Broadcasting (July - Sep 1949)

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.e xt ? TEXAS StAIE EMpLOTMEf TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION P. 0. Box 2331 Anarlllo, T«xae July 5, 19^*5' Mr. Autiray Jackson, Maneger Radio Station K C H C AnarlUo, Texae Dear Mr. JaclcBon: The roeponslblllty for dlractlng and referring agricultural workers frcm oreae of eurplue and supply to ehortag© areaa vae returned to the Texas Employinont Conmlaelon on January 1, 19^18, During the yeora 191*8 and 191*9 the Amsrlllo Dletrlct office of the Commlealon vaa doelgnatod ae State Control Point during the vheat harreet for the roaeon that Amarillo 1b located in the heart of tb© Texae Wheat Belt. During the wheat harreet eeaeon,ln both 191*8 and 19lift you mde arellable to ue time on your station, beginning at 7:00 a.m. dally for the duration of the vbeat harvaat. Tou also sade thla earn tljue arallablo to the Extension Service during the year 19lt7. TbJe serrlco has been of laoDoaBurable aeelatance to ue ija our efforts to direct men and equipment to shortage areas and to locate combines, trucks and laborers, and to report the dallj progress of the wheat harreet by comity. We hare recelred reports from all sections of the wheat belt from farmers, custom combine operators, truckers and laborers to the effect that they lletonod to this broadcast each morning during the wheat harrest season and that to them It was a most toInablo source of information by which they conducted their operations and future plAne for the harrest. Since everyone connected with the harreet has come to rely upon this program each year, ve trust you will find it possible to sake tble same spot arallable to ae during the I95O wheat harrest. Wayne A. Grant, Dletrlct Director and State Coordinator of Man and Hachlnea AFFILIATED WITH NB( MEMBER OF LONE STAR CHAIN NATIONALLY REPRESENTED BY TAYLOR-BORROFF CO., INC. Awaiting Official Word KGNC for the past three years has been the OjfjfUUeU Voice, of the Texas Employment Commission for the dissemination of wheat harvesting information. Combines trucks harvest hands all take direction from the Texas Employment Commission through KGNC. • AwUlte^ public service of KGNC. • AMoUie^ reason KGNC is the Great Plains most tuned-in station. IO,OOO.WATTS 710 K.C. NIGHT AND DAY AMARILLO, TEXAS YOUR FIRMEST GRIP ON THE FABULOUS GREA^BflW? Texas Panhandle • Eastern N. Mex. • Western Okla. • Southweitern Kan. • Southeastern Colo.