Broadcasting Telecasting (July - Sept 1952)

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Help Wanted (Cont'd) iws director supervisor, five man |>rts, farm and news department, ily experienced men with Journala Degree need apply. Good salary th bonus. 5 kw Midwest. Box 544R, IOADCASTING . TELECASTING. imediate opening for a male or fell lie continuity chief. Experience pre ■ fred. Complete charge of all con-I mity. Send letter, full details, copy 1 nnples. Healthful climate, progressive m tvn. Salary according to ability. Write I Dave Button, KSVP, Artesia, New 1 »xico. f ipywriter needed at once 50,000 watt I 5S affiliate. Must be able to furnish ft ckground of successful experience, ■ competent and stable. If inter£ ted send photo, experience and full il tails to KWKH, Shreveport, LouisiV a. -* semens director. Experienced. Clevem id basic network. Send disc, tape, 1 .oto. Salary expected first reply. Fill if sition three weeks. Rush. Send to $ uce McDonald, WJW, Cleveland, o jio. Television Managerial :w VHF television station important .dwest market accepting applications f all positions except general maner. Give complete details first let|. Include photo, experience, referees, salary expected, availability te. Box 552R, BROADCASTING . RECASTING. Situations Wanted Managerial mager, assistant manager, program mager. AM-TV. 20 years experice major networks, all phases. Agessive, idea man, happily married, o swell kids. Box 482R, BROADkSTING . TELECASTING. ?rehandising, broadcasting and com.inications background; practicing vyer now employed in radio; caple organizer supervisor; economynded. Box 525R, BROADCASTING . i 3LECASTING. mily man, 37, fully qualified to acpt and operate successfully, single ition operation. Sober, reliable and perienced. Presently employed in top stropolitan operation. Background mplete in all phases. Box 526R, IOADCASTING . TELECASTING. (prentice manager. Employed an_J,uncer, experienced, wants to learn inagerial work in Midwest preferly Wisconsin. Box 531R, BROADlSTING . TELECASTING. Trisire manage new station in small ■arket. Excellent radio background, rst phone. Box 563R, BROADCAST -G • TELECASTING. S S inager or sales manager. Over twenty ars of constructive radio background, have the desire and ability to do a « od job in management and sales. v n furnish the best of reference. Box fR, BROADCASTING . TELECASTG. Salesmen ft I lesman, college graduate, veteran, single. Theatre press agent expei_ -:nce, seeks selling opportunity any„iere. Box 539R, BROADCASTING . ILEC ASTING. si ; J! Announcers inouncer— six years. Staff, audience 3ws. Prefer West. Now employed, nimum $70. Box 444R, BROADCAST_ G . TELECASTING. ung announcer with news and DJ perience, veteran and single. Box :R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTG. inouncer, DJ, looking for permancy in East, Midwest or South. Good ;a man! Box 476R, BROADCASTING TELECASTING. Ubilly personality DJ. Must play rsonals. News, commercials, board. Dgressive station only. Prefer Ohio, nna. All considered. Background, le request. Box 514R, BROADCASTG . TELECASTING. it sc jockey. Good staff. Three years to id commercial experience. Avail0 ,e immediately. Box 529R, BROADSTING . TELECASTING. Situations Wanted (Cont'd) If experience counts, I'm your man! 19 years radio — 1 year TV. Have announced and produced top network shows. News, DJ, MC, etc. Best references. Tape, picture and background on request. Box 528R, BROADCAST ING . TELECASTING. Experienced announcer, deep resonant voice, operate console, draft exempt, sober, strong on DJ, including hillbilly. Box 533R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Versatile announcer: Four years constant experience. Strong on commercials (punch or casual). Want good future with news, disc and interview type shows. First phone. Box 537R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Topflight announcer, family man, desires permanency with AM or TV station in Midwest. Box 538R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Conscientious announcer with first phone. Experienced. Good DJ. Married. Box 540R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Available now for a real opportunity. Young, draft exempt announcer-control board operator with no aversion for small communities. Box 543R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Announcer. 4 years experience all phases in major Eastern market, would like to grow with New England station. Travel anywhere for interview. Box 550R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING^ Announcer — Dependable, versatile with six years experience both announcing and programming. Top DJ, news, audience participation. Excellent selling voice. Single, 28, draft exempt. Looking for position in metropolitan area. Contact this willing and able worker at Box 553R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING^ Newscaster 3 years background. AFRS Network. College graduate, single, knows all boards. Full tape recording knowledge. Available immediately. Box 565R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. All-round announcer, good on news, commercials, man-on-street, play-byplay, seeks staff position with sportsminded station. Can operate board. Single. Disc on request. Box 566R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Announcer, strong on, commercial, DJ and news. Recent graduate SRT. Veteran, 23. single. Anywhere. Box 567R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Announcer-Top DJ, news or commercial man. Married, 28, draft exempt, prefer days. 3>4 years experience — past 2 years did all-night platter show on 50,000 watt station (Cincinnati, Ohio). Reference, photo, tape if required. Box 