Broadcasting and Broadcasting Yearbook (Jan - June 1938)

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Registration at NAB Convention in Washington Feb. 14-16 . D. B. Abert, WTMJ, Milwaukee. Harvev Aderhold. WRDW. Augusta, Ga. J»aul F. Adler, Craig & Hollingbery Herbert V. Akerbure. CBS. William A. Alfs, WJR, Detroit. Edward A. Allen. WLVA. Lynchburg, Va. H. V. Anderson, WJBO, Baton Rouge, La. W. H. Appleby. WPG. Atlantic City. Campbell Arnoux. WTAR, Norfolk. A. L. Ashbv. NBC. New York. Ellis Atterberry, KCKN. Kansas City, Kan. ■Lewis H. Avery. WGR-WKBW, Buffalo. Hibbard Ayer, Sears & Ayer, New York. Dean A. Bailey, Capper Publications, (KCKN), New York. W. A. Bailev. KCKN. Kansas City, Kan. John M. Baldwin, KDYL, Salt Lake City. C Aldwin Baker, WRNL, Richmond. Harry Bannister. WWJ. Detroit. Neal Barrett. KOMA. Okla. City Hope H. Barroll, WFBR. Baltimore. Harold W. Batchelder, WFBR, Baltimore. H. E. Bausman, WIRE. Indianapolis. W. W. Behrman, WBOW, Terre Haute, Ind. Donald C. Beeler, Washington. . Arthur H. Beckwith, SESAC, New York. John C. Bell, WBRC, Birmingham. Clarina W. Benson, WIL, St. Louis. Lester A. Benson, WIL, St. Louis. Kenneth H. Berkeley, NBC, Washington. H. M. Beville. NBC, New York. Edgar L. Bill. WMBD. Peoria. 111. Tams Bixby. Jr., KBIX, Muskogee, Okla. Barry Bingham. WHAS. Louisville. E. E. Bishop. WGH. Newport News. Va. John Blair. John Blair & Co., Chicago. Tj. Daniel Blank. J. D. Bloom, Jr., WWL, New Orleans. "L. F. Boekoven, Western Electric Co., New York. Hale Bondurant. WHO, Des Moines. "H. H. Born, WHBL, Sheboyan, Wis. Geo. W. Boiling. John Blair & Co. F. W. Borton. WQAM. Miami. J. Lothaire Bowden, WKBN, Youngstown, O. Maurice M. Boyd, NBC, New York, tauincy A. Brackett, WSPR, Springfield, O. P. Brandt, NBC, New York. "Lou Breskin, Chicago. Fred C. Brokaw, Paul H. Raymer Co., New York. W. C. Bridges, WEBC, Duluth, Minn. R. M. Brophy, Canadian Marconi Co. D. A. Brown, WHIO. Davton. O. Gordon P. Bro\vn. WSAY, Rochester. R. R. Brunton, KJBS, San Francisco. Jos. M. Brvan. WBIG, Greensboro, N. C. H. C. Burke. WBAL, Baltimore. Walter P. Burn. H. C. Butcher. CBS. Washington. Rev. Wallace A. Burk, WEW, St. Louis. Carl H. Butman, Washington. Louis G. Caldwell, Washington. C. C. Caley, WMBD, Peoria. John T. Calkins, WESG. Elmira, N. Y. V. F. Callahan, WWL, New Orleans. Martin Campbell, WFAA. Dallas. H. K. Carpenter, WHK-WCLE, Cleveland. O. L. Carpenter, WPTF, Raleigh. E. K. Cargill, WMAZ, Macon. Ga. Harold R. Carson, All Canada Radio Facilities, Calgary, Alta. Hervey C. Carter. WEBR. Buffalo. John A. Cellor, WCAX, Burlington, Vt. Lee Chadwick. WTAR. Norfolk. Clifford M. Chafey, WEEU. Reading. Pa. Adolph B. Chamberlain, CBS. New York. Miss Eve Chamberlain, WFMB, Frederick, Md. Chas. O. Chatterton, KEW-KEX, Portland, Ore. William S. Cherrv. WPRO. Providence. A. B. Church, KMBC, Kansas City. Frank E. Chizzini. NBC Thesaurus. Frank L. Clark, WLAP. Lexington, Ky. Winston L. Clark, WLAP, Lexington, Ky. Maurice H. Clarke. WHEC, Rachester. W. R. Cline, WLS, Chicago. Stephen A. Cisler, KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark. Roger W. Clipp, WFIL, Philadelphia. Martin Codel. Broadcasting Magazine. Robert Coe, KSD, St. Louis. Geo. D. Coleman, WGBI, Scranton. M. C. Coleman. WATL. Atlanta. Irving Collin, WHOM, Jersey City. Howard J. Connally, The Branham Co., New York. Bob Convey, KWK, St. Louis. J. C. Corey, Radio Trans. Co. of America Albert A. Cormier, Hearst Radio Inc., New York. Clarence G. Cosby, KWK, St. Louis. Jim Cosman, Federal Telegraph Co., Newark. W. Lee Coulson, WHAS, Louisville. Hugh Cowham, CBS, New York. Edwin W. Craig, WSM, Nashville. W. F. Craig, WLBC, Muncie, Ind. E. B. Craney, KGIR, Butte, Mont. Frank Crowther, WMAZ, Macon, Ga. J. R. Curtis, KFRO, Longview, Tex. W. J. Damm, WTMJ, Milwaukee. Harold P. Danforth, WDBO, Orlando, Fla. Harben Daniel, WSM, Nashville. D. D. Davis, WHB, Kansas City. G. C. Davis, Page & Davis, Washington. Dorr Depew. Harold L. Dewing, WCBS, Springfield. Jack DeWitt, WSM, Nashville. H. W. Devo, WGR-WKBW, Buffalo. G. W. Diefenderfer, Paul Raymer Co., New York. C. M. Dobyns, KGER, Long Beach, Cal. John Dobyns, KGER, Long Beach, Cal. Wm. Doerr, WEBR, Buffalo. Franklin W. Doolittle, WDRC, Hartford, Conn. Wm. B. Dolph, WOL. Washington. W. W. Dorrell, WOWO-WGL, Ft. Wayne. Ind. Jack M. Draughan, WSIX, Nashville. A. J. Eaves, Graybar Electric Co., N. Y. E. E. Edgar, WGH, Norfolk. John D. Ewing, KWKH, Shreveport, La. F. C. Eighnev, KGLO, Mason City, la. D. S. Elias, WWNC, Asheville, N. C. John Elmer, WCBM, Baltimore. Howard Esary, International Radio Productions, New York. Mark Ethridge, WHAS, Louisville. R. Evans, WHO, Des Moines. V. V. Evans, WSPA. Spartanburg, S. C. C. M. Everson, WHKC, Columbus. Frank B. Falknor, CBS, Chicago. S. C. Fantle, Jr., KSOO-KELO, Sioux Falls, S. D. Ben Farmer, WGTM, Wilson, N. C. Wm. A. Fav, WHAM, Rochester. Harold E. Fellows, WEEI, Boston. J. E. Fetzer, WKZO, Kalamazoo, Mich. WITH 94 station sales executives in attendance, broadcast sales directors held their Second Annual Convention at the Willard Hotel, Washington, Feb. 13, just preparatory to the annual NAB Convention. Problems confronting the sales executives of stations, including "how to beat the recession" ideas and standards of procedure, were discussed. The meeting was presided over by Chairman Lewis H. Avery, WGR-WKBW, Buffalo. The morning session was