Broadcasting Telecasting (July - Sept 1952)

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fCC actions & £ SEPT. 19 THROUGH SEPT. 26 CP-construction permit ant.-antenna DA-directional antenna D-day ERP-effective radiated power N-night STL-studio-transmitter link aur.-aural synch, amp.-sychronous amplifier vis. -visual STA-special temporary authorization cond. -conditional LS-local sunset mod.-modification trans. -transmitter unl.-unlimited hours CG-conditional grant SSA-special service authorization Grants authorizing new stations and transfers, accompanied by a roundup of new station and transfer applications, begin on page 115. September 19 Decisions . . . BY COMMISSION EN BANC AM— 1540 kc KCUL Fort Worth, Tex. — Is being advised that application for mod. of license to change power on 1540 kc from 1 kw-N, 5 kw-LS, to 25 kw-N, 50 kwLS, would, in effect, nullify that portion of NARBA agreement which permits establishment of Class I-B station at Waterloo, Iowa, and. accordingly, is not being given consideration pending Commission consideration whether Commission rules with respect to 1540 kc and policy with respect to applications in conflict are inconsistent with new NARBA should be amended. Change Location WPIN Clearwater, Fla— Granted CP to change location from Clearwater to St. Petersburg, Fla., and change trans, site, engineering condition. Advised of Hearing Springhill Bcstg. Co. Inc., Springhill, La., and Lone Star Bcstg. Co., Lone Star, Tex. — Are being advised that applications to operate new AM on 1300 kc, 1 kw and 500 w, respectively, in FOR FINEST TAPE RECORDING W P A T Paterson, N.J. —FIRST CHOICE OF ENGINEERS! Only Magnecorder offers all the flexibility, high fidelity and features you require — at a price you want to pay! FiTS EVERY PURPOSE -EVERY PURSE! PORTABLE — UGHTWEiGHT Recorder in one case — Amplifier in the other. Easy hondling — compact! QUICKLY RACK MOUNTED Units can be combined for a studio operation of portable equipment. CONSOLE OR CONSOLETTE Operation available by combining units in rich Magnecorder cabinets. LftiMiMuu --nnrw* for new catalog — y"fif5: Page 110 • September 29, 1952 volve interference considerations which indicate necessity of hearing, KIMS El Dorado, Kan., advised of possible interference from Springhill. Petition Denied WARN Fort Pierce, Fla. — By memorandum opinion and order, denied petition of WWPG Palm Beach, Fla., directed against Commission action of March 19, 1952 granting WARN CP for new AM on 1330 kc. 1 kw-D, granted WARN mod. CP for approval of ant., trans, and studio location. Remain Silent KHIT Lampasas, Tex. — Granted authority to remain silent for 60 days from Sept. 28, 1952 pending financial reorganization; condition. Application Dismissed WCHO Washington Court House, Ohio — By order, dismissed application requesting SSA to operate unl. Sept. 19, Oct. 10 and 17, and Nov. 4. Designated for Hearing WDAS Philadelphia, Pa.— Designated for hearing in consolidated proceeding with applications of Penn Jersey Bcstg. Co., et al., scheduled for Sept. 22, 1952 in Atlantic City, application of WDAS to change facilities from 1400 kc, 250 w-unl. to 1480 kc, 1 kw-unl. made WHOM New York party to proceeding with respect to WDAS only. September 22 Applications . . . ACCEPTED FOR FILING AM— 1320 kc WANA Anniston, Ala. — Mod. CP, which authorized new AM, to change from 1490 kc, 250 w-unl. to 1320 kc, 1 kw-D. AM— 1490 kc WPID Piedmont, Ala. — Mod. CP, which authorized new AM, to change from 1280 kc, 1 kw-D to 1490 kc, 250 w-unl. Extension of Completion Date KMYC Marysville, Calif.— Mod. CP, which authorized change in frequency, power and installation of DA-N, for extension of completion date. WVAM Altoona, Pa. — Mod. CP, which authorized installation of new trans., for extension of completion date. KGKO Dallas, Tex.— Mod. CP, which authorized new AM, for extension of completion date. KMYC-FM Marysville, Calif.— Mod. CP, which authorized changes in existing FM. for extension of completion date to 11-7-52. Replace Expired CP KECC Pittsburg, Calif.— CP to replace expired CP. 'as mod., which authorized changes in N maximum expected operating values. Extension of Authority ABC New York — Extension of authority to transmit recorded programs for period ending Nov. 9, 1953. Change Studio Location WJMC Rice Lake, Wis.— CP to change trans, and studio location and install new ant. and ground system. Renewal of License Following stations request renewal of license: WTPS New Orleans; WMBL Morehead City, N. C; WCVS-FM Springfield, Mass.; WSRS-FM Cleveland Heights, Ohio; WPAY-FM Portsmouth, Ohio; WPJB-FM Providence, R. I.; WLIL-FM Lenoir City, Term.; KECATV Los Angeles; KGO-TV San Francisco; WENR-TV Chicago; KHJ-TV Hollywood. Replace CP WKCS (FM) KnoxviUe, Tenn. — CP to replace CP, which authorized new non commercial FM, which expired 9-2-52. September 23 Decisions . . . BY BROADCAST BUREAU Modification of CP KEUN Eunice, La. — Granted mod. CP for approval of ant., trans, and studio location and change type of trans. WKKO Cocoa, Fla. — Granted mod. CP for approval of ant., trans, and studio location. License Granted WABJ Adrian, Mich. — Granted license covering installation of new trans. Change ERP KDYL-TV Salt Lake City, UtahGranted mod. CP to change ERP from .004 kw vis. .002 kw aur. to .0055 kw vis. .0029 kw aur.; change trans, location and make minor ant. changes; ant. height 3080 ft. Increase Antenna Height WRKD Rockland, Me.