Broadcasting Telecasting (July - Sept 1952)

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Help Wanted (Cont'd) Situations Wanted (Cont'd) Situations Wanted (Cont'd) For Sale (Cont'd) Television Production-Programming, Others „j Television news teacher needed in v| large university journalism school, beginning September. Experience essenpTrtial. Chanc for graduate work. Box "! 940F, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Situations Wanted Full, experienced staff radio aniiinouncers, bookkeeper, continuity writfliers, engineer, news editor, traffic di|, rector, and women's director desire -Hposit.ons new radio station. Box 954P, t BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Managerial \ Capable organizer-supervisor, extenJ'sive radio and communications backaground, practicing lawyer with first T class ticket, age 34, married, available 1 f or interview. Box 889P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. i Five years experience all phases radio. |! Desire step up to managership or TV. P First phone, 32, draft exempt, $85 f minimum. Now employed. Box 928P, fBROADCASTING . TELECASTING. I Account executive in large market, tdesires commercial manager position tin smaller market in Midwest or East. {Box 938P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. ^Assistant sales manager with proven :f!sales record intarested in commercial ■flma.iager spot and opportunity to work into TV. Dry climate preferred. Write Box 955P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Competent experienced manager. Strong on sales. Not afraid of rundown station or tough market. Desire percentage deal. Box 959P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Mature man now employed, wishes take over small station as manager. 15 years radio. 15 years New York stock exchange. Call 3071, Clifton Forge, Virginia. Announcers Disc jockey personality with first class license available now for metropolitan -narket association. Complete and productive. Net and indie AM and TV Experience. Box 836P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. ® 'Announcer, single, draft exempt. Excellent references. South preferred. -("Box 923P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. lSj! ^''Experienced announcer, six years. College background, musical training, Kfemily man. Box 924P, BROADCASTi:NG . TELECASTING. f0Jwheap announcer . . . absolutely not!! reIMy "airability" reacts pleasantly and erlj;ffectively to listeners' and sponsors' t iars. Will make change only for bigger opportunity. Good disc commercial Jinan. Desire station within 200 miles „bf Chicago. Box 925P, BROADCASTTING . TELECASTING. -[Available August 20th, capable combo lecpnan with 2 years experience as mornine»ng man. Money important but not re-primary object. Looking for permalence, a versatile job and opportunity. _-!-3refer Virginia or Maryland. Box „rS;l32P, BROADCASTING . TELECAST NG. — [-\nnouncer: Strong all phases, draft m.Uxempt. New England, New York jf! urea. Have summer job. Available S August 10. Box 933P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. 'nnouncer, some experience, strong >n news and commercials, unique deivery, draft exempt, married, prefer ; Midwest. Disc available. Box 935P, i BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. attention Florida stations! Experienced 'itaff announcer. Veteran, 29, write " opy, operate board. Box 943P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Jewscaster-announcer network caliper. Managerial experience. Deep, riendly voice; interesting delivery. }?.ther. writ local, edit wire copy, ■pecial events, interviews. Good comlercials. civic-minded. Available Sepember. Box 944P, BROADCASTING . 'ELECA STING. ran mike, man. Originality, sineritv. Promotion ideas. For good osition, travel anywhere. Box 950P, iROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Newscaster-editor. Currently featured leg.onal network. Interested doing hourly newscasts with music and news md-pendent. Box 951P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Three years staff announcer, metropolitan markets. Seeks position with good operation only. Box 960P, BROADC/: STING • TELECASTING. Jiold it! Available now . . . man with 4'/2 years experience. Strong on news, sports, ok on DJ. Box 961P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Special events, sports director-commentator. Opportunity desired by assistant to toi network personality past nine years. Box 962P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Experienced announcer. Staff man — good music, news sports, college gradupt°. Single, 25, veteran. Box 967P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Experienced all-round announcer wants change. Pleasant, deep voice. Can write. 6 years experience. Box 970P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. DJ-announcer. College graduate, deep, cultivated voice. Selling ability. Widely experienced in jazz, classical and popular. Details, interview. Carl Baldwin, 282 West 11th St., New York 14, N. Y. W Atkins 9-1433. Announcer, single, draft exempt, 27 years of age. Texas, New Mexico location preferred. Write or call Eugene L. Books, 1808 Summit St. