Broadcasting (Jan - Mar 1950)

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€Joasi-to~CJoast Adrertisers I ' nthumaHticaUy acciaim the new an^-Worth ^-inch transcription . station >W»B>W ^'^'l Kansas „crrioUO"* Station V/C*VU justlaeardyo" ^^,aUona\'. Co aratuVatvons. ' M O Station V/SPR ^:t n9fle'«''''°*'V siauon agrees tion IS "'^ Radio S*°^;°"^,ssoU" ^ and a\so cue-ins Mio station V/DBJ *° Me, Virgin'" ^ tran surface r^°'^,^g^ deftr^^^^^^ The the fteW ■ Motion >N^®' Radio 31 yirginio tested. Richn'O"''' 8 samples ^•our nev' anr^ouncers tWetn very j » station C?CH ^do u\av, Ontario, " pared North BOT' .-.i^nedandcowv Radio V'llMssouri ^r,\eS of *'-'°"";TheaudUlonsamp^^^^^^^ ^^e^^^'^'^eSt rncb transcrrp tion rnc V/HH>n Rodio S*°"°"„nessee g. '*^'"''*' e audrUO"^'i ^°^oles and V/e ^ave a«".' . samples 1 uanscnp"°" ^ much w the size ductiorv. «otion c„tion KB»0 I think v^as ^'S'O' cu>--'- Station iCff ^ Radio 3' . i^onsos . ^ ^he T commend you for A.aam „iption. Wa« ^^^nrrn tonal ft ,he utmost m ''""■'•a^n Conne''"""' and nev' 8-"^^^ comrng'Keep w^"' *=i"'3,Mnw'«° septo''^ss.t-ssrf^■ n V/A**** Rodio Sr^J'^Nlorylo"^ . ..^ RoUs too for soWirtg Station KlSf* ".fpaso, . ,hat you have recordi'^Sjv.stenlngto. rtor"N:rthCaro'in , ,hle -presence ^ . Remarkable to the J ''."K standard transcnp Wade SL'i sound -ftat c« heard. a-.„ Station KfOW Radio 3' .j^as . jjjc is Beaumont, i g.^j^ch dvs^ produced. "^-^'-'irrn^o'^'""' nethem ^hen you star M-.0 Station VB^C -"tin-prod-^^-Outstandmo f Station KOAl V. Minnesota , ^ore "'j'tckrSectronssoun^^^^^^^ ^^)^,^^^?,V•v.ithmorebrau hbrary"^ » dio station WCPO device IS fumiled'. J-, nation "S--r"re-^y^n^and VerySO^'i.^W^^^^^fovrt^e -:ra.;eaumprove--^^^^^^^^^ ^dertyp-^^"^"" ' Radio Stotion ^ ^.^y 7.°ddiesboro, »^«" Transcnpttoi^' ^ .,o station KS>W° Radio 3' oi-iahonio . c reproLovrton, OWio ^^^^^^ of rep ductvon IS 571*' if ; I