568R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Two experienced announcers — to work as team. Intelligent delivery, effective voice contrast. We know production programming that sells. At present handling eight commercial newscasts daily. Extensive musical knowledge. For details write Box 570R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Announcer-engineer, first phone, veteran, 26, one year experience. Strong DJ, friendly, sincere delivery. Box 572R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Announcer engineer leading radio school graduate. Almost three years experience. Straight announcing — pop, classic, DJ, special events, friendly style. Northeast only. Position as announcer preferred. Box 573R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Bass-voiced announcer, family man, wants position with future and advancement, presently employed. Four years experience. Prefer Midwest. Eager. Box 574R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Excellent announcer, 6 years experience, authoritative news. Tops on musical and live shows. Married, 29. Box 582R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Good all-round staff, disc jockey, news man. Experienced. Available anytime for Western U. S. Tape, letter and photo on request. Jack Burns, P. O. Box 885, Mesa, Arizona. Technical Engineer, experienced chief, maintenance. Excellent record. Box 429R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Engineer, eight years, 28, car, college. Permanent. Notice. Box 445R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Situations Wanted (Cont'd) Three years constructional experience, four years operational experience, one year chief engineer 250 watter, want more work, more responsibility and more money. Western state. Box 532R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Chief engineer, experienced all phases. Can announce. References, tape furnished on request. South preferred. Box 534R, BROADCASTING • TELEC ASTING. First phone — No broadcast experience. Technical school graduate-TV studio transmitter training. Married, veteran. Box 546R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING^ First phone-tech school graduate. No experience. Will travel. Single, 25, one vear college. Box 547R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Combo — Experienced, first class engineer and versatile announcer. Qualified for both staff and free lance work. Available December 1. Prefers native state of California. Box 557R, BROADC ASTING . TELECASTING. Engineer, first phone, 32, veteran, 4V2 years varied experience 1 kw to 50 kw AM, FM, past year chief of independent. Desire position large market station. Box 562R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. First phone, IV2 years experience. All phases AM and TV. Veteran, 26, married, will travel. Box 564R, BROADC ASTING . TELECASTING. Announcer, first phone. Good quality voice. Seventy-five minimum. West only. Box 569R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Engineer, first. One year experience. Travel. Edward Bauer, 34-16 41st St., Astoria, New York. Transmitter operator. First license, considerable broadcast experience. Single, move anywhere. References. Please specify requirements. Lewis Sherlock, General Delivery, Denver, Colorado. Production-Programming, Others Continuity writer, 4 years radio and newspaper. Wishes North Central territory. Box 523R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Top continuity man wants offer! Experienced and presently employed. Wants position with future with operation that's first class. 25, draft exempt and ambitious! Writes copy that sells. All replies acknowledged. Box 524R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. No genius. No hotshot world beater. Steady workman who knows his trade, looking for program director's job. Experienced independent and network outlets. Strong background of writing and production. Solid ideas for programming, promotion and merchandising. Complete summary by return mail. Box 555R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Sports director: AM or AM with TV pending. Four years sports experience, steady advancement— football, baseball, reconstruction, special events interviews; staff announcing. Also interested in program direction, small station. Box 575R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. Television Managerial Director TV operations. Can set up and operate new TV station. Solid background, management, programming, sales. Now with aggressive television station. Family man. Top references. Good record in industry. Contact Box 559R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING^ Production-Programming, Others TV producer-director, excellent academic and actual television background averaging 20 air hours of directing for past six months with topnotch station, desires change. Very best references. Box 560R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Available January First. Imaginative TV director. Two years experience. Complete production background. Want responsibilities. Box 576R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. For Sale Stations Rocky Mountain station. No competition. Volume over $65,000. year. Priced to sell. Box 521R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. (Continued on next page) < APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR RADIO STATION KGKO DALLAS, TEXAS POSITIONS AVAILABLE INCLODE: Program Director Receptionist and Stenographer Announcers Bookkeeper Salesmen Continuity writers Engineers (must be experienced with directional arrays) Applicants must give complete history, including recent photo. LEONARD COE, MANAGER RADIO STATION KGKO CLIFF TOWERS HOTEL DALLAS, TEXAS