Broadcasting (Oct - Dec 1945)

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PRODUCTIOnj-Jf WMAM Marinette • Wisconsin Geographic ground conditions make WMAM the BEST LISTENED TO station in a great market. Achieve ment results from a combination that "clicks." Here's ours — WMAM— 570 ON THE DIAL— NBC! That middle link is im portant, for 570 on the dial is a time buyer's dream. It means virtual 5000 watt coverage at 250 watt rates. You can't cover Upper Michigan or Northeastern Wisconsin with any other one station. Get a whale of a lot for yeur money and buy the "little station with the big wallop." Write for details and Hooper survey. the Little station with a big Wallop WMAM blankets Northeastern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Secondary coverage includes Western Lower Michigan directly across the Lake. BRANCH STUDIOS IN STURGEON BAY, WIS. • IRON MT., MICH JOSEPH MACKIN, MANAGER Representatives: Howard A. Wilson Co. • Chicago • New York* San Francisco • Hollywood 1925 'THE BEGINNING OF RADIO IN CHATTANOOGA best job 5,000 WATTS ■ DAY AND NIGHT n. M Chattanooga PAUL H. RAYMER CO. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE First in Chattanooga FRANK ESCHEN, program director and sports and special events announcer with KSD St. Louis before entering AAF two years ago, has returned to the station. RICHARD JAMES DUTSON also returns to station after four years in RCAF as pilot. He is dramatic writer and producer. RUTH NADEL is new continuity writer and director of women's programs for WWVA Wheeling, W. Va. She is graduate of NBC-Northwestern U. Summer Radio Institute. ROBERT SANTO has returned to WWVA announcing staff following recovery from serious accident suffered in August of this year. ROSS E. GORDON is new announcer with WWL New Orleans. He is former chief announcer of WDBC Escanaba, Mich. TED LEE is new announcer with WOWO Fort Wayne, Ind., shifting from WISH Indianapolis. SHIRLEY WAYNE has returned to WOWO as script writer. DICK HAZEL, released from AAF as major, has returned to CBS Hollywood as contact producer. LT. JAMES MURPHY of AAF has resumed post as network sound effects engineer in Hollywood. DICK GILBERT, WHN New York discjockey, resigns from the station after four years association effective Feb. 1. ALBERT J. HOFFMAN, released from AAF after five years service, rejoined WOR New York last week as assistant to NAT ABRAHAMSON, manager of WOR entertainment department. BENNETT LOWERY, CBS employment manager, is father of a girl. BILL BLIVEN of the CBS construction and building operations' drafting room has recovered from a two-months' illness with pneumonia. ROBERTO UNANUE, CBS assistant director of shortwave broadcasts, has recovered from a major surgical operation at Doctor's Hospital. PATRICK CAMPBELL, station relations director of Don Lee Broadcasting System, Hollywood, has temporarily taken over additional duties as program manager. WALTER JOHNSON resigned post to become radio director of A. & S. Lyons Inc., Beverly Hills, Cal., talent service. EDWIN BUCKALEW, CBS western division stations relations field manager, is on two-week tour of western affiliates. ART BALINGER, with release from armed forces, has rejoined NBC "Sealtest Village Store Show" as announcer. BART YARBOROUGH, who Dortrays Clifford in NBC "One Man's Family", has been signed for role in Columbia Pictures short feature film with BARBARA JO ALLEN (Vera Vague). ROBERT HIESTAND, released from U. S. Navy, has rejoined KFI Los Angeles as production manager. DAVE ELTON, Hollywood producer of Young & Rubicam. has shifted to New York for eight weeks or more with NBC "Time to Smile" program. BILL REID, for two years with CKWX Vancouver, has joined the announcing staff of CKEY Toronto. BRUCE STARR, former announcer of WGES Chicago, has joined KGFJ Los Angeles. DICK JOY, Hollywood announcer shifts to New York for five months for assignment on CBS "Danny Kaye Show". GEORGE R. SANDERS, announcer, has been promoted to program director of KWKW Pasadena, Cal. He succeeds MARSHALL FARNUM who resigned to freelance as announcer. LOUIS JACOBSON, who formerly produced programs in Chicago for J. Walter Thompson Co., has joined the production department of American in New York. EDDIE CANTOR has been named chairman of the 1946 March of Dimes of the Air for the ninth consecutive year. RED SKELTON returns to the air Dec. 4 after absence of two years as replacement for HILDEGARDE under sponsorship of Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. (Raleigh cigarettes) on NBC, Tues day 10:30-11 p.m. Hildegarde moves Dec. 5 to SIGMUND ROMBERG spot on NBC, Wednesday 8:30-9 p.m. Agency is Russel M. Seeds Co., Chicago. FRED JORGENSEN, released from Mer chant Marine, has returned to KPO San Francisco as announcer. CIRCUS interview features tour of show with Duena Zacchini, Polack Bros. Circus airialist, for Monette Shaw (1) and Martha McNeel (r) of "Texas Today" program sponsored oh WOAI San Antonio by Joske's of Texas, dept. store. KAY WESTFALL, chosen radio queen of Chicago by the press at Actors Club of Chicago, was crowned Nov. 10 at annual Antics Party of American Federation of Radio Artists at the Stevens Hotel. Miss Westfall is heard on "Judy and Jane", "Bachelor's Children" and other dramatic shows originating in Chicago. WILLIAM S. KEIGHLEY, Hollywood producer-director recently discharged from AAF, has been appointed regular producer of Lever Bros. "Lux Radio Theater" on CBS. Agency Is J. Walter Thompson Co., New York. ALEC PETRY, on leave of absence for three years while serving in AAF Weather Squadron in Arizona, has rejoined NBC Hollywood as music library manager. LOUISE YANDALA has been shifted to studio assignments desk replacing MARJORIE MOLINE who resigned to become junior partner In dress stylist firm. RALPH D. HERBERT, former special events and public services director of KIDO Boise, Ida., has joined KSFO San Francisco program department. He previously was associated with various Seattle stations and agencies. GEORGE CREAMER, producer-director for NBC, has resigned to freelance. NORMAN CORWIN, CBS author, producer and director, has been awarded a citation by the Assn. of Teachers of Social Studies of New York in recognition of his "distinguished contribution to the use of radio as a medium of teaching the social studies." Citation was presented at the annual meeting of the association at City College, New York. ROBERT B. CALLAHAN, released from the Infantry as T/4, has returned to WINX Washington production staff. He was with station prior to his 19 months service overseas, and before that was with NBC Washington for four years. EDDIE EDWARDS, for 13 years producer, actor and sound effects technician for KMBC Kansas City, has returned to the station following absence of three years in Maritime Service. GORDON SHAW, just released from the Maritime Service where he was a purser pharmacist's mate, last Monday was named production man at WMAL Washington. He was formerly with WLOK Lima, O., WCOL Columbus, O.. WLW Cincinnati and WWJ and WJR Detroit as announcer, newscaster and producer. T/5 BILL BOBBINS, former announcer at WCKY Cincinnati, is now In Japan as part of two-man team operating {Continued on page 72) Page 70 • November 12, 1945 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising