Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1952)

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WIND BEST CHICAGO BUY ENTIRE YEAR 1951 ^ DAYS A WEEK6 AJ)L-MIDNIGHT SHARE OF AUDIENCE BASE "A" HR. RATE NET A 27.6% $1100 NET B 15.7% $900 WIND 13.0% $250 NET C 10.2% $900 NET D 9.5% $900 IND B 8.1% $338 IND C 5.9% $300 IND D 3.0% $240 SOURCES: PULSE OF CHICAGO, 1951; SRDS "The Most Homes Per Dollar Station" • 400 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 11, ILLINOIS AM RADIO SALES CO., REPRESENTATIVE ROBT. MEEKER & ASSOC. West Coast Representatives THE NEWSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION Published Weekly by Broadcasting Publications, Inc. Executive, Editorial, Advertising and Circulation OfRces: 870 National Press BIdg. Washington 4, D. C. Telephone ME 1022 IN THIS BROADCASTING DEPARTMENTS Advertiser Index 177 Agency Beat 20 Aircasters gg Allied Arts 105 Book Review 22 Editorial 92 FCC Actions 133 FCC Roundup 132 Feature of Week n Film Report 156 Front Office 94 New Business 14 On All Accounts 20 Our Respects to 92 Programs, Promotions, Premiums 135 Strictly Business ig Upcoming i4g TELECASTING Starts on page 139 WASHINGTON HEADQUARTERS SOI TAISHOFF, Editor and Publisher EDITORIAL: ART KING, Managing Editor; EDWIN H JAMES, Senior Editor; J. Frank Beatty. Earl B Abrams, Associate Editors; Fred Fitzgerald, Assistant Managing Editor; Dave Berlyn, Assignment Editor; Lawrence Christopher, Technical Editor. STAFFJohn H. Kearney, Patricia Kielty, John Osbon, Keith Trantow. EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS:' Pat Kowalczyk, Don Mortimer, Jean D. Statz, Hilda Toler; Gladys L. Hall, Secretary to the Publisher. BUSINESS: MAURY LONG, Business Manager; Winfield R. Levi, Assistant Advertising Manager; George L. Dant, Adv. Production Manager; Harry Stevens. Classified Advertising Manager; Eleanor Schadl Doris Kelly, Betty Krebs; B. T. Taishoff, Treasurer: Irving C. Miller, Auditor and Office Manager; Eunice Weston, Assistant Auditor. CIRCULATION AND READERS' SERVICE: JOHN P COSGROVE. Manager: Doris J. Buschline. Rutv^ w Davis, Madeleine Tress, Elwood M. Slee, Clyde Baker. 3SSM 488 Madison Ave., Zone 23, Plaza 5-8355; EDITORIAL: Rufus Crater, New York Editor; Florence Small, Agency Editor; Dorothy Munster, William Ruchti, Liz Thackston. Bruce Robertson, Senior Associate Editor. ADVERTISING: S. J. PAUL, Advertising Director Eleanor R. Manning, Assistant to Advertising Director; Kenneth Cowan, Advertising Representative. ■CHICAGO BUREAU 360 N. Michigan Ave., Zone 1, CEntral 6-4115; William H. Shaw, Midwest Advent*ing Representative; Jane Pinkerton, News Editor HOLLYWOOD BUREAU Taft Building, Hollywood and Vine, Zone 28, HEmpstead 8181; David Glickman, West Coast Manager; Marjorie Ann Thomas. TORONTO: 417 Harbour Commission, EMpire 4-0775 James Montagnes. Annual subscription for 52 weekly issues $7.00. Annual subscription including BROADCASTING Yearbook (53rd issue) $9.00, or TELECASTING Yearbook (54th issue) $9.00. Annual subscription to BROADCASTING • TELECASTING including 54 issues $11.00. Add $1.00 per year for Canadian and foreign postage. Regular issue 35^ per copy; 53rd and 54th issues $5.00 per copy. Address Change: Please advise promptly, giving both , old and new addresses, to maintain uninterrupted delivery. Broadcasting * Magazine was foimded in 1931 by Broadcasting Publications Inc., using the title: Broadcasting * — The News Magazine of the Fifth Estate. Broadcast Advertising • was acquired in 1932 and Broadcast Reporter in 1933. * Reg. U. S. Patent Office Copyright 1952 by Broadcasting Publications, Inc. Page 10 « March 31, 1952 BROADCASTING • Telecastin