devoted to reports of 15 district chairmen, covering the one-day meetings held during the preceding month in eight of the districts. Over 200 sales executives attended these conferences. The afternoon session was given over to discussion of sales problems. No formal resolutions were adopted. Pre.sent were : Lew Aveiy, BBC, BufEalo ; H. V. Anderson, WJBO, Baton Rouge, La. ; W. H. Appleby, WPG. Atlantic Citv ; Don Abert, WTMJ, Milwaukee: Ellis Atteberry, KCKN, Kansas City ; Campbell Arnoux, WTAR, Norfolk, Va. Dean Bailey, KCKN, Kansas Citv ; Fred Bock. WADC, Akron; C. Alden Baker, WRNL. Richmond, Va. ; Hale Bondurant, WHO. Des Moines; E. E. Bishop, WGH, Newport News. Va. ; S. G. Boynton. WJR, Detroit; W. A. Bailey, KCKN, Kansas City ; R. E. Bausman, WIRE, Indianapolis ; D. A. Brown, WHIO, Dayton; H. C. Burke, WBAL, Baltimore ; Harry Bannister, WWJ, Detroit. Miss Chamberlain, WFMD, Frederick, Md. ; Steve Cisler, KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark. ; James R. Curtis, KFRO. Longview, Tex. ; Maurice Coleman, WATL, Atlanta ; Red Cross, WMAZ, Macon, Ga. ; Bill Cline, WLS, Chicago; C. C. Caley, WMBD, Peoria, 111. ; George D. Coleman, WGBI, Scranton ; C. L. Carpenter. WPTF. Raleigh; Lee Chadwick, WTAR, Norfolk, Va. ; W. F. Craig, WLBC, Muncie, Ind. Walter Damm, WTMJ, Milwaukee ; Harben Daniel, WSM, Nashville ; Don Davis, WHB, Kansas City; William Doerr, WEBR, Buffalo ; Hiram Deyo, WGR-WKBW. Buffalo; W. W. Dowell, WOWO, Fort Wayne. J. H. Field, Jr., WPTF, Raleigh, N. C. Junius P. Fishburn. WDBJ, Roanoke Beeman Fisher, WOAI, San Antonio. Birt F. Fisher, KOMO-KJR, Seattle. H. Dean Fitzer, WDAF, Kansas City. Boyd Fitzpatrick, WHDL, Olean, N. Y. Leo Fitzpatrick, WJR, Detroit. Donald Flamm, WMCA, New York. E. Y. Flanigan, WSPD, Toledo. Adrian James Flanter. Robt. Fling, Standard Radio, Chicago. Cedric W. Foster, WTHT, Hartford, Conn. J. L. Fox, KMBC, Kansas City. Sidney S. Fox, KDYL, Salt Lake, City. E. H. Gammons. WCCO, Minneapolis. Rev. H. A. Gaudin, WWL, New Orleans. Gregory Gentling, KROC, Rochester, Minn. G-. D. Gillett, Washington. J. J. Gillin, Jr., WOW, Omaha. Benedict Gimbel. Jr., WIP, Philadelphia. Earl J. Glade, KSL, Salt Lake City. Earl J. Gluck, WSOC, Charlotte, N. C. Paul F. Godley, Montclair, N. J. Ernest Gold, Trans-Air Inc. Norman Goldman, Broadcasting Magazine. Purnell Gould, WFBR, Baltimore. E. L. Gove, WHK-WCLE, Cleveland. M. B. Grabhorn, International Radio Sales, New York. W. B. Greenwald, KWBG, Hutchinson, Kan. S. D. Gregory, Westinghouse Co., Springfield, Mass. C. W. Grignon, WISN, Milwaukee. John Gude, CBS, New York. James W. Gum, Washington. E. E. Edgar, WGH, Newport News, Va. ; Don S, Elias, WWNC. Asheville, N. C. ; Carl