Broadcasting (July - Dec 1943)

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How an idea and a pair of sci£r *f becaffi; a network CciVi program in 6 weeks Once in a blue moon a new radio idea is born. Such is KPO's "News in Advertising." In today's advertising is exciting news— glimpses into the streamlined world of tomorrow — trips behind the scenes in our busy war production plants. Expert KPO newsmen blend current advertising stories into a fast moving, entertaining program—a new kind of newscast — News in Advertising. News in Advertising was broadcast first as a local KPO show. It clicked instantly. Now listeners to 16 NBC stations in the west learn how Bell Telephone Company equipment is used by tough marines for the "Guadalcanal Tel and Tel"; how the Monsanto Chemical Company helps army cooks bake tastier cakes. Learn, too, about synthetic rubber and new faster planes; about new guns and machines and unbelievable new inventions — things we'll all want to have when the war is won. News in Advertising is typical of the original thinking that makes — and keeps — KPO dominant in Northern California. Get the facts... and you'll be on REPRESENTED BY NBC SPOT SALES New York • Chicago • San Francisco • Boston • Cleveland • Denver • Washington • Hollywood NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY • RADIO CITY • SAN FRANCISCO ASCAP AGREEMENT NEAR SETTLEMENT ASCAP's plan to extend its membership agreements for an additional 15 years from the present expiration date of Dec. 31, 1950, or until the end of 1965 [Broadcasting, July 26], is practically settled, according to an ASCAP spokesman who said last week that favorable responses had been flooding in and there was no doubt that the weekend mail would pass the required 80% mark. Percentage figure is based on royalties, it was explained, and not on a pure percentage of total membership in either the writer or publisher division. More than 60 publishers and well over 700 writers have approved the extension of their contracts with ASCAP, with practically no opposition. Plan insures continuance of the Society's present arrangement of dividing its royalties equally between writer and publisher contingents through 1965 and avoids the danger of a break between the two factions which, some members feared, might follow a decision in the BMI-Marks suit scheduled to come to trial this fall. This suit asks the court to determine whether the performance rights to musical composition are vested in the composers or the publishers, a question arising when Edward B. Marks Music Corp. began licensing its music through BMI while the composers of certain compositions in the Marks catalog retained their membership in ASCAP. Toothpaste Firm Cited Of False Claims by FCC FORHAN'S TOOTHPASTE, Zonite Products Corp., New York, has been cited by the Federal Trade Commission as misrepresented in radio and other advertising. The FTC complaint against Zonite also names Erwin, Wasey & Co., New York, adv. agency which has prepared and distributed advertising matter for Forhan's. The Commission alleges that use of Forhan's toothpaste will not afford protection against gingivitis and is of no value in its treatment; that the toothpaste will not necessarily produce whiteness or lustre of teeth; and that no substantial body of dental opinion holds that the dentifrice will protect the teeth against acids or acid films and that no substantial number of dentists has recommended Forhan's, all claims made in advertising the dentifrice, FTC alleges. From Mike to Movies DENNIS DAY, vocalist on the weekly NBC Jack Benny Show, has been signed to a seven-year film contract by MGM. He will have a major role in the musical, "Ziegfeld Follies", which will also include Jimmy Durante. Eddie (Rochester) Anderson, colored comedian on the Benny show, has also been signed by MGM. Donald Wickson, baritone on the CBS Blue Ribbon Town, will have a singing role in the musical film "Up in Arms," to be produced by Samuel Goldwyn Inc. August 30, 1943 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising