Broadcasting (Apr - June 1950)

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Situations Wanted (Cont'd) lAnnouncer, graduate oldest broadcasting school in country. CBS instructors taught all phases of broadcasting. Produced, sang, emceed amateur shows in Chicago nite clubs. Two years college. Former staff 5,000 watt NBC affiliate. Consider all offers. Box 136F, BROADCASTING. Morning, noon or night man — knows board, location secondary, single, staff, |DJ announcing position desired. Box 139F, BROADCASTING. Sports director-announcer-engineer, if vou are really interested in a man who 'pan do a spectacular job of play-byplay on the three major sports, who is also a network caliber announcer with 9 first class ticket please state salary and working conditions and write to Box 140F, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer and program man. 10 years all phases. Want somewhere with future, but for present will be satisfied with salary that will modestly support self, wife, 2 children. Box 143F. BROADCASTING. Disc jockey — 500 watt experience. Capable of handling console. Willing worker, travel anywhere. Can emcee live Shows. Need opportunity to develop technique. Presently employed. Age 26, married, disc and photo available. Box 146F, BROADCASTING. \nnouncer-engineer: Network caliber Newscaster, commercials don't sound read-y, terrific personality and good oroduction on disc shows, scripted or aot. (smooth operation, non-obvious disclaimers, etc.) Exceptionally good anger (mail pull), western and pop ;tylist, guitar, bones. Good ad-lib. Godfrey-Drake-Garroway-Wiley style pt delivery). Thirty four, veteran. Family, late car, will travel. College, irst phone, experience, adaptability. Want permanence, opportunity and no ubber paychecks. Box 147F, BROAD ASTING. ,[f you need an announcer-writer combination, write me. Box 155F, BROADCASTING. \nnouncer, vet, graduate of leading adio school. Knowledge of all phases 3f radio broadcasting. Free to travel, ^Jew England or upstate New York. Available immediately. Start at botom and work up. Always dependable Box 160F, BROADCASTING. Attention midwest stations. Topflight ,-oung announcer seeks advancement, t years experience, sports, news, disc ockey. Dependable family man with ar. Box 164F, BROADCASTING. nnouncer. Newscaster. Other qualifications. No hotshot or glamour-boy. .Iarried. Stable. 4 years experience. Vill travel. Permanency with imnediate opening preferred. Details: 31 South Palm, Ponca City, Oklahoma. "amily man, news and commercials. :an do sports. Four years schooling. )isc and photo upon request. David Spstein, 3621 N. Richmond, Chicago, llinois. (umonncer — Experienced, single. Deep esonant voice. Can operate board. Will ravel. John Gary, 635 Hemlock St., eranton, Pa. Phone 2-1180. lold it! Announcer, 3 years experience, ■ollege background, knowledge all jhases of broadcasting specialty sports md discs available after June 1. Call, vrite, wire Jay Arthur, 2126 East 24 Street, Brooklyn, Nightingale 8-6608. uinouncer desires summer position. 2 ears part-time 1 kw — newscasting, ports, DJ, board experience. Concientious, college sophomore. Disc on equest. Write Joe Huie, Hunt 3, R.P.I., ?roy, N. Y. . 'oung, single man desires announcer ngineering position. RCA Institute raduate. 1st class phone license, armyontrol tower operator (2 years). Loca>ion and salary secondary. Lee Kramer, 70 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn 25, J. Y. nnouncer with 1st class ticket an4 traight announcer — both experienced. Desire location together. Bob Longhamp, 7 Sexton Ave., Concord, N. H. California — Announcer 3 years experi;nce. Left eastern position to settle n any section of southern California. years college, 2 years specialized raining. Excellent references, married, lependable, available. Dick Miller, 306 Bluebell Ave., North Hollywood, :alif. Phone Sunset 1-9467. Technical Chief engineer, 17 years experience eeks change to more progressive stalon. Best of references. Box 924E, 3ROADCASTING. Situations Wanted (Cont'd) Experienced combination man wants position with future in financially sound organization south or southwest. Plenty experience engineering and announcing. Presently employed chief engineer. Sober, dependable, hard worker. Married. Automobile. Two weeks notice. Box 7F, BROADCASTING. Engineer, degree, licensed, 12 years experience, 8 as chief, now employed. Box 33F, BROADCASTING. Engineer thoroughly experienced, no announcing, excellent references. Go anywhere. Box 40F, BROADCASTING. Engineer available on short notice — consider only 5-50 kw stations. Best references. Box 925E, BROADCASTING. Engineer desires permanent position with a growing station. Willing to travel. Box 46F, BROADCASTING. Engineer: 10 years experience. Construction, economic operation. Field strength surveys, FM