Everson, WHKC, Columbus. Ed Flanigan. WSPD, Toledo; Leslie Fox, KMBC, Kansas City; J. H. Field. WPTF, Raleigh, N. C. ; B. W. Frank, WEED. Rocky Mount, N. C. ; .lohn Fetzer, WKZO. Kalamazoo. Purnell Gould. WFBR, Baltimore; Bill Greenwald, KWBG, Hutchinson, Kan. C. T. Hagman, WTCN, Minneapolis; Herb Hollister, KANS, Wichita; Byron Howard, WRVA, Richmond ; Ralph Hatcher. WTAR. Nofolk, Va. ; Ed Hamlin, KSD. St. Louis. W. C. Irwin, WSOC, Charlotte, N. C. ; Donman Inmaii, WMT, Waterloo, la. Ray Jordan, WDBJ, Roanoke. Va. ; J. F. Jarman, WDNC. Durham. N. C. O. J. Kelchner, WMMN. Fairmont, W. Va.; Darrold A. Kahn, KGKO, Fort Worth ; Leonard Kapner, WCAE, Pittsburgh. Barney Lavin, WDAY. Fargo ; Craig Lawrence, KSO-KRNT, Des Moines ; Howard Loeb. WFDF, Flint ; I. R. Lounsberry, WGR-WKBW, Buffalo. Wm. F. Malo. WDRC. Hartford; Ed Marchal, WADC, Akron; C. P. Manship Jr., WJBO, Baton Rouge, La.; J. AV. Mosher, WPG, Atlantic City; R. H. Mason, WPTF. Raleigh. N. C. ; Jack Maxey, WRTD, Richmond ; Ken Marsh, WJEJ, Hagerstown. Md. ; J. Ray M c L a n n o n. WSAL, Salisbury. Md. John New, WTAR, Norfolk, Va. John Cutler, WSB, Atlanta. Charles Phillips, WFBL. Syracuse ; K. Pvle, KFBI, Abilene, Kan. ; G. B. Povner, WPTF, Raleigh, N. C. Wm. B. Quarton, WMT, Cedar Rapids, la. J. L. Reinseh. WHIO, Dayton ; Roy Radner, WIBM, Jackson, Mich. Don Searle, KOIL-KFAB. Omaha ; John SchUling, WHB, Kansas City; Edgar Shutz. WIL, St. Louis. Eugene Thomas, WOR. Newark ; Cliff Taylor. WBEN, Buffalo; Lloyd Thomas, WROK. Roekford. 111. Edgar Twamley, WBEN, Buffalo. O. F. Uridge, WJR, Detroit; Raymond Ulm, WSAL, Salisbury, Md. H. Wheelahan, WSMB, New Orleans ; Bill Warner, WAAB. Boston ; Bill Williamson, WKRC, Cincinnati ; Karl Wyler, KTSM, El Paso. Ralph N. Weil. WISN, Milwaukee ; Jim AVoodruff, AVRBL. Columbus, Ga. Kolin D. Hager, WGY, Schenectady C. T. Hagman, WTCN, Minneapolis Ray V. Hamilton, KFRU, Columbia, M< Edw. W. Hamlin, KSD, St. Louie. W. A. Hannon, Employers Reinsura Corp. James H. Hanley, Washington. Wiley P. Harris, WJDX, Jackson, Mist R. S. Hatcher, WTAR, Norfolk Beecher Hayfowl, WCOA, Pensacola, F Frank M. Headley, Kelly Smith Co.. > York W. S. Hedges, NBC, New York Philip Hennessey, Jr., NBC, Washingto H. S. Hettinger, Univ. of Penna., Ph delphia S. B. Hickox Jr., NBC, New York Edward E. Hill, WORC, Worcester, M Luther L. Hill, KSO-KRNT, Des Moint J Phil Hoffman, WJTN, Springfield, Vt. Herman H. Hohenstein, KFUO, St. L(j Kenneth K. Harkathorn, WHK WC; 1 Cleveland. 