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Resigns From KPHO-AM-TV
HARRY L. STONE, general manager of KPHO-AM-TV Phoenix, Ariz., has joined ABC in San Francisco in an executive capacity, it was learned last week. He will assume charge of the Pacific Coast regional and national radio network sales for the network there, according to ABC headquarters i n New York.
Harry Stone
Mr. Stone has been active in radio for some 30 years.
Gayle Grubb, vice president and general manager of KGO and KGO-TV, remains in charge of ABC San Francisco radio and TV operations.
The shift was consonant with ABC's evolution into separate radio and video operations, it was explained.
Assumes Stone Duties
John C. Mullins, president of KPHO-AM-TV, in announcing Mr. Stone's resignation indicated he will assume the general managership vacated by Mr. Stone in addition to his present duties. Mr. Mullins will continue to spend the majority of his time in Phoenix.
Mr. Stone joined KPHO-AM-TV on Jan. 22, 1951. Previously he had been associated with WSM Nashville, Tenn., for 22 years, part of them as vice president and general manager. He is credited with having helped construct in 1922 WCBQ, Nashville's first station, which later became WBAW. He served as announcer, program director, and commercial manager.
In 1928 he moved to WSM as announcer and subsequently was named general manager. He also served as chairman of NBC's Station Planning Advisory Committee in 1941 and of the original Clear Channel Group. In 1947 he was chairman of employe relations for NAB's 6th District.
BAB's '52 Promotion
WILLIAM B. RYAN, president, BAB, will outline BAB's radio promotional plans for 1952, and Kevin Sweeney, BAB vice president, will describe results of measuring radio on a truly competitive basis with newspapers Jan. 10 (Thursday) at a luncheon meeting of the Radio Executives Club of New York at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
WDAF Appoints
WDAF Kansas City has named Henry I. Christal Co. as national representative, effective Jan. 1.
Drawn for Broadcasting • Telecasting by Sid Hix
"He's designing an automatic tieck-line m,onitor for the NARTB television people!"
Affiliates' Letters Scheduled Jan. 75
be held up pending further studies — and some opponents have predicted there will be a substantial number of dis-affiliates if the plan is put into effect.
LETTERS to notify NBC radio affiliates of their new rates under the network's new rate formula will be sent out about Jan. 15, with the new rates to be effective July 1, a spokesman reported last week.
He said the letters are still being drafted, but that at the present
time there was no plan to have *
them include a statement that the rate formula — a method of appraising rates which has drawn criticism from many affiliates — ■ might be changed after the present rate adjustments have been made.
The latter relates to reports which circulated a week previously to the effect that NBC President Joseph H. McConnell had said the rate formula might be revised or abandoned following the current round of adjustments. Mr. McConnell said at the time that his comments had been misinterpreted and that what he actually said was a reiteration of earlier statements that NBC does not plan to keep the formula so rigid that it cannot be revised "as the necessities dictate" [B*T, Dec. 31, 1951].
Time Not Definite
Mr. McConnell, who was on the West Coast last week, also had said he was not sure as to exactly when the rate letters would be sent to affiliates, but that they would go at an "appropriate" time. In reporting last week that Jan. 15 is the approximate date for the letters to be sent, an official said this is now the plan.
Application of the formula means downward adjustments in the rates of a majority of NBC's radio affiliates, with upward adjustments for others, resulting overall in little change in the total rate for the complete network.
The projected rate changes have aroused substantial opposition — by a vote of 72 to 22 affiliates voted at the NBC convention in late November that effectuation of the formula
Is Foster Successor
PAUL TIEMER, eastern sales manager of Paul H. Raymer Co., radio and television station representative, has been named manager of the company's New England office with headquarters in Boston, it was ann o u n c e d last week. He succeeds Robert Foster, who has joined W G A N Portland and WGUY Bangor, Me. The changes were effective
Mr. Tiemer
Jan. 1.
Mr. Tiemer has been with the Raymer organization for 12 years, serving as account executive before he was named eastern sales manager two years ago. He formerly was on the national advertising staff of the Scripps-Howard newspapers. The duties of eastern sales manager are among those being assumed by Fred Brokaw with his return to the New York office as executive vice president in direct charge of all AM operations [B»T, Dec. 24, 1951].
Leaves KIRO, Joins KBRO
LOREN B. STONE, veteran radio executive on the West Coast, plans to resign as vice president and manager of KIRO Seattle effective Jan. 15, it was learned last week.
Mr. Stone, it was said, will become general manager of KBRO Bremerton, Wash. Associated with KIRO for the past 16 years, Mr. Stone served seven years in the post he now vacates. Saul Hass is president of Queen City Broadcasting Co., operator of KIRO-AM-FM.
In 1931, Mr. Stone entered radio by joining the KOMO Seattle sales staff. Later, he went to KIRO.
Loren Stone
TV Show Also Planned
A LONG-TERM agreement between CBS Radio and John Guedel Productions, under which the Linkletter House Party, CBS Radio series, will also be presented in a television version on CBS-TV, is to be announced today (Monday) by Howard S. Meighan, president of the CBS Radio Division.
CBS Radio in effect takes over ownership of the program for the duration of the contract, it was understood.
Tentative plans look toward starting the TV version in March and to schedule it immediately preceding the radio version, which will continue in the 3:15-3:40 p.m. segment Monday through Friday. The TV show will be 30 minutes instead of the radio version's 25, however.
Pillsbury Mills, which sponsors the radio House Party, will sponsor the last 15 minutes of the TV version and will cut its sponsorship of the radio show to the 3:303:40 p.m. portion, after which it sponsors Cedric Adams from 3:403:45 p.m.
Settel to DuMont
IRVING SETTEL, advertising director of Connord's Inc., retail stores, and instructor in advertising at Pace College, has been appointed sales, promotion, merchandising, and advertising consultant for the DuMont Network, Donald A. Stewart, coordinator of the film program division, announced Wednesday. Mr. Settel is author of the widely-used textbook, "Effective Retail Advertising," and of the "Adviser," syndicated feature. A new book by Mr. Settel, "Television Advertising and Production Handbook, is scheduled for September publication by Thomas A. Crowell Publishing Co.
Page 24 • January 7, 1952
BROADCASTING • Telecasting