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NARTB Group to Study Revision of Radio Code
REVISION of the NARTB Standards of Practice, designed to develop an identifying symbol for subscribing radio stations and possibly add enforcement devices, will be considered at Thursday-Friday meetings to be held this week at NARTB Washington headquarters.
Walter E. Wagstaff, KIDO Boise, Idaho, committee chairman, will act Thursday as head of a special implementation subcommittee. The full standards committee will meet Friday. Serving on the subcommittee are Carleton Brown, WTVL Waterville, Me.; Cliff Gill, KBIG Avalon, Calif., and Worth Kramer. WJR
Detroit. They also are members of the full committee, along with Ralph Evans, WOC Davenport, Iowa; Paul Fry, KBON Omaha, Neb.; William B. McGrath, WHDH Boston, and Cecil Woodland, WEIL Scranton, Pa.
The Employer-Employe Relations Committee will meet Tuesday, with Chairman Leslie C. lohnson, WHBF-TV Rock Island, 111., presiding. The meeting will be held at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington. Other committee members are Herbert Evans, Peoples Broadcasting Corp., Columbus; Philip G. Lasky, KPIX (TV) San Francisco; Ben Ludy, WIBWTV Topeka, Kan.; Herbert R. Ohrt, KGLO-TV Mason City, la.; S. R. Sague, WSRS Cleveland Heights, Ohio; Calvin J. Smith, KFAC Los Angeles; C. L. Thomas, KXOK St. Louis;
ALL OF THESE BUSINESS LEADERS also run substantial program schedules on wakr-tv .
Donald W. Thornburgh, WCAU-TV Philadelphia; Mortimer Weinbach, ABC; William Fitts, CBS; William Regan, MBS, and B. Lowell Jacobsen, NBC.
A meeting of the Television Film Committee will be held Thursday at NARTB headquarters. Members are Harold P. See, KRON-TV San Francisco, chairman; Paul Adanti, WHEN-TV Syracuse; loseph L. Floyd, KELO-TV Sioux Falls, S. D.; Elaine Phillips, WSPD-TV Toledo; Irving Rosenhaus, WATV (TV) Newark, N. L, and Raymond Welpott, WRGB (TV) Schenectady, N. Y.
Quarterly NARTB Magazine Favored at Committee Meet
A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE reviewing social, educational, economic 'and technical news of the television industry, designed to serve as a promotion journal for viewer reading, would be published by NARTB under a plan favored Thursday by the association's Television Information Committee. Jack Harris, KPRC-TV Houston, is committee chairman.
The initial issue would run 5,000 copies, with member stations ordering additional copies for local distribution, under the plan. The recommendation goes to the NARTB Television Board at its Feb. 1 meeting. Background articles and facts about tv programs, plus reprints of published material dealing with the medium, would be included.
President Harold E. Fellows and Edward H. Bronson, director of tv code affairs, reported to the committee on rising importance of the code. Mr. Fellows said Joseph M. Sitrick, publicityinformation manager, will work with the tv code staff in developing a wider effort to inform the public about code operation and self-regulation. The committee felt the code is the best answer to tv program critics.
Attending the meeting, besides Chairman Harris, were Gordon Gray, WOR-TV New York; Payson Hall, Meredith stations; C. Howard Lane, KOIN-TV Portland, Ore.; Donald H. McGannon, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.; D. Lennox Murdoch, KSL-TV Salt Lake City; Sydney Eiges, NBC-TV New York; Charles J. Oppenheim, CBS-TV New York. Absent were Charles Crutchfield, WBTV (TV) Charlotte, N. C; D. L. Provost, WBAL-TV Baltimore; A. L. Seton, ABC-TV, and George B. Storer Jr., Storer Broadcasting Co. Representing NARTB's staff, besides Messrs. Fellows, Bronson and Sitrick, were Thad H. Brown, tv vice president; Vincent T. Wasilewski, government relations manager; Robert K. Richards, consultant, and Dan W. Shields, assistant to Mr. Bronson.
Folsom Represents Media For National Laugh Week
FRANK FOLSOM, RCA president, will represent the radio-tv industry on the advisory committee of the National Laugh Foundation of the National Assn. of Gagwriters along with 20 other business executives during the organization's observance of the 11th annual National Laugh Week, April 2-8.
Mr. Folsom will be joined by such radiotv veterans as Jimmy Durante, Harry Hershfield, producer John Guedel, sportscaster Herman Hickman and gagwriters Jay Burton and Stan Dreben.
The organization, which sponsors the Comedy Workshop in New York, training ground for radio-tv gagwriters, also will conduct a special poll among its members for the top comedian and comedienne of the year. (Last year's winners were George Gobel and Judy Holliday).
Page 58 • January 9, 1956
Broadcasting • Telecasting