Broadcasting (Oct - Dec 1949)

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Lauds 'Foreign Market' EDITOR, Broadcasting: Please accept congratulations . . . on the fine article by Herman Brandschain on the "Foreign Radio Market.". . . While radio, per se, is recognized as a mighty sales weapon, it is even more so in foreign markets due to the high rate of illiteracy in many foreign countries. . . . Brandschain's article did a wonderful job within space limitations. We feel he might have mentioned South Africa. There is only one commercial radio station now serving this market of over 500,000 licensed radio homes. Lourenco Marques Radio carries advertising for many top-flight American manufacturers. . . . Another important market is Puerto Rico. Arthur Gordon Radio Sales Manager Pan American Bcstg. Co. New York Open Alik (Letters are welcomed. The editors reserve the right to iise only the most pertinent portions.) Feather in WPWA's Cap EDITOR, Broadcasting: Page 65 of your (Nov. 28) issue gives a lot of credit to Philadelphia AM and TV stations for their cooperation with the Red Feather Drives. In Chester, WPWA got in the swim with the Chester Times whose Skipper "Scoop" Al Hill also headed the drive. The result was 107% of our quota two days before the drive ended. Sorry to say, Philadelphia fell short by quite a bit. This is just another instance of a job well done by a local radio station (WPWA) while the big boys in Philadelphia are busy taking bows. Like all shadows, they can be seen but never felt. Lou Poller President WPWA Chester, Pa. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Hats off to WPWA — and to all of the hundreds of other stations which cooperated in the Red Feather drives. As noted in the Nov. 28 story BROADCASTING rounded up typical examples which had been reported to us.] COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK DETROIT DALLAS ATLANTA CHARLOTTE ST. LOUIS MEMPHIS SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Page 14 • December 5, 1949 Wants Luggage Data EDITOR, Broadcasting: I have a luggage store in Santa Barbara (whose population is less than 50,000), which insists that newspapers can do a better selling job than radio. The owner wants success stories of retail luggage stores who have used radio successfully. If any of your readers can furnish me with this information, I know we shall all benefit from another satsified user of radio advertising. Bill Simpson Sales Manager KTMS-KCOY Santa Barbara, Calif. More On Xmas Music EDITOR, Broadcasting: . . . Dave Baylor's letter [Broadcasting, Nov. 28] is taking altogether too much of my thinking time. . . . If I didn't know Dave and had only his letter on which to judge him, I'd set him up as an octogenarian dyspeptic who held a grudge against Santa because of non-delivery of roller skates the Christmas after he learned to walk. As it is, knowing Dave as I do, I believe he has merely stepped off on the wrong foot somewhere. Christmas music is a tradition. From the days of the old wind-up, tin-horn phonograph, I've been hearing Christmas music from about December first. . . . . . . Frankly, I believe that Dave's letter is an admission that he has lost control of his programming and production. I believe his argument is with poor programming and production rather than with Christmas music. Christmas music such as "Adeste Fidelis" and "Silent Night" will not be used as fill or incidental music on any station that maintains control of its programming, which means that it will NOT be used as such on this station. If our competitors want to use it that way, I have no objection at all. By comparison it makes our production sound that much better. Come on Dave, take a bi-carb and let's think this Christmas music proposition out again. Bob Maynard WSVS Crewe, Va. Community Sponsor LATEST to come under the heading of sponsorship is a San Fernando Valley (Calif.) community advertising itself. The group is sponsoring the ABC co-op Martin Agronsky \ five quarter-hours weekly on KECA Hollywood to advertise the advantages of living in Encino Park. The area is a community project in the San Fernando "Valley. BROADCASTING • Telecasting