Broadcasting (Oct - Dec 1945)

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SponsoRS ^ WRNL Sells Merchandise NIGHT & DAY 910 KC 0% 850 cu (/cm HtufoVM 5000 WATTS DAY AND NIGHT Mr. Bohan I1'n55iONALLYREPRE^ J. YOUNG, JR., INC. Page 74 • November 12, 1945 42 PRODUCTS Ltd., Los Angles (hair oil, shampoo), in a 26-week concentrated campaign on Dec. 1 starts using an estimated total of 372 transcribed announcements weekly on 57 western stations. List includes KECA KFI KNX KHJ KFWB KGB KPSD KFMB KARM KFRE KMJ KOY KPHO KTAR KCRA KFBK KROY KXOA KIEM KDB KTMS KERN KPMC KGO KPO KQW KFRC KJBS KALE KOIN KGW KEX KIRO KJR KOL KOMO KFPY KGA KHQ KTYW KIT KMO KTUC KVOA KFEL KLZ KOA KVOD KALL KDYL KSL KUTA KGGM KOB KROD KTSM KFIO. Other stations will be added to list. Agency is Hillman-Shane-Breyer, Los Angeles. JOSEPH D. BOHAN, vice-president of Sterling Drug Inc., has been elected a member of the ... board of governors j/fSf8X±. of the Cooperative ^ Analvsis of Broad f \S % casting. Nominated II by the Assn. of Na* tional Advertisers. ' jj,, w , he will serve as one of the four adver. . W tiser members of. jH the board. HAROLD R. DEAL, advertising and sales promotion manager of Tide Water Associated Oil Co., has been elected president of Western States Promotion Council, composed of groups engaged in promotion of tourist travel in the West. He succeeds TED HUGGINS of Standard Oil Co., who resigned because of transfer by company. XZIT SOOT ERADICATOR, Los Angeles, new to radio, in a six-week campaign which started Nov. 4 is using a heavy daily schedule of transcribed announcements on 24 western stations. List includes KGA KOMO KIEM KOL KIDO KFBB KTFI KUJ KOH KFPY KXL KEX KFJI KFBK KCRA KSEI; Intermountain Network (KALL KLO KOVO KOAL KVNU); Z-Bar Network (KGIR KPFA KRBM). Agency is Steller-Millar-Ebberts Adv., Los Angeles. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS, New York (investment securities), has announced series of radio tests to be placed through Abbot Kimball Co., New York, in conjunction with its offices in various cities. First test consists of fiveweekly 6:10-6:15 p.m. period on WPRO Providence, R. I., and features day's stock market averages and about 60 quotations. CONRO Mfg. Co., Dallas (overalls, work clothes, uniforms), has started thriceweekly quarter-hour western type musical programs on 15 stations of the Texas State Network. Stations include WRR KFJZ KRRV KPLT KCMC KFRO WACO KTEM KNOW KABC KBWD KRBC KGKL KBST KRLH. Agency is Grant Adv.. Dallas. TELPIC SALES Inc., New York, to promote "Eyes of the War", photographic record of World War II, on Nov. 5 started for 26 weeks, sponsoring daily "Top o' the Mornin' " on KFWB Hollywood. Agency is O'Neil, Larson & McMahon, Chicago. BIZET Co., Los Angeles (perfumes), in a 13-week test campaign has started sponsoring thrice-weekly quarter-hour participation in "Make Believe Ballroom" on KFWB Hollywood. If test is successful firm will expand radio advertising to include Pacific Coast stations. Agency is Charles H. Mayne Co., Los Angeles. Ted Dahl is account executive. S.O.S. Co., Chicago (kitchenware cleanser), currently is using transcribed minute and chainbreak announcements on 47 stations in following markets: Asheville, N. C; Atlanta; Birmingham; Bristol, Tenn.; Johnson City, Tenn.; Chattanooga; Jacksonville. Fla.; Knoxvllle; Little Rock; Louisville; Memphis; Miami; Mobile; Nashville; New Orleans: Omaha; Portland, Ore.; San Diego; Seattle; Shreveport; Tampa. SOFWASH Co., Chicago (Sofwash cleaner), Oct. 31 began sponsorship of