a y, who died last Sept. 23. For the past several months, stations have been Mr. Ryan operating under a three-man board, set up under direction of Mr. Anthony. Well known in Pacific Coast ra-j dio and advertising, Mr. Ryan became manager of KGO after serving four years as sales manager of NBC, San Francisco. Previously he was with Foster & Kleiser Co., outdoor advertising firm. Mr. Ryan was one of the first executives named to the BLUE network Co. when it was organized in February, 1942. He will continue his San Francisco activities until appointment of a successor, Mr. Anthony said. Richardson on Flight EXCLUSIVE story of the British bombing of Berlin on the night of Jan. 16 was related by Stanley P. Richardson, manager of the NBC. London office, in! two NBC broadcasts. The following night, Sunday, Mr. Richardson was heard on NBC 11:01-11:05 p. m.. reciting his eyewi t n e s s account of the flight. He was the „. , , only American Mr. Richardson broadcaster to witness the bombing. He re-told the story Jan. 18 on the MBC Alka-Seltzer News of the World, 7:15-7:30 p. m. Before going to London last autumn, Mr. Richardson was assistant to J. Harold Rvan. assistant director of censorship for radio, in charge of shortwave activities. Furniture Discs CHARLES MICHELSON, New York, radio transcription firm, has b«en appointed to handle sales of My Prayer Was Answered, procram now sponsored on 65 stations bv as many furniture stores belong ins to the Retail Furniture Assn., Baltimore. Series started in September on a weekly basis for a 39 week period. Other members of the furniture croup may assume sponsorship of the program shortly. Two Join F & P DAVID G. JONES and Jones Scovern have joined the New York sales staff of Free & Peters, sta tion representatives. Mr. Jones was formerly business manager of WLAW, Lawrence, Mass.. and account executive of N. W. Ayer Son, Philadelphia, while Mr. Scovern is a former member of the sales staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and recently at the affiliated station, KSD, St. Louis. Page 14 • January 25, 1943 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising I]