background, professional recording engineer. Chief of kw past four years. Available immediately, any locale. Box 63F, BROAD CASTING. Recent graduate, 1st class phone (with TV training) vet, single, reliable, willing to travel. Box 76F, BROADCASTING^ Radio engineer, formerly chief field engineer Washington consulting firm now chief engineer California radio station desires position as chief or staff engineer where combination consulting and operating knowledge needed. Five years experience full range consulting design and field work. Ten years operating and installation experience including 50 kw power. Capable complete station layout and installation including design and construction directional equipment. Can go anywhere. Box 90F, BROADCASTING. Young man wishes job in station. Vacation experience in transmitter, network, console, remotes. Two years schooling. Television, radio repairman. Box 100F, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer — Executive who knows how to run engineering department. Extensive experience in construction, maintenance, operation, allocation and measurement work. Now chief of regional directional but seek connection with more stable and aggressive organization, preferable with TV plans. Engineering degree, married, age 30. Highest recommendations including those of consultants. Box 104F, BROADCASTING. Engineer, first phone would like permanent position anywhere, 21 months broadcast experience, vet, married, have car. Box 124F, BROADCASTING. Engineer. 1 year transmitter, control and remote experience. Presently unemployed. Box 129F, BROADCASTING^ Chief engineer, 15 years experience in responsible engineering, all phases AM and FM to 100 kilowatts. Prepared for TV. Highest professional references. Box 131F, BROADCASTING. Engineer, 27 months broadcast, 3 years army radar experience. Graduate leading radio school. Will travel. Box 144F, BROADCASTING. Engineer, 14 years experience, AM-FM construction installation — maintenance — studios — transmitter. 10 kw directional, available immediately, references. Box 145F, BROADCASTING. Engineer now with ABC outlet. Experienced AM-TV. Engineering background with major electronics manufacturer and graduate top engineering school. Age 22. Wants greater opportunity. Excellent references. Go anywhere. Box 152F, BROADCASTING. First phone license, experienced transmitter operator. Married, car. Want permanent position in northeast. Box 153F, BROADCASTING. Summer replacement or permanent announcer — experience, good voice, excellent delivery, versatility. Avail■ able immediately. Box 154F, BROADCASTING^ Engineer, first phone, single, vet, no experience, willing to travel and willing to learn. Desires job with future. Box 159F, BROADCASTING. Young man, good background, limited experience all phases independent operation, 1st phone, prefer position as utility man in northeast. Box 161F, BROADCASTING . First class technician, would accept well-paying, out-of-town position in broadcast communications field. Roy Dashukawich, 4439 Third Avenue Bronx 57, N. Y. Situations Wanted (Cont'd) Young man, personable, intelligent, 1st class radio telephone license, looking for position in broadcast field out of New York City. Fred Kreschollek, 3323 Bouck Ave,, New York 67, N. Y. Engineer, first phone, BA Degree; will travel, available immediately, veteran. Write Romar McCamy, 514b S. Tama rind Street, Compton, Calif. Operator, first license, five years broadcast experience, wants transmitter job. 31. Single. Available short notice. Lewis Sherlock, Box 51, Plainview, Texas. Operator — First phone, broadcast experience during war, 24, married. North or southeast. J. M. Wall, South River, N. J. Production-Programming , others Woman continuity director with air and sales experience. University graduate. Presently employed. Best references. Box 20F, BROADCASTING. Woman commentator, director. Versatile, experienced all phases radio, seeks connection offering bona fide opportunity for growth, advancement. Personality, record, background just right for aggressive operation following strong public service line. Box 24F, BROADCASTING . Newscaster: "Newspaperman with voice." BS; family. AM or TV. $90$100. Box 36F, BROADCASTING. Man with future seeks continuity job with progressive station or agency. Degree in music and radio. Knowledge sports, news, special events. Travel anywhere. Salary secondary to opportunity. Box 87F, BROADCASTING. Five graduates, University of Michigan (three MA's in radio production, two first phone engineers) interested in operating small station. Will invest limited capital with profit sharing or eventual purchase in mind. Box 108F, BROADCASTING. Experienced. Writer and announcer desires change in location. Am now employed. College background. Can also sell. Excellent references. Box 111F, BROADCASTING. Enthusiastic