Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan - Mar 1951)

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AD CLUB SEMINAR Top Speakers Feature D. C. Session DAY-LONG radio and television seminar will be held Tuesday at the Statler Hotel by the Washington Ad Club, bringing leaders from all phases of industry activity into a quick course in broadcasting and TV. Chairmen of the seminar will be Ben Strouse, WWDC Washington, and Walter Compton, WTTG (TV) Washington. Opening the seminar and speaking at a luncheon session will be Linnea Nelson, retiring chief timebuyer of J. Walter Thompson Co. [Closed Circuit, Feb. 5.] Afternoon session on "How to Buy Radio & Television" will be headed by Ben Baylor, WMAL Washington. Speaker will be George Castleman, of Bermingham, Castleman & Pierce, New York agency. Panel participants will be Robert J. Enders, of Robert J. Enders Adv.; Harwood Martin, of Harwood Martin Adv. Agency; Alvin Q. Ehrlich, of Kal, Ehrlich & Merrick Adv., and Jeff Abel, of Henry J. Kaufman & Associates. . Spot Radio Spot radio panel titled "The Case for the Independent Station," will be directed by Joe Brechner, WGAY Silver Spring, Md. Speaker will be R. C. (Jake) Embry, WITH Baltimore. On the panel will be Frank U. Fletcher, WARL Arlington, Va.; Howard Stanley, WE AM Arlington, Va.; Billy Banks, WINX Washington, and M. Robert Rogers, WGMS Washington. "The Case for the Network Station" will follow, with Mr. Strouse presiding. Speaker will be Bill Shaw, CBS. On the panel will be Mr. Baylor; Mahlon Glascock, WRC Washington; George Hartford, WTOP Washington, and Fred Palmer, WOL Washington. Mr. Compton will direct a TV panel with Edward D. Madden, NBC, as speaker. On the panel will be Kenneth H. Berkeley, WMAL-TV Washington; John S. Hayes, WTOP-TV Washington, and William R. McAndrew, WNBW (TV) Washington. FM Panel Mr. Fletcher will direct an FM panel, with Frank E. Pellegrin, Transit Radio, as speaker, along with Allen Jones, Storecasting, and Everett L. Dillard, WASH (FM) Washington. Dinner meeting will open at 6 p.m. with Bill Sigmund, Henry J. Kaufman & Assoc., presiding as president of the club. Speaker will be Robert K. Richards, NAB public affairs director, who will introduce winners of the Voice of Democracy contest. Jack Neff, WOL Washington, will preside at a -session on radio CLEVELAND'S fl^f STATION • wjw • CLEWUND'S/^fcw^SWNAl wjw . CLEVELAND'S fflifi S/>^ CHIEF SAYS: "Chief sure mixum heap strong potion | Catchum plenty sales for you ^ Merchandising and Promotion— ^ Cleveland's strongest signal too!" *t GOOD MEDICINE | FOR INCREASED SALES J Use WJ WGreater Cleveland's most merchandising | J minded .promotion-minded station— for quick sales results! ? Bill O'NEIl PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S W STATION s m E e 5000 W. WJW BUILDING BASIC ABC CLEVELAND 15, OHIO Miss Nelson Mr. Castleman Mr. McClure Mr. Madden Miss Hart Mr. Richards Mr. Pellegrin Mr. Strouse Mr. Compton Mr. Shaw copy, with Lee Hart, Broadcast Advertising Bureau, as speaker. Mr. Compton will preside at a discussion of TV production. Don McClure, McCann-Erickson Inc., will be speaker. On the panel will be Alvin Epstein, of Alvin Epstein Adv.; Robert S. Maurer, Henry J. Kaufman & Assoc.; William D. Murdock, of William D. Murdock Adv. Agency; Walter Kirwin, Courtland D. Ferguso Inc. Mr. Stanley will direct a radic TV research session with Dr. Ker neth H. Baker, NAB, as moden tor. Participants will be War Dorrell, C. E. Hooper Inc.; Jame W. Seiler, American Research Bt reau; Sydney Roslow, The Puis Inc.; Joe Ward, Audience Researc Inc. DEFENSE m REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY H-R REPRESENTATIVES, INC. g ODM Plans Coordination PLANS for creation of an information coordinating office within the government's top mobilization agency — the Office of Defense Mobilization— were revealed last week by ODM officials. The unit would serve on the policy level, coordinating but not absorbing all information releases from the Defense Production Administration, National Production Authority, Economic Stabilization Agency and other agencies concerned with mobilization developments. These departments, however, would retain their operating status on information activities. At the same time ODM officials indicated plans for establishment of a "clearing house" which would direct industrial and business groups to proper government departments for any information they may request [Broadcasting • Telecasting, Feb. 12]. The office would function as an advisory unit, channeling requests for data to the agencies concerned, and not as an overall information center, it was stressed. In this connection, ODM officials also laid to rest reports that the government is planning shortly to resurrect a new version of the World War II Office of War Information. There was some speculation that Howard Chase, assistant to Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson, now on leave from his post as public relations director at General Foods Corp., may head up such an organization when and if it materializes. Close associates of Mr. Chase, who formerly served as assistant 1 William H. Harrison at NPA, d>' nied reports that an OWI is eith( "imminent" or in the immedia' planning stage. They said that M Chase has expressed himself as 0] posed to establishment of such organization at this time, indica ing the subject had been broache It also was explained that, wh Mr. Wilson told a Congression committee that plans were afoot create a mobilization public info mation office, he had referred to tl proposed coordinating group with ODM and not to another war info mation office. Agency officials clai fied the statement, explaining th; the possibility had been studied jfi some time but was not immine: [Broadcasting • Telecastin Jan. 15]. Prior Plans Early planning had been mappi by the National Security Resourc Board, which formerly supervis<!; mobilization under the act whiij created the agency. With the a] vent of ODM, however, jurisdicfin over blueprints for an OWI — ai also an Office of Censorship — w.j shifted to Mr. Wilson's departmei In that connection, Scott He 1 shey, who headed up NSRB infc mation activities, has transf err j his base of operation to ODM whe he is assisting Mr. Chase in th I field. The coordinating unit, slat l| to take shape within the week, v/jj employ a small staff — possibly fo I or five — and maintain press rooi 1 within ODM. Business groups wl be able to take their queries j mobilization phases to the groi I and be directed to the proper op( [I ating agencies. a 1 Page 42 • February 19, 1951 BROADCASTING • Telecast it