Broadcasting Telecasting (July - Sept 1952)

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For Sale— (Cont'd.) Southwest Texas fulltime Mutual, single station market. Finest building and equipment. Engineer owner. Making money. $55,000. Box 522R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Midwest station, AM-FM, 1 kw xtmr, metropolitan market. Desirable location. Monthly net $2,000. Box 549R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Western and midwestern station. Independents, affiliates. Priced from $12,000 up. Jack L. Stoll & Associates, 4958 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles 29, Calif. Equipment, etc. 40-New, Cat. No. 14F439, .25 MFD, 20,000 volts, D. C. General Electric capacitors. Case dimensions: 4-ll/16"x 8"x7" high. 11-11/16" overall height. Weight, 18 lbs. Price, $40.00 each F.O.B. shipping point. Box 515R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Used heavy duty guyed 235' tower. Formerly supported heavy FM antenna. Suitable for some TV antennas. Dismantled. Midwest area. $1,500. cash. Write Box 551R, BROADCASTING • TELECASTING. One Stancil-Hoffman Minitape, good condition, contact Victor Voss, Radio Station WWCA, Gary, Indiana. 16mm Houston processing machine. Model K1A. Like new. List $5,500. Bargain at $3,500. Camera Equipment Co., 1600 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Used test equipment. RCA 69C noise and distortion measuring set recently 100% reconditioned by RCA, in excellent shape, $200.00; Hewlett-Packard 325B noise and distortion set in fine condition, $175.00; Hewlett-Packard 320B noise and distortion unit, old but okay, $35.00; National HF 5 receiver with power supply, 20-500 MC regenerative, ideal for monitoring high frequency AM or FM, practically new, $50.00. Terms cash with order, F.O.B. Quincy. Gates Radio Company, Quincy, Illinois. Wanted to Buy Stations Wanted to buy — Station in single station market preferably daytime out of TV coverage. Write full particulars and terms to Box 602, Dunn, North Carolina. Equipment, etc. Want used 250 watter in good condition for use as spare. Give complete details. Prefer Northeast area where inspection is possible. Box 374R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Wanted— 1,000 watt AM transmitter, microphones and turntable, state price, make and condition. Reply Box 578R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Miscellaneous Commercial crystals and new or replacement broadcast crystals for Bliley, Western Electric, RCA holders, etc., fastest service. Also monitor and frequency measuring service. Eidson Electronic Co., Temple, Texas, phone 3-3901. FCC first-phone in 6 weeks. Both residence and correspondence courses available. Grantham Radio License School, 6064 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, California. First class phone license at our resident school. Also correspondence course. Serving the industry since 1937. Write now for catalogue. Don Martin Radio & TV School, 1653 North Cherokee, Hollywood 28, Calif. Help Wanted Salesmen SALES MANAGER AVAILABLE Over 25 years experience. 17 years as vice president in charge of sales for a leading independent radio and TV station. Complete radio & TV knowledge. Result producing sales executive with excellent background. Box 520R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. Situations Wanted Managerial IDEAS THAT SELL What is radio or TV selling? IDEAS? (I HAVE THEM) I am presently commercial managerprogram director independent now tops in audience and sales in 4 station market After 4 years, present job potential exhausted. Want radio-TV managerial future. Age 30. Ten years experience all phases radio; 6 months TV. Veteran airwork news-sports. Box 579R, BROADCASTING . TELECASTING. For Sale Equipment, etc. -WILL SELL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RCA TELEVISION 16MM PROJECTOR TYPE TP — 16A Also Jeep Type Camera and two (2) 1850-A Iconoscope Tubes. L. SHERMAN ADAMS 200 Berkeley St., Boston 16, Mass. Top Network Stations East S250.000.00 A well-established earner in one of the most desirable Eastern markets. This station dominates its area and has excellent TV prospects. Financing arranged. West S4.JO.OOO.OO An outstanding property with an excellent record of substantial earnings. Good TV position. Net quick of more than $125,000.00. included. Financing arranged. Appraisals • Negotiations • Financing BLACKBURN HAMILTON COMPANY RADIO STATION AND NEWSPAPER BROKERS WASHINGTON, D. C. James W. Blackburn Washington Bide. Sterling 4341-2 CHICAGO Bay V. Hamilton Delaware 7-2755-6 SAN FRANCISCO Lester M. Smith. 235 Montgomery St. Ezbraok 2-5S72 nmn».nlL.....1.v.f..[1.r FCC Actions (Continued from page 111) Florida — Granted petition to amend application to specify new site which will not constitute a possible air navigation hazard and to bring application up-to-date with respect to proposals for financing, et al. KHIT Lampasas, Tex. — Granted petition for continuance of hearing in proceeding re application for renewal of license from Sept. 15 to date to be For Sale— (Cont'd.) —TV APPLICANTS— NEW TV TRANSMITTER AVAILABLE Make offer for brand new RCA TT58 Channel 7-13 TV transmitter, tubes, SB filter, crystals, control console included. Transmitter crated, ready to ship from RCA, Camden. Box 511R BROADCASTING • TELECASTING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Western Electric AM transmitter 451Al, tubes and two 702A crystal oscillators with 7A crystals for 1340 kc. General Radio frequency monitor type 11 81 A with tubes and crystal. Modulation monitor type 193A with tubes. Limiting line amplifier with tubes. Antenna tuning unit type Western Elec • trie. 400 ft. %" coaxial transmission line, 70 ohm nominal impedance. 2 Rek-O-Kut turntables, model G2 mounted on a turntable cabinet, side by side with associated switches, etc. 3 Hi-fidelity monitor amplifiers, WE type 124 with tubes. 1 Par-metal relay rack. 1 Rek-O-Kut disc recorder with heavy duty drive turntable, overhead cutter drive assembly, amplifier, switches and cabinet. Program line equalizer. 2 Brush Soundmirror tape recorders. Model 401. 3 12" monitor speakers mounted in wall baffles. Portable remote amplifier WE type 22D with carrying case power supplies and tubes. 2 WE microphones type 639A, 3 AV 635 microphones ana cordage. All equipment in good condition and most attractively priced for quick sale. Change to 1,000 watts makes above equipment available. Contact RADIO STATION WLEX, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Employment Service EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT SERVICE We have selected General, Commercial and Program Managers; Chief Engineers, Disc Jockeys and other specialists. Delays are costly; tell us your needs today. Howasd S. FsAzim TV & Radio Management Consxdtanta 708 Bond Bldg., Washington 5, D. C. announced after Commission has acte on presently pending petition to r< consider and grant application withoi hearing. By Hearing Examiner Leo Resnick Chief, Broadcast Bureau — Grante petition for extension of time fro< > Sept. 19, to Oct. 3, 1952, for all partie for filing proposed findings with respe< to remaining issues in proceeding i applications of Paramount Picture Inc., et al and notice is given that fa\ orable consideration will not be grante any petitions for further extensions i time. By Hearing Examiner H. B. Hutchison WDAS Philadelphia — Granted pet tion for order authorizing taking i depositions of certain witnesses proceeding re applications of Per Jersey Bcstg. Co., Bristol, Pa. on Sep 22, 1952, in Philadelphia. Vacationland Bcstg. Co., Fort Wa ton, Fla. — Granted petition to amer application to reflect change of appl, cant from partnership to corporatioi to change name of applicant to Vaci tionland Bcstg. Co. Inc., to show stoc interest in new corporation; applicj tion, as amended, is removed froi hearing docket. BAP ior. k By Hearing Examiner James D. Cunningham Denver Television Co., Denver, ^ — Granted petition to amend appiici tion to supply names of additional pej sons who will become stockholders event of grant of CP to petitione revised financial data; change locatic proposed main studio and to increas ant. height, etc.; application, as amenc ed, continued in hearing status. KMYR Bcstg. Co., Denver, Col. Granted supplemental motion amend application to include currei financial statement, additional agree ments with stock subscribers, and vised data concerning program plan application, as amended, is continue in hearing status. September 24 Applications . . ACCEPTED FOB FILING Increase Antenna Height WKAB Mobile, Ala.— CP to increa ant. height. Modification of CP WAMI Opp, Ala.— Mod. CP, whic authorized new AM, for approval ant., trans, and studio location. whi |sel to !. r rtfc d. s: ■eel C:0V 4 i tc kv ige ■SVE fa ags n :: n G CC HY) ptei id val 'oBoi Ilea m: nl. i t, K IBQ. stoi ;.; ( ( urn AM— 1580 kc WBRD Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.— CP 1 change from 1580 kc, 250 w-D to 15 kc, 1 kw-unl.; install DA-DN; inst2 new trans. AMENDED to make change 1£ in DA-N. (P Change Transmitter Location WGGA Gainesville, Ga.— Mod. which authorized changes in eadstinfei AM, to change trans, location. n fi cikor »ft. d ( chai am i; ■ t Extension of Completion Date WKSR Pulaski, Tenn. — Mod. Cr" which authorized changes in existir . AM, for extension of completion date WRCM (FM) New Orleans— Mod. CI which replaced expired CP which thorized new FM, for extension completion date. Change Operating Hours KLVL Pasadena, Tex. — CP to chanjjK from D to unl.; 500 w-N, 1 kw-D; ir stall DA-N; AMENDED to mak changes in DA system. Replace Expired CP jKDE WSTP-FM Salisbury, N. C— CP 1 ik replace CP, to make changes in exis'111 inff FM. which exDired 6-10-52. ing FM, which expired 6-10-52 Renewal of License Km Following stations request renew, r of license: WJLN (FM) Birmingham, Ala WTMX-FM St. Louis, Mo.; WMIX-F Mt. Vernon, HI.; WCPO-FM Cincir nati; WPEN-FM Philadelphia; WSVS FM Crewe, Va.; WEAU-FM Eau Clair. Wis.; WRNJ-FM Racine, Wis.; WBT (TV) Charlotte, N. C; WTMJ-TV Mi) w waukee; KFMB-TV San Diego; KNB (TV) Hollywood; WNBQ (TV) Chicage WGN-TV Chicago. License for CP KVIM New Iberia, La. — License fc^, CP, which authorized change in fr^j quency. WDMJ Marquette, Mich.— License f c CP, as mod., which authorized changiu in frequency, power increase, installs l?in tion of DA-N and change in tran:^ location. Move Antenna and Transmitter WMAW Menominee, Mich. — Mod. CI as mod., which authorized new A1V to move ant. and trans. 135 ft. nort to studio location. AM— 960 kc WLXW Carlisle, Pa.— CP to changjaj '» m cr. Folio Wtt at:-, ore SAZ « CI ich.; SF> BE "th.; NBl WTI 5c >er; 19S