Broadcasting and Broadcasting Yearbook (Jan - June 1938)

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My educational. Include many ^cTs of general interest to .Bcasters. The 1935 edition was llined with the Proceedings of institute for Education by Ra lo AS A CULTURAL AGENCY. Ed. r. F. Tyler. National Committee on i cation by Radio. 1934. .oceedings of the national conice called on this subject. ;0 IN THE CLASSROOM. Objec,'s. principles and practices. Bj Maret Harrison. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1937. ,actical suggestions which \Yi[\ laducators in making the best of radio programs in the ipls. Author was formerly Spej Investigator in Radio EducaTeachers College, Columbia rersity. 10. THE ASSISTANT TEACHER. 1 B. H. Darrow. R. G. Adams & Co. ^• bunder of the Ohio School of Air discusses educational Kicastirig, its growth, purposes, l-ram presentation, effective, etc. EARCH PROBLEMS IN RADIO [UCATION. By W. W. Charters. Naaal Advisory Council on Radio in acation. Information Series No. 4. i4. lecific problems to be solved. aOSPECT AND FORECAST IN RA0 EDUCATION. By Levering Tyson W. J. Donovan. National Advisory jncil on Radio in Education. InforItion Series No. 15. 1936. ts-Q addresses on the history on the tremendous force eduby radio may have in preiing culture and democracy. DOL BROADCASTING. International titute of Intellectual Co-operation, xis. 1933. Bmprehensive survey. M a j o r rion devoted to experiments, reB. and projects in 25 countries. OOL BROADCASTING IN GREAT SITAIN. By L. W. Parker. University Chicago Press. 1937. ives results of a survey. |'EN^NG HORIZONS. By F. A. Willis, ational Advisory Council on Radio in Sucation. Information Series No. 11 B4. pportunities, responsibilities, problems of education by radio. TECHXICAL DUSTICS AND ARCHITECTURE. Bv . E. Sabine. McGraw-Hill Book Co. ic. 1932. 'undamentals of sound, reveri nations, absorption, with chap-t: ^ on reverberation and acous_ of rooms (including broadtting studios) auditoriums, etc. =LIED ACOUSTICS. By H. F. Olson Frank Massa. P. Blackiston's Son & o. 1934. Chapters on fundamental acousal measurements, microphones. ,;d speakers, architectural acous3. etc. CHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS. By V. Knndsen. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 32. omprehensive treatment. Indes chapters on radio broadcast i sound recording studios, music Idings, theatres, auditoriums. O.ADCASTING NETWORK SERVICE, imerican Telephone & Telegraph Co. 934. Bell System's part in developing re netn-orks for radio. Operation, ant, costs, etc. COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. By W. L. Everitt. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 2nd ed. 1937. Fundamentals of communication by v.'ive and A^ireless networks. ELECTRIC COMMUNICATION AND ELECTRONICS. Vol. 5 of Electrical Engineers' Handbook. Ed. by Harold Pender and Knox Mcllwain. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1936. Comprehensive treatment of all phases of the subject by authorities in the field. ELECTRON TUBES AND THEIR APPLICATION. By J. H. Morecroft. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. rev. ed. 1936. Practical, authoritative book by the late Professor of Electrical Engmeering. Columbia University. ELECTRON TUBES IN INDUSTRY. Bv Keith Hennev. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 1937. Comprehensive study of all types of vacuum tubes and their uses in noncommunication industries. ELECTRONHCS. By R. G. Hudson. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1933. Underlying theory, basic facts, and practice. ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRON TUBES. By E. D. McArthur. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. 1936. Up-to-date treatise on all important phases of theory and application of electi'on tubes. ELEMENTS OF RADIO COMMUNICATION. By J. H. Morecroft. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1934. Introductory volume to author's "Principles of Radio Communication". Covers fill phases of radio. THE EMPIRE SERVICE. British Broadcasting Corp. 1936. A technical explanation of B.B.C.'s short-wave transmission.=i from Daventry to the countries in the British Empire. ENGINEERING HANDBOOK OF THE NATION.AL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS. Comp. by J. C. McNary. National Association of Broadcasters. 1935. Curves for following: Wave propagation for COIR curves, Rolph's graphs for ground-wave propagation — Non directional antennas— Transmission lines — Directional antenna arrays — Pads and attenuators — FCC empirical standards. EXPERIMENTAL RADIO ENGINEERING. Bv J. H. Morecroft. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1931. Fifty one experiments covering facts, theories and principles of radio. FOUNDATIONS OF RADIO. Bv R. L. Duncan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1931. Fundamentals of electricity and allied subjects constituting basis of radio. FUNDAMENTALS OF VACUUM TUBES ; By A. V. Eastman. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 1937. Basic theory and applications of vacuum tubes in radio and industrial uses. HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS. By O. W. Eshbach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1936. Fundamentals of engineering practice. Mathematics, physics, mechanics, materials, electricity, magnetism, light, acoustics, etc. are among subjects. HIGH FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS. Bv August Hund. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 1933. High-frequency phenomena applied to measurements. THE HOUSE THAT RADIO BUILT. By O. B. Hanson. National Broadcasting Co. 1935. Technical description of NBC studios in Radio City. Illustrated. JONES RADIO HANDBOOK. Pacific Radio Pub. Co. Inc. 1937. Technical data on construction, design and operation of all types of receivers and transmitters. Includes cathode ray television discussion. Illustrated. THE LOW VOLTAGE CATHODE RAY TUBE, AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Bv G. Parr. Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1937. Technical study. Appendix includes comprehensive bibliography. MEASUREMENTS IN RADIO ENGINEERING. By F. E. Terman. McGrawHill Book Co. Inc. 1935. Comprehensive engineering discussion of measuring problems. MODERN COMMUNICATION. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1932. Seven lectures given in a Lowell Institute course by executives of A. T. & T. and associated companies. MODERN RADIO COMMUNICATION. •5th ed. By J. H. Reyner. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd. London. 1935. Textbook on theory and practice. MODERN RADIO ESSENTIALS. By K. A. Hathaway. American Technical Society. 1935. General discussion for the layman as well as for the technician. OLD WIRES AND NEW WAVES. By A. F. Harlow. Appleton-Century. 1936. Detailed history of communication agencies. PHENOMENA IN HIGH-FREQUENCY SY'STEMS. By August Hund. McGrawHill Book Co. Inc. 1936. Comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of the subject with applications to communication engineering problems. THE PHYSICS OF ELECTRON TUBES. By L. R. KoUer. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 2nd ed. 1937. Fundamental physical phenomena explained in operation of electron tubes. PRACTICAL RADIO COMMUNICATION. Principles, systems, equipment, operation, including short-wave and ultrashort-wave radio. By A. R. Nilson & J. L. Hornung. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 1935. Technical information for the practical radio operator-technician. Includes chapters on studio acoustics and apparatus, control-room equipment and operation. PRESENT AND IMPENDING APPLICATIONS TO EDUCATION OF RADIO AND ALLIED ARTS. National Advisory Council on Radio in Education. Information Series No. 5. 1936 ed. Summary of recent technical developments. Appendix includes capital investment and maintenance costs for stations according to power. PRINCIPLES OF RADIO. By Keith Heuney. 3rd ed., 1938. John Wiley & Sons. Technical treatment of radio communication and apparatus. PRINCIPLES OF RADIO COMMUNICATION. By John H. Morecroft. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1933. An outstanding text on the subject covering all phases of the art and science of radio communication. PRINCIPLES OF RADIO ENGINEERING. By R. S. Glasgow. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. 1936. Fundamentals of radio communication and practice. Based upon lectures given at Washington University. (Contiyiued on page 378) mw a high-powered RADIO ENGINEERING LIBRARY — especially selected by radio specialists of McGraw-Hill publications — to give most complete, dependable coverage of facts needed grounded on radio fundamentals — available at a special price and terms. The Library now comprises a revised selection of books culled from latest McGrawHill publications in the radio field. fields 5 VOLUMES, 3,064 PAGES 2,000 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Glasgow's PRINCIPLES OF RADIO ENGINEERING 2. Hand's PHENOMENA IN HIGH-FREQUENCY SYSTEMS 5. Qiaffee's THEORY OF THERMIONIC VACUUM TUBES 4. Terman's MEASUREMENTS IN RADIO ENGINEERING 5. Henney's RADIO ENGINEERING HANDBOOK THESE books cover circuit phenomena, tube theory, networks, measurements, and other subjects — ^give specialized treatment of all fields of practical design and application. They are books of recognized position in the literature — books you will refer to and be referred to often. If you are a researcher or experimenter — if your interest in radio is deep-set and based on a real desire to go further in this field — you want these books for the help they give in hundreds of problems throughout the whole field of radio engineering. SPEaAL LOW PRICE EASY TERMS Bought singly, the five volumes comprising this library would cost you ^25.00. Under this offer you save ^1.50 and, in addition, have the privilege of paying in easy installments beginning with ^2.50, 10 days after receipt of the books, and ^3.00 monthly thereafter. Take advantage of these convenient terms to add them to your library now. SEND THIS ON--\PPROVAL COUPON .McGraw-Hill Book Co.. 330 W. i2nd St., X. T. C. Send me Radio Engineering Library, 5 vols., for 10 days' examination on approval. In 10 days I will send §2.50, plus few cents postage, and S3. 00 monthly till §23.50 is paid, or return books postpaid. (We pay postage on orders accompanied by remittance of first installment.) Xame Address Citj and State Position Company BR-3S (Books sent on approval in V. S. and Canada only.) ROADCASTING Broadcast Advertising 1938 Yearbook Number • Page 377