Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Situations Wanted Managerial Manager-salesman for hire. Present account executive for top station. Heavy on organization and sales. Always bill of $100,000. Not arm chair man, high pressure or fly by night. My account always renew. Family, college, 33, experience: Manager, commercial manager, large and small markets. Have first ticket. Have put station on air from ground up. Best references. Available for interview. Box 854E, B'T. General manager or sales manager — top experienced organizer — salesman. Family man. Desires permanency with good station. Box 102F, B'T. Manager. Can also direct sales. Radio veteran. Aggressive, dependable, efficient. Box 103F, B'T. Manager — aggressive — imaginative — dependable. Came up the hard way — announcing — programming— sales — sales manager — manager. Presently employed $10,000 yearly plus. Wants to relocate permanently in pleasant growing community. I know how to build ratings, sales and good will. Am looking for a high calibre station into which I can put all my energies and take pride. Top personal and business references guaranteed. Box 106F, B-T. Managerial-ownership opportunity desired. Can invest. 12 years rounded experience. 35. Family. Best references. Box 125F, B'T. Salesmen Ohio. Salesman, high calibre anonuncer, good voice. Experienced. Emphasis on sales. First class license. Box 968E, B'T. One of the industry's top sales-gals is looking for a change ... in climate. I'm more than happy with my current position, where I bill over $5,000 a month in one of the top 10 markets, but both my young daughter and I need a warmer climate in which to live. I have sold both on the air and off and have been billed as top talent on a network tv show. My minimum salary requirement is $150 a week and I would like to double in air work and sales, but predominantly sales. Box 100F, B'T. Announcers Country western DJ, musician-specialist. Experienced staff announcer. Third. Presently employed. Sincere, progressive sta-tions only. Salary —talent. Box 841E, B'T. Experienced announcer, third class license. Wants to settle small station Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Box 861E, B-T. Experienced announcer. Desires permanent position with small station, 250w-100O. Excellent background. Tape. Box 891E, B-T. Announcer or PD for radio or tv. Knows sports. Married, 33. Average voice. Box 905E, B'T. Award winning sportscaster wants larger market. Ten years in the industry, last two with joint radio television operation. Resume and brochure will reveal capabilities. Box 954E, B'T. Announcer — six years in radio. All phases of air work except play-by-play sports. Married, sober, reliable. Presently employed. Box 958E, B-T. Morning man. 5 year proven top rating in highly competitive midwest, six station market. Radio, tv, stage and motion picture background. Nothing under $125. Box 959E, B'T. Country DJ — nine years experience — radio or tv. Musician — employed. Box 967E, B'T. Announcer, first phone, five years successful experience all phases, especially air. News editor, copy and PD. Interested in combo operation. Would consider learning sales. Prefer small town (1500) in Florida. Will accept others. Box 972E, B'T. Announcer, two years radio experience all phases except play-by-play, recent first phone. Seek permanent announcing or combo position. Some tv desirable. Responsible family man, 25, discharged veteran. Prefer in person interview. Available February. Box 973E, B'T. Recent broadcasting school graduate. Good DJ, news, sports, board, tape. Box 974E, B'T. Think! It's not always necessary to pay high wages in order to get a good performance. Top newscaster, DJ, personality, commercials. Idea man personified. Someone different. Willing and capable. Box 976E, B'T. Announcer — DJ — sports — news, veteran — 24 — reliable— good references — tape. Box 977E, B'T. Comboman, first phone, please DJ personality, authoritative newscast, limited experience. Tape and references. Can relocate. Box 984E, B'T. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) A iinouncers Top-flight announcer available immediately. Now employed as news editor of live five kilowatt midwestern indie. Looking for a future. Married, draft exempt, sober, steady. Best recommendation from present employer. Box 985E. B'T. Florida Texas New Mexico Arizona California stations. Need capable, experienced listener getter, newsman? Let's confer. Box 989E, B'T. lVz years experience. Employed. Desires permanent position in northeast. Dependable. Box 993E, B-T. DJ, news, sports. Beginning program for creative young college grad. (MA). N. Y. show business experience. Box 994E, B-T. News, sports, first phone. Eight years play-byplay football, baseball, basketball. State award winner news, sports. Remotes and special production. Writing. Ideal for PD's job. Some sales. If deal is right will invest. Currently