1 Herbert Hollister, KANS, Wichita, Kar John A. Holman, WBZ, Boston Thad Holt, WAPI, Birmingham. J. F. Hopkins. WJBK, Detroit. Harold C. Hopper. W. L. Hoppes, ERPI, New York. Charles W. Horn, NBC, New York. B. Horswell, C. P. MacGregor, Los les. Harold Hough, WBAP, Fort Worth. Barron Howard, WRVA, Richmond. Wm. E. Hutchinson, WAAF, Chicago. D. E. Inman, WMT, Waterloo, la. Nelson Jackson, WCAX, Burlington, V K. A. Jadassohn, SESAC, New York. Pete Jaeger, Transamerican Radio Television Co. C. M. Jansky, Jr., Janskv & Bailey. J. F. Jarman, WDNC, Durham, N. C. Forrest Johnson, New York. Kenneth Johnston, WCOL, Columbus. Merle S. Jones, KMOX, St. Louis. Tilford Jones, KXYZ, Houston. R. P. Jordan. WDBJ, Roanoke. Leslie Joy, KYW, Philadelphia. D. A. Kahn, KGKO, Wichita Falls, Te! Leonard Kapner, WCAE, Pittsburgh. John Karol, CBS. New York. Edwin H. Kasper, Kasper-Gordon Stud Boston. Lambdin Kay, Atlanta, Ga. Doris Keane, WHIP-WWAE, Hammc Ind. Alex Keese, WFAA, Dallas. J. O. J. Kelchner, WMMN, Fairmont, Va. A. J. Kendrick, World Broadcasting S tem, Chicago. John A. Kennedy, WCHS, Charleston. D. E. Kendrick, WCHS, Charleston, W. Keith Kiggins, NBC, New York. Gerald King, Standard Radio. Los Ang Truett Kimzey, KFJZ, Ft. Worth. E. M. Kirby, WSM, Nashville. Milton Krents, Nat'l Conference of Jew: Christians Jim E. Kyler, WCMI, Ashland, Ky. Harold Lafount, WAGA, Atlanta. Wm. Lancaster, Graybar Elec. Co. Philip G. Lasky, KSFO, San Francisco. Paul H. La Stayo, WAAT, Jersey Citj-. R J. Laubengaver, KSAL, Salina. Kan. Barney Lavin, WDAY, Fargo, N. D. Craig Lawrence, KSO-KRNT, Des Moir, Bertram Lebhar, Jr., WMCA, New Yc Martin Leich, WGBF, Evansville, Ind. Hal Leyshon, WIOD, Miami, Fla. J. C. Liner, KMLB, Monroe, La. William B. Lodge, CBS. Howard M. Loeb, WFDF, Flint, Mich. Melvin Lohr, WKOK, Sunbury, Pa. Maurice Long, Broadcasting Magazine. I R. Lounsberry, WGR-WKBW, Buff N. Y. Paul A. Lovet. WHO, Des Moines, la. C. T. Lucv, WRVA, Richmond, Va. Ben Ludy, WIBW, Topeka, Kan. J. Thomas Lyons, WCAO, Baltimore. C L. McCarthy, KQW, San Jose, Cal. B. F. McClancy, NBC, New York. J V. McConnell. NBC, New York. John McCormack, WKRC, Cincinnati, j J. C. McCormack, KWKH, Shreveport, Joseph H. McGillvra. i B. S. McGlashan, KGFJ, Los Angeles. Frank H. Mcintosh, Graybar Electric (I San Francisco. | D. B. McKey, Graybar Electric Co., ; lanta, Ga. J Ray McLennan, WSAL, Salisbury, J Harold McWhorter, WPAR, Parkersbi; , W. Va. J O. Maland, WHO, Des Moines. Wm. F. Malo, WDRC, Hartford. | Chas. P. Manship, Jr., WJBO, Ba Rouge, La. Richard Mason, WPTF, Raleigh, N. C. Ken Marsh, WJEJ, Hagerstown, Md. K. G. Marshall, WBRC, Birmingham. Reggie Martin, Iowa Network, Des Moii R. S. Maslin, WFBR, Baltimore. C. D. Mastin, WNBF, Binghamton. Ted Matthews, WNAX, Yankton, S. E Sales Group Holds Own Convention^ Considers Plans to Beat Recession Page 100 • February 15, 1938 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertisir