Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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1. George Gobel 2. HitParade KPRC-TV KPRC-TV 3. Robert Montgomery KPRC-TV 4. Medic KPRC-TV 6. Lux Video Theatre KPRC-TV 7. Waterfront KPRC-TV 8. Truth or Consequences KPRC-TV 9. Life of Riley KPRC-TV 13. Father Knows Best KPRC-TV 14. People Are Funny KPRC-TV 15. Fireside Theatre KPRC-TV 16. Caesar's Hour 17. Ford Theatre 18. Perry Como KPRC-TV KPRC-TV KPRC-TV 19. City Detective 20. Wyatt Earp KPRC-TV Station B PROGRAM SERVICES tention on motivational research. Explored will be the questions of what makes consumers buy certain products and what the sales executive can learn through actually watching point of sale purchases. In one of the meetings, the role of advertising will be examined by a speakers group including Vergil D. Reed, vice president, J. Walter Thompson Co., New York, and Ray A. Rich, vice president of Philco Corp.'s Appliance Div., Philadelphia. PROGRAM SERVICE SHORTS Charles Michelson Inc., N. Y., has released two new transcribed radio series, The Clock and Famous Jury Trials, based on dramatic shows formerly heard on networks. Each includes 52 half-hour programs accommodating five commercials. Upjohn Co. (pharmaceuticals), Kalamazoo, Mich., will bring medical "bedside instruction" beginning Jan. 18 to nation's physicians via closed circuit tv from Tufts U. School of Medicine, New England Medical Center and Boston's City Hospital. More than 50 major cities will be connected for initial telecast from Boston which is being arranged for Upjohn by William Douglas McAdams Inc., N. Y. RCA Thesaurus reports following stations have signed for its radio transcription library service: WJPF Herrin, 111.; WMEG Eau Gallie, Fla.; WWST Wooster, Ohio; WNDU Notre Dame, Ind.; KBON Omaha, Neb.; WKJF-FM Pittsburgh; WMTR Morristown, N. J., and KWEW Hobbs, N. M. Also being offered by RCA subsidiary: Frank Luther Fun Show, planned for flexible broadcast use in segments of 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes. Show features songs, jokes, stories, limericks, jingles and other material. Texture-Flex Div., Chester Rakeman Scenic Studios Inc., N. Y., has issued catalog showing uses of Texture-Flex composition materials for dramatic backgrounds and displays. Catalog shows lightweight simulations of wood, stone, brick, hedges, etc., made from Texture-Flex, which comes in sheet form or already molded into stage-set parts. Sesac Inc. has added choral-music publishing organization of Max T. and Beatrice P. Krone to its roster of Sesac publisher affiliates. Also new to Sesac are Chantry Music Press Ltd., Fremont, Ohio, and C. Albert Scholin & Sons Inc., St. Louis. French Government Tourist Office, N. Y., is offering on free loan to tv stations eight slides showing Paris and French provinces. Slides are 3V4x4 in. for rear screen projection. Inquiries may be addressed to office at 610 5th Ave. Roy Rogers Enterprises and Dale Evans Enterprizes have moved headquarters from Hollywood to Beverly Hills, Calif., at 357 N. Canon Dr. They share premises with Osborne & Ward, business management firm representing Mr. Rogers and Miss Evans. PROGRAM SERVICE PEOPLE William E. Fox Jr., television and radio station relations representative for ASCAP, appointed district manager of society's Chicago office. Martin Meltzer appointed supervisor of cenJ tral division's St. Louis headquarters and offices in Chicago, Minneapolis and Des Moines. TRADE ASSNS. AGENDA SET UP FOR RTES SERIES Timebuying and selling seminars to resume Jan. 17 in New York. FCC's Lee will discuss 'The FCC Looks at Commercial Broadcasting' as feature of Feb. 21 session. SECOND series in the Radio & Television Executives Society's 1955-56 timebuying and selling seminar, to open Jan. 17, will feature panelists and speakers who are high-ranking authorities in their respective specialized fields, RTES officials reported last week. Subjects for the eight weekly luncheon sessions range from rating services to program trends, agency timebuying concepts and the FCC's views on commercial broadcasting. Launched a year ago by RTES and expanded this season, the seminar project was designed for the benefit of both timebuyers and salesmen, and has attracted substantial audiences. In the current seminar the first series of sessions, which ended last month, was intended primarily for "new recruits" in timebuying and selling and accordingly dealt with subjects of general knowledge and interest. The second series is designed to cover "advanced, specialized and controversial subjects of concern to timebuyers and sellers." FCC Comr. Robert E. Lee will discuss "The FCC Looks at Commercial Broadcasting" at the Feb. 21. session. The complete agenda and participants for the series, worked up under the direction of a committee headed by co-chairmen Mary L. McKenna, WNEW New York, and Frank E. Pellegrin, H-R Representatives, are as follows: (to be held at New York's Shelton Hotel, with luncheons at 12:15 p.m. and seminar sessions from 1 to 2 p.m.); Jan. 17 — Radio Rating Services. Panelists: James Knipe, president, C. E. Hooper Inc.; Dr. Sydney Roslow, director, The Pulse, and E. P. H. James, vice president, A. C. Nielsen Co. Jan. 24 — Television Rating Services. Panelists: James Seiler, president, American Research Bureau; Dr. Sydney Roslow, director, TelePulse, and George Blechta, vice president, A. C. Nielsen Co. Jan. 31 — What's With Spot? Panelists: David Mahoney, president, David J. Mahoney Inc. Robert Eastman, executive vice president, John Blair & Co., and Volney F. Righter, vice president, Harrington, Righter & Parsons. Feb. 7 — Motivation Research in Radio and Television. Speaker: Lester Frankel, vice president, Alfred Politz Research Inc. Feb. 14 — Network Program Trends: Monitoi vs. Segmentation Concepts. Panelists: Arthui Hull Hayes, president, CBS Radio Network and Charles T. Ayres, vice president in charge of the NBC Radio Network. Feb. 21 — The FCC Looks at Commercia Broadcasting. Speaker: Comr. Robert E. Lee Feb. 28 — The Proposed National TelePromp Ter Network. Panelists: Irving B. Kahn, presi dent, Herbert W. Hobler, sales vice president and Hubert J. Schlafly, engineering vice presi dent, TelePrompTer Corp. March 6 — The All-Media Buyer vs. the Time buying Specialist. Panelists: William E. Mat thews, executive assistant to the director o media relations, Young & Rubicam. and Arthu Pardoll, director of broadcast media, Foote Cone & Belding. * ARB October, November, 1955 KPRC-TV HOUSTON • CHANNEL 2 JACK HARRIS Nationally Represented By Vice President & General Manager EDWARD PETRY & CO. Page 54 • January 9, 1956 Broadcasting • Telecasting