— Granted mod. CP to increase height of ant. (264.5 ft. overall height). Extension of Completion Date KSWB Yuma, Ariz. — Granted mod. CP for extension of completion date to 10-1-52. KMYC Marysville, Calif.— Granted mod. CP for extension of completion date to 9-21-52; conditions. September 23 Applications . . . ACCEPTED FOR FILING AM— 1490 kc WPID Piedmont, Ala. — Mod. CP, which authorized new AM, to change from 1280 kc, 1 kw-D to 1490 kc, 250 w-unl. AMENDED to specify trans, and studio location. License for CP KVNC Winslow, Ariz. — License for CP, as mod., which authorized new AM. KBRZ Freeport, Tex. — License for CP, as mod., which authorized new AM. AM— 1060 kc KWSO Wasco, Calif.— CP to change from 1050 kc, 1 kw-D to 1060 kc, unl., DA-N. AMENDED to change power from 1 to 10 kw; DA-N to DA-DN; change type of trans, and trans, location. Renewal of License Following stations request renewal of license: WVLN Olney, 111.; KTRY Bastrop, La.; WNAW North Adams, Mass.; WTAC Flint, Mich.; WICA-FM Ashtabula. Change ERP WJPA-FM Washington, Pa.— CP to change ERP from 6.0 kw to 4.0 kw. Extension of Completion Date WFMY-TV Greensboro, N. C. — Mod. CP which authorized change in existing station for extension of completion date to 4-20-53. TENDERED FOR FILING AM— 850 kc WNEL San Juan, P. R.— CP to change from 860 kc, 5 kw to 850 kc, 10 kw; install new ant. system and change trans, location from between San Juan and Carolina to Barrio De Palmas, P. R. APPLICATION RETURNED WTVB Coldwater, Mich.— License for CP, as mod., which authorized change in hours of operation, increase power, installation of DA, change L ant. system and change in trans, tj | September 24 Decisions . . ACTIONS ON MOTIONS By Comr. E. M. Webster Columbia Empire Telecasters Ii Portland, Ore. — Granted motion to t;_ depositions in proceeding re appli K" tion, et al; granted petition to am< application to submit changes in s:o :(, holders, officers and directors; eng eering data, etc. Mount Hood Radio & Tele\ is Is' Bcstg. Corp., Portland, Ore — Gr^n petition to amend application to si _ mit revised technical specifications application to increase height of p posed ant. by 114 ft.; granted petitf" of 9/11/52 to amend application to si mit revised estimated initial costs construction, etc. Oregon Television Inc., Portia Ore. — Granted petition to amend apifli cation to submit revised financial qu ifications, submit change in studio cation, etc; granted motion for order take depositions in proceeding re plication, et al. Vancouver Radio Corp., Vancou\ Wash. — Granted petition to amend ; plication to set forth certain chan in corporate, financial, and other formation, etc; granted motion for der to take depositions in proceed re application, et al Mt. Scott Telecasters Inc., PortlaJ|lllN Ore. — Granted petition to amend api cation to change proposed progra ming, height of ant, etc; granted n tion to take depositions in proceed re application, et al. Portland Television Inc., Portia: Ore. — Granted petition to amend plication in order to specify increaj minimum hours of operation, subi revised engineering data to show chai in ant. and trans, site and increase ant. height, etc.; granted petition take depositions in proceeding up application. Westinghouse Radio Stations IrJun Portland, Ore. — Granted petition amend application to show new e.< mated construction and operating cos reduce height proposed ant., incre vis. and aur. power, etc. KXL Broadcasters, Portland, Ore Granted petition to amend applic tion to submit amendment to artic of incorporation; revised Sec. V-C a V-G to increase height of propos ant. by 300 ft. Pioneer Broadcasters Inc., Portia] Ore. — Granted petition to amend app j ] cation for purpose of submittir amended financial qualifications of e plicant: change proposed trans, si increase tower height and power, e Chief, Broadcast Bureau — Grant petition requesting dismissal of prot of 8/28/52. by KFDM Beaumont. Te in proceeding re application of Ozai Bcstg. Co., Springfield, Mo.; prot dismissed as moot. Empire Coil Co. Inc., Tampa, Flah Granted petition for dismissal withe M! prejudice of application. City of St. Petersburg, St. Petersbu: Fla. — On Commission's own motion, moved from hearing docket applicat of City of St. Petersburg, Fla. West Florida Bcstg. Service, Ft. W ton, Fla. — Granted petition for dism sal of application without prejudice. Booth Radio & Television Statio Inc., Flint, Mich. — Granted petition dismiss without prejudice applicatic dismissed as moot petition of Sept SERVICE DIRECTORY Custom-Built Equipment U. S. RECORDING CO. 1121 Vermont Ave., Wash. 5, D. C. Lincoln 3-2705 COMMERCIAL RADIO MONITORING COMPANY PRECISION FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS Engineer on duty all night every night JACKSON 5302 P. O. Box 7037 Kansas City, Mo • TOWERS • AM • FM • TV • Completa Installation TOWER SALES & ERECTING CO. 6100 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Portland 11, Oregon < VACANCY YOUR FIRM'S NAME in this "vacancy" will be seen by 15,500 readers— station owners and managers, chief engineers and technicians— applicants for AM, FM, Television and facsimile facilities. BROADCASTING • Telecastin II! C: H 3^ 4, R