Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1953)

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BROADCASTING TELECASTING November 23, 1953 Vol. 45, No. 21 GENERAL ACCORD KEYNOTES NBC-TV AFFILIATES MEETING Though a few problems cropped up in connection with new selling techniques and film distribution methods, the Chicago sessions endorsed the constructive strides made by NBC. New programming plans also were unveiled and an affiliates committee was set up to meet with the network Dec. 1 1 . NBC-TV projected anew its plan for revitalized sales and programming patterns to its affiliates last week and was rewarded with an "enthusiastic" endorsement of the proposals espoused by Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff at the network's "crisis" meeting with tv affiliates this past summer in Princeton, N. J. Meeting in closed session in Chicago for a two-day business conference, the NBC-TV Affiliates Committee reviewed progress since the Princeton sessions and heard network executives outline further details designed to strengthen NBC in competition with CBS and other networks. The affiliates group, holding its first general meeting since last May, in a resolution expressed confidence in "NBC's leadership" on the television front and praised the network for "sound and progressive" policies "carried fully into effect" under Gen. Sarnoff's inspiring leadership. If there were any defections in NBC's affiliate ranks, they were not apparent. And most of the affiliates seemed satisfied with NBC's bid to strengthen its programs and entice new advertisers into the fold. The committee noted emphasis on programming, salesmanship, promotion and research, and procedures for network-affiliates cooperation. There were dissidents, of course, but the committee's attitude seemed to be that of desiring to play ball with the network on the basis of spiraling revenue from new business since Princeton, ratings which showed NBC in a more favorable light in comparison with CBS shows and its plans for strengthening certain time segments, which until now admittedly have been "vulnerable." Aside from this weakness in some time periods, it was apparent at the meeting, held Tuesday and Wednesday in the Drake Hotel, that NBC still faces a few other thorny problems, among them affiliates' approval of the proposal to sell advertisers small time periods, the controversial ROSAH (run of schedule advertising-holidays) plan, calling for announcements and NBC's syndicated film division. Weaver Speaks for NBC Where Gen. Sarnoff had spearheaded a drive to seek affiliate support at Princeton, the network this time sent Sylvester L. (Pat) Weaver, vice chairman of the board and head of NBCTV Network programs, to the Chicago meeting. When the sessions were over, Walter Damm. WTMJ-TV Milwaukee, who heads the affiliates group, announced appointment of an executive committee to meet again with network officials in New York Dec. 11. Mr. Damm said they would meet "to lay mutual procedures for future operations." From "time to time," he said, other committees will be set up "if needed" in the industry. He will head a committee comprising its three officers, three representatives from "basic" stations and three others from the "optional" group. Mr. Damm denied a report that the affiliates would set up so-called "daytime" and "nighttime" programming committees. Serving with Mr. Damm are: Officers — Clair R. McCollough, Steinman Stations, vice chairman, and William Fay, WHAM-TV Rochester, N. Y., secretary-treasurer; basic stations — Jack Harris, KPRC-TV Houston; E. R. (Curly) Vadeboncoeur, WSYR-TV Syracuse, N. Y., and Harold P. See. KRON-TV San Francisco; optional stations — Joseph Rohrer, KRDO-TV Colorado Springs, Colo.; Fred Mueller, WEEKTV Peoria, 111., and David Baltimore, WBRETV Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Officers will serve three years and other members one year each. Text of the affiliates' resolution follows: Whereas, we, the television affiliates of the National Broadcasting Co., have had our first general meeting with NBC representatives since the Princeton, N. J., meeting in May, and have considered the progress of the NBC Television Network since that time; Be it resolved: That we reaffirm the resolution adopted at Princeton expressing our confidence in NBC's leadership and our enthusiastic endorsement of its program as outlined to us at that time by Gen. Sarnoff. In the short space of six months, this program of action has been carried fully into effect. Under the direction of Gen. Sarnoff, and with policies that are both sound and progressive, NBC is leading the way in the development of television as a service of maximum value to the public and maximum effectiveness to the advertisers. While sparing no effort or expense in the bringing to reality the new art and industry of color television, NBC has devoted itself to the maintenance and enlargement of its pre-eminence in creative programming, salesmanship, promotion and research and to the establishment of procedures for the most productive cooperation between the network and the affiliated stations. NBC's accomplishments since the Princeton meeting are a source of deep satisfaction to us and confirm our conviction that it is on the threshold of the greatest period of achievement in its history. We unanimously endorse the presentations NBC affiliates confer during meeting: (I to r) Frank Cummins, program director, and Alvin D. Schrott, general manager, WJAC-TV Johnstown, Pa.; H. Mcintosh, NBC station relations; William Bates, general manager, WDAF-TV Kansas City, Mo. AMONG executives at NBC tv affiliates conference in Chicago's Drake Hotel last week were (I to r): G. Bennett Larson, president and general manager, KDYL-TV Salt Lake City; Paul Hancock, NBC New York, and Thomas Knode, manager of NBC station relations. Broadcasting • Telecasting November 23, 1953 • Page 31