young woman (25) with "radioactive" imagination and several years experience writing commercial copy, variety-type shows, musical programs, children's stories etc., is ready to graduate from 250 watter to progressive network affiliate demanding originality, initiative and good judgment. Former employers write: "Very competent . . . writes excellent material . . . diligent worker . . . highly recommend her." Replies acknowledged immediately. Samples. References. Will travel anywhere for good opportunity, but prefer Ohio TriState area. Box 128F, BROADCASTING^ All-round radio man. Former exec, showman, producer, writer. Available. Your reply invited. Box 150F, BROADCASTING. Writer : Continuity, — script, commercial copy, sales promotion, publicity. Excellent experience. Through knowledge, music and programming. Creative, dependable. Box 158F, BROADCASTING^ Experienced radio-TV writer -producer for west coast agency; 8 years, know the west. Eyebrow-raising references. Box 162F, BROADCASTING. Female name personality (with musical comedy, film, big network show, network affiliate station success) desires position as mc of unique disc feature or woman's variety program. Full background information upon request. Box 163F, BROADCASTING. Combination man. Operate recording studio; board, cutters, announce, act. Completed radio school. 2>/2 years college. Installed college station— taught radio. Know pop music thoroughly — have own record library. Pronounce French, German dialects. Chance for advancement of prime importance. Married, vet. 24. Will travel. Jimmy Valentine, 1327 N Street, N.W., Washington 5, D. C. Television Salesman Recommended radio salesman wants to switch to TV. Three years radio with 50,000 w experience, B. S. Degree. Theater director. Agency contacts. Traffic. Excellent sales record. Reliable worker. Film contacts. Fully qualified for TV station. Young, Box 117F, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Television (Cont'd) Technical Telecasting engineer; 1st phone, some broadcasting experience, excellent radio and professional photography background, married, car, desire opportunity in TV station. Box 103F, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Two engineers, first phone, seek TV positions. Recent graduates of S.R.T.TV available first week in June. Single, will travel. Box 157F, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. For Sale Stations South Atlantic exclusive network affiliate. Owner's take, $15,000 annually. $40,000 cash handles. Box 106F, BROADCASTING. Controlling interest New York area station, reasonable and on terms due to other interests. Identify yourself in full or don't reply. Box 149F, BROADCASTING. Equipment, etc. For sale: General Electric FM transmitter, type No. BT-4-B with rated power of 10 kw.; General Electric BC3A transmitter console, two racks of speech input equipment; also Western Electric 8-section cloverleaf antenna, type 54-A. Make offer. Box 992E, BROADCASTING. RCA-BTF-250A FM transmitter and type 600T-REL frequency modulation monitor, like new. Price $1500. Box 12F, BROADCASTING. Presto 90-A recording console, as new, with tubes, plugs and instruction book, $300.00. Box 123F, BROADCASTING. 200 stations have saved $500,000 by using my shortwave remote pickup equipment. Complete, guaranteed, ready to install, as per my article in NAB Handbook. Low priced. Write Wm. C. Grove, KFBC, Cheyenne, Wyoming. For sale. CP deleted. 25% discount. All brand new in original cartons. GR modulation monitor. GR low distortion oscillator. GR noise and distortion meter. 1000 watt tuning unit. yB" co-ax. RCA mike boom. Other equipment. Write for complete list. KNGS, P. O. Box 620, Hanford, California. For sale: Two Model Y-2 Presto recording amplifiers and turntables. Used very little. Condition good as new. Mounted in handsome console. This equipment cost over $2,200 and is available at a big saving. Contact Radio Station KRIG, Odessa, Texas. WE 250 watt 310-B transmitter 2 sets tubes. Good condition. Available now. $1,000. KXRO, Aberdeen, Washington. Two Presto turntables with Western Electric 9-A reproducers. One Gates model 35 console. One RCA BA-2 amplifier. Excellent condition. Make offer. WGCM, Gulfport, Miss. $11,000 FM WE 506B-2 complete, spares, 10 kw transmitter. New, never uncrated. H. Edwin Kennedy, WILM, Wilmington, Delaware. Have several used guyed Wincharger towers will sell erected. Tower Construction Co., 107 Fourth St., Sioux City, Iowa. Phone 5-6761. Wanted to Buy Equipment, etc. 5000 watt AM transmitter. Four 300 foot towers. Box 4F, BROADCASTING. Turntable, preferably RCA, complete with pickup. State lowest price and age. Box 37F, BROADCASTING. Wanted to buy — A good used Western Electric 250 watt transmitter, preferably type 451 A-l. Box 168F, BROADCASTING. (Continued on next page) i