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Telephone 222-78. Interested in fulltime work with NBC affiliate after August 19. U. S. citizen. U. S. -Canada radio, Republican-Democratic convention coverage for Canada. Dispassionate news commentary. Specialize: Interviews-Spot remotes. Described last public appearance of Eisenhower on Michigan Avenue. Dependable as the chimes. Disc, picture, 2 weeks notice. References. LeRoy G. Brush, 49 Balmoral PL, Winnipeg, Canada. Deep, resonant voice, experienced announcer. First phone. Immediate availabilitv. John Gary, 635 Hemlock St., Scranton, Pa. Phone 2-1180. Technical Chief with over two decades experience in design construction installation and maintenance from microphone to antenna, would like affiliation with progressive station that believes in striving for technical perfection. Box 888P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Shirtsleeve engineer with degree and 12 years experience is looking around. Box 941P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Ch'ef engineer, AM-FM. Northeast only. Box 948P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Engineer, experienced, draft exempt. Minimum $60. No announcing. Permanent oosition. Box 966P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. First phone — no station experience. Technical school graduate. D. G. MacDonald, 623 West 20th Street, New York 34, N.Y. Production-Programming, Others Punch-packed copy that rings sales bell. News editor with excellent voice, top references, wants to locate in California. Experienced, draft exempt. Creates local features which attract national accounts. Box 873P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Program director, chief announcer. Available December 1 following release from Naval Reserve. Prefer progressive Midwest 1 kw or 5 kw. Excellent references. Box 927P. BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Experienced versatile announcer — creative continuity writer. Desires position as program director. Excellent ability and background. Box 929P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Want to join you immediately building profitable women's programs larger, progressive market. Two university degrees; six years university administrative experience; past two years top women's radio personality on 1 kw. Box 934P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. SMPTE member, New York experience. Radio-television broadcasting operations. Program director, announcer, television film directors. Human dynamo! Box 942P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Radio-TV writer, director, production aide, MC, day, night combination affiliation sought. Too NYC industrial" writfr, female, 27. Box 949P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Program-Production manager. Completely handle programming operation; localize your stition my forte. 6 years. Excellent special events, production. Box 953P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Equipment, etc. Television Magnecord PTo-J and PT6-AH complete in port »ble cases, perfect condit o.i. First S430.00 gets it. Box 95SP, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Don't worry about steel shortage. Buy this 360 ft. Truscon heavy duty selfsupporting tower and save time and money. Truscon sa^s it will support TV radiator if shortened. Price $3,000 as it stands, lighting included. WLAP, Lexington, Kentucky. 1 RCA type 10DX broadcast transmitter with 1 full set of spare tubes, 1 spare plate transformer 31 KVA, and numerous small spare parts for the transmitter. Can be inspected at Kearney, New Jersey. Contact Weiner, WNEW, N. Y. C. Managerial Wanted to Buy Proven record of successful sales, programming and managerial results for AM-TV. Presently with major network operation. Will work on percentage basis. Box 835P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Stations Technical TV chief engineer of network affiliate desires comparable position in mild climate. Prefer station in planning or construction stages. B.S. in Electrical Engineering, five years experience all phases of television engineering, best of references. Box 926P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Production-Programming , Others Television radio writer announcer, seeks connection with station or agency. Offer many programs, ideas, selling ability. Box 936P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Will pay up to $20,000 down for all or control of small orofitable station. Bex 968P, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Experienced stat'on owner wants 250 or 1,000 watt, S.W. or West coast AM station. Send full details direct to buyer, first letter. Box G. L. % BROADCASTING MAGAZINE, (360 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Illinois.) Equipment, etc. For Sale Stations Western station: Fine independent located in growing area. 250w. Nets over $1,000 month. $40,000. Terms. Box 920P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Approximately 500 foot tower, guyed or self supporting. Please send orice and description. Box 850P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. RG-17/U or RG-18/U 250'. Also need Photoelectric control unit. Full details first letter. Box 901P, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. 250 watt transmitter, modulation monitor, limiter, console, turntables, pickups, 150 foot tower. WMAM, Marinette, Wisconsin. (Continued on next page ) if 5 Sound and Profitable TV Station Operation is Important to You . . . this experienced TV Station Manager can be Valuable to You! Years of Television Station Management • in major metropolitan, 4-TV station market. • with the intense competition that you'll soon have. • with special emphasis on sales management. • with close personal friendship and confidence of leading national advertisers and agencies. Only the fact that he desires to acquire some interest in a TV or TV-Radio property has led this exceptionally-qualified executive to terminate his seventeen-year association with one of the nation's outstanding broadcasting organizations. If outright interest cannot be acquired, salary and participation in station profits might be worked out to mutual advantage. References from every field, including management, top national advertisers and major agencies throughout country, developed and maintained through active leadership of sales activities during 9 years of newspaper experience and 17 years of radio, with last 5 years being joint AM-TV management. Outstanding performance records. Age 45, happily married, two daughters. Available October 1st, but can arrange personal interview anytime at your convenience. BOX 972V, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING