Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1952)

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Set Ownership (Continued from page 23) Bureau household figures for 1950 and latest radio homes saturation figures of Broadcast Measurement Bureau. Of 1,560 counties that showed increased population in the 1940-50 decade, 864 gained 10 or more in number of people, 498 gained 20%' or more and 28 gained 100 or more, according to Census Bureau. It was pointed out that a loss in population by nearly half of U. S. counties (49.7%) during the decade occurred while the population total was gaining 19 million. Of counties suffering a loss, onefourth lost 10% or more. All of the counties that more than doubled in size during the 1940-50 period were located in the South or West, it was found. Elsewhere, over four out of five counties in New England and three out of five counties in the West showed population increases. In the North Central area 43.9% of counties showed gains, with 47% of southern counties showing increases. In all regions but the West the increase in total dwelling units was well in excess of the rate of population increase, the bureau found. The in-migration almost kept pace with rise in dwelling units there. Significant increase in home ownership is shown in each section of the country, especially the West and South, according to the Census Bureau. The gain resulted from new construction and from the sale of existing rental homes for owner occupancy. In all areas but the West the shift from renter to owner occupancy was so great that there was a loss in the number of rental units despite the large volume of such units built during the decade. Both renter and owneroccupied dwelling units rose substantially in the West. According to the Census Bureau, all regions had more renters than owners in 1940 whereas in 1950 home owners exceeded renters in every region except the Northeast where the ratio was about equal. Highest home ownership rate was found in the North Central Region, where it was 61%. The one-dwelling unit detached house was still the most common type in all regions in 1950. This type amounted to 75% in the South with a low ratio of 40% in the Northeast where large multi-unit structures are most popular. During the decade the size of households became generally smaller, aside from the West. In general, there were relatively more one-person households than in 1940 and fewer households with six or more persons. Households with two persons were most numerous. The median size of city house 1 holds in 1950 varied from 2.5 to | 3.4 persons. Households with two i or three persons constituted from half to three-fifths in individual metropolitan areas. The nation's center of population moved during the 1940-50 decade from a point two miles from Carlisle, Ind., to a point eight miles northwest of Olney, in southeastern Illinois. Since 1790 the center has moved westward from a point 23 miles east of Baltimore, Md., with possibility it will reach dead center around St. Louis, around 200 miles east of the geographical center of the nation in Smith County, Kan. Census Bureau computations showing households cover 3,070 counties plus 29 independent cities. Of these cities 27 are in Virginia. Others are Baltimore and St. Louis. Separate geographic districts are District of Columbia and Yellowstone National Park. Radio Homes in the United States by Counties (Radio Homes are BROADCASTING • Telecasting estimates based 07i just released figures from the decennial census now being computed by the Bureaai. of the Census. Households are official Census Bureau figures.) Radio House holds County 1950 ALABAMA 786,476 3,464 4,476 Baldwin 8,981 10,730 5,330 7,126 Bibb 3,728 4,401 Blount 5,982 7,340 Bullock 2,858 3,905 Butler 5,429 7,033 17,164 20,556 8,576 10,210 3,704 4,302 Chilton 5,551 6,896 3,367 4,448 5,193 6,658 Cloy 2,877 3,561 2,318 2,919 6,066 7,737 Colbert 8,584 10,305 4,021 5,162 2,345 2,928 8,286 10,650 3,800 4,786 10,365 12,237 Dole 4,281 5,453 Dallas 10,559 14,250 De Kalb 9,682 11,581 6,387 7,885 5,994 7,646 Etowah 22,091 25,276 4,060 4,988 5,306 6,527 5,226 6,624 2,926 3,965 Hale 3,681 4,889 3,460 4,385 Houston 10,421 12,406 7,822 9,504 136,948 153,529 3,475 4,228 11,813 14,302 5,195 6,469 8,206 10,629 7,059 8,769 3,060 4,152 4,896 6,494 15,614 18,413 5,365 7,299 5,656 6,806 9,920 11,768 51,852 62,098 4,608 6,055 Montgomery 30,206 37,663 12,302 14,422 3,570 4,667 4,632 5,827 Pike 5,944 7,689 4,665 5,745 Russell 7,582 9,924 St. Clair 5,585 6,610 Shelby 6,397 7,588 Radio House Homes holds County 1950 1950 4 203 5 559 12 212 15 1 70 O Ci'^A y,U04 IP 101 \A/„ 11 ^ 1 1 0 1 16 218 o,0 1 z 1 Q'yi OQn 4,536 A D 1 T/^ kl A o 1 n loQ r 4 559 5 1 93 Cochise 8 977 9^459 5,450 6,016 Gila 6 528 6 945 3,190 3,401 3,080 3,277 96,497 2 404 2 568 6 216 6 884 38,979 4l]074 Pinal 10,210 11,074 Sonta Cruz 2,308 2,509 7,302 7,743 7,246 7,758 ARKANSAS 524,708 5,664 6,711 5,419 6,665 Baxter 2,895 3,297 10,128 11,641 4,219 4,844 3,708 4,332 1,566 1,915 3,584 4,073 Chicot 4,859 6,286 Clark 5,235 6,239 Clay 6,348 7,280 2,660 3,144 1,889 2,290 6,391 7,747 3,986 4,814 11,805 13,339 5,377 6,356 9,324 12,078 5,023 6,232 Dallas 2,633 3,316 5,257 6,637 3,722 4,705 5,774 6,738 3,036 3,514 2,126 2,565 12,715 14,649 2,102 2,467 7,005 7,942 5,639 6,987 5,097 6,104 3,158 3,796 5,644 6,578 2,294 2,731 5,625 6,860 17,123 21,087 3,934 4,612 2,949 3,592 4,965 5,720 4,618 6,117 3,243 4,168 Little River 2,649 3,234 4,592 5,327 6,146 7,273 2,572 3,191 Radio House Homes holds County 1950 1950 2,016 2,406 . 7,750 9,281 17,227 20,781 3,763 5,085 1,576 1,906 3,356 4,053 1,704 2,149 7,465 9,092 1,357 1,663 Phillips 9,526 12,600 2,394 2,827 7,976 9,564 Polk 3,403 4,140 Pope 5,400 6,413 3,097 3,648 Pulaski 50,211 56,671 3,589 4,334 7,263 9,336 5,024 5,821 2,428 2,826 2,281 2,813 17,504 19,470 2,869 3,564 2,084 2,484 1,627 2,001 12,500 14,401 2,197 2,670 12,421 14,293 White 8,953 10,410 Woodruff 4,034 4,802 Yell 3,470 4,011 CALIFORNIA 3,336,308 235,250 237,867 75 78 2,736 2,815 Butte 20,614 21,273 3,135 3,249 Colusa 3,483 3,561 82,304 83,388 Del Norte 2,487 2,607 5,269 5,506 78,285 80,375 4,609 4,718 20,743 21,429 15,401 16,525 3,619 3,794 63,121 65,006 12,650 13,068 Lake 4,035 4,126 5,334 5,454 1,352,162 1,369,972 9,635 10,078 25,030 25,232 1,633 1,710 1 1 ,600 12,021 18,529 19,566 2,844 2,941 675 710 35,987 36,910 12,433 12,648 6,436 6,608 68,390 69,431 Placer 11,737 12,063 4,141 4,273 51,976 53,584 81,041 82,779 4,169 4,272 83,710 85,945 165,970 169,012 254,497 259,162 Radio House Homes holds County 1950 1950 57,955 1 6,475 7 1 ,380 30,605 85,436 23,524 1 1 ,51 2 843 9 564 9 819 30,360 32,994 OZ QQC 37 71 5 Sutter 7 624 7^876 5,915 6]085 1,687 1,781 41,329 42,828 4,194 4,315 31,265 32,001 1 1 ,852 6 901 7 196 COLORADO 391,517 9,953 10,368 2,713 2,841 14,820 15,122 750 810 2,207 2,340 Bent 2,173 2,292 13,794 14,104 2,173 2,283 938 967 1,088 1,115 2,163 2,349 Costilla 1,217 1,339 1,371 1,430 478 512 Delta 4,974 5,203 127,540 130,143 521 558 1,076 1,113 1,313 1,349 Elbert 1,253 1,308 El Paso 22,695 23,253 5,285 5,505 3,422 3,565 306 317 1,169 1,213 1,579 1,633 100 100 2,751 3,023 637 659 16,069 16,330 851 889 2,355 2,461 Lake 1,716 1,797 La Plato 3,986 4,240 12,865 13,195 6,450 7,026 1,699 1,762 4,709 4,875 11,031 11,467 214 222 1,764 1,828 2,660 2,821 4,287 4,498 4,822 5,028 6,932 7,289 645 655 Park 607 635 Phillips 1,477 1,516 499 516 Page 38 • January 7, 1952 BROADCASTING • Telecasting