Wednesday-Friday portion of "Morgan Beatty and the News" on WMAQ Chi cago. Contract for 13 weeks was placed by Newby & Peron, Chicago. Show is sponsored thrice-weekly by Beaumont Co. (FourWay Cold Tablets) and is broadcast over NBC on local sponsorship basis. HINK DEPT. STORE and HAROLD'S, Berkeley, Cal. (men's clothing), jointly are sponsoring the Friday and Saturday play-by-play sportscasts of Alameda County Athletic League football games on KROW Oakland. P. LORILLARD Co., New York (Old Gold cigarettes), is to sponsor on WHN New York the Thanksgiving Day football game between all-Negro Tuskegee AAF and New London Submarine Base, Red Barber and Connie Desmond to give descriptions. Agency is Lennen & Mitchell, New York. KNOX IDE, director and former president of American Home Products Corp., has been appointed chairman of the board of directors of Pal Blade Co., a leading producer of safety razor blades. TERRACE ROOM Corp., Newark, now sponsors spot announcements on WAAT Newark for Terrace Room. Remote dance band broadcasts from the room are presented on CBS, NBC, American and Mutual twice weekly on each network. Agency is Atlantic Adv. Co., Newark. VENIDA HAIR NET Corp., New York, now sponsors spot announcements Monday through Saturday on following stations: WHN and WMCA New York, WMEX Boston, WWSW Pittsburgh, WINX Washington, and WGBK Detroit. Agency is E. T. Howard Adv., New York. TAYLOR AUTO Co., Los Angeles (used cars), adding to heavy schedule of local radio, Nov. 1 started five-weekly quarter-hour "James Wyatt News" on KNX Hollywood. Contract for 52 weeks placed through Arthur W. Stowe Adv., Los Angeles. WEINSTEIN Co., San Francisco (dept. store), has started five-weekly quarterhour newscasts by Darrell Donnell on KFRC San Francisco for 52 weeks. Agency is Kelso Norman, San Francisco. MOTHER'S CAKE & COOKIE Co., Oakland, Cal. (cakes and cookies), Oct. 29 started five weekly transcribed quarterhour "Mandrake, the Magician" on KGO San Francisco. Agency is Emil Reinhardt, Oakland. W. K. BUCKLEY Ltd., Toronto (proprietary), has started Carson Robinson transcribed program on CKLW Windsor. Agency is Grant Adv., Toronto. G. E. BARBOUR Co., St. John, N. B (tea, coffee, spices), has started Carson Robinson transcribed program on 10 Canadian Maritime stations. Account placed direct with transcription sale being made by All-Canada Radio Facilities, Toronto. KELLOGG Co. of Canada, London, Ont. (cereals), which has started "Superman" transcribed program five times weekly on Canadian stations, plans to expand next year to another 15 stations. Agency is J. Walter Thompson Co., Toronto. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co., Elgin, 111., is sponsoring five time signals weekly on NBC video station WNBT New York, three times during Saturday afternoon football games and twice during Sunday evening studio programs. Both film and live pickups are used. J. Walter Thompson Co., Chicago, is agency. CARRIER SERVICE SHOPS, Washington, D. C, now sponsors weekly quiz program on WWDC Washington, from Arlington Farms, Va., government girls settlement. Agency is J. M. Hickerson Inc., New York. O. B. MOTTER, vice-president of Carl Byoir & Assoc., New York, is now v:" president in charge of public relations, advertising and sales promotion for Kaiser-Fraser Corp., and Graham Paige Motors, Detroit. NEW ACCOUNTS for quarter-hour "Reminiscin' With Singin' Sam" series transcribed by Dial Programs Inc.. Dayton, O., include: Mobile Gas & Elec (Continued on page 76) BROADCASTING • Broadcast 4dvertising\