at $6,500. Interview is necessary. Prefer west, midwest or southwest. All offers considered and answered. Box 995E. B-T. Give your listeners or viewers a new personality for '56. Eox 993E, B-T. Woman announcer and disc jockey, experienced. Box 997E, B-T. Pianist wants to learn radio announcing. Prefer northeast, immediate south. Experienced accompanist. Small station. Box 998E, B-T. Experienced pop DJ staff announcer. Presently employed midwest. Wishes to relocate to east coast. Prefer Middle Atlantic or New England states. Box 999E, B'T. Now hear this tape! California tv announcer wants California radio. DJ or staff, 9 years experience, family man, desires permanency, $95.00 minimum. Box 104F, B-T. Young college man desires summer job. Going into radio business. Three years DJ. announcing, engineering experience. Would like to learn all phases radio business. Original! Box 105F, B-T. Platter spinner. Sportscaster, newsman, veteran, single. Tape on request. Box 107F. B'T. Tops in copy. Disc jockey. This idea gal is great. Hire me now. Not too late. Box 108F. B-T. Young vet, 22, beginner, radio school graduate, looking for steady position as announcer or position leading to announcing. Box 109F, B'T. Experienced staff announcer wishes position with progressive station. Mature voice, good news, heavy commercial. Tape and resume. Box 110F, B-T. Excellent announcer. Play-by-play all sports. Personality DJ. 5 years experience, all phases. $100 minimum. Tape, resume, references. Box 111F, B-T. Top-notch staff announcer, newscaster — terrific selling voice, family, presently working southern network . . . interested relocating north. Box 113F, B-T. Radio DJ and/or tv MC. 8 years experience. Now earning $100 week. Family. Dependable. Box 114F, B'T. Personality-DJ, production minded. 6 years radio and tv, musician, college grad. Box 115F, B'T. Plav-bv-plav sports, 6 years radio and tv, college grad. Box 116F, B'T. Announcer-DJ, ten years experience, every phase radio, some tv. Employed. Want job with future. Minimum $125. talent. Personal interview if feasible. Box 120F, B'T. Let's go. Stations within 200 miles N.Y.C. Here's an experienced staff announcer, DJ. Good knowledge music, strong news, commercials that sell. C.B.O. 3rd ticket, single, mature. Best references. Available one week. For particulars contact Jack Collins, 16 Madison Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Phone YO 3-1021. Act now! North Carolina (preferably Piedmont) — experienced staff announcer, native North Carolinian. College graduate. Married. Bill Gates, Longchamps Apartment 6-A, Macon Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Phone 3-3250. Top negro DJ. Pops to rhythm and blues. Top commercials. Will travel. Tape, photo, data available. James Itson, 5933 Calumet, Chicago. Experienced announcer relocating permanently. Staff, versatile air personality, news, commercials. Teenager platter appeal. Tom Hopkins, Box 775, Bernardsville, New Jersey, after 6 p.m. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) A nnouncers Staff announcer. Broadcasting school graduate. Bill Parker. 2219 N. Parkside, Chicago. Experienced announcer returning from Army desires position in Texas. Joe Sones, Box 705, New Boston, Texas. Technical Want transmitter position, 1st phone, 1 year experience. Phone Denver RA 20439. Box 919E. B'T. Desire change in location. One year's experience as chief of small station. No bad habits. Box 924E, B'T. Engineer. Presently employed as CE. must relocate due to health. Desires permanent position as CE with progressive established station. Married. 9 years experience. Good references. Prefer south or southwest, will consider any. Available mid-February. Box 978E, B'T. Engineer, 1st phone, experienced, desires permanent position with well established station. Capable of operation and maintenance and willing take responsibility. Would like to file application with stations anticipating future engineering staff expansion or offering tv opportunity. Box 981E. B'T. Tv studio engineer, 3rd phone, all phases, including film technician. Married, children, reliable. Resume available. Prefer northeast. Paul Scibetta, 138 James Street, Lodi, California. Prograinming-Production, Others Copywriter — four years radio, two television. Have deejay, directing, production experience. Box 953E, B-T. Woman's show . . . experienced in air work, programming, all phases, four years. References. Available two weeks. Box 982E, B'T. Program director. Assistant manager. Ten vears experience competitive markets. Air work if needed. Strong special events, news. Family man. Box 983E, B'T. (Continued on next page) WANTED! WANTED! ANNOUNCERS NEWS DISC JOCKEY STAEF NEWS Must be able to gatber and edit on local level as well as compile national; report and announce same. Prefer man with newspaper background or radio journalistic experience. DISC JOCKEY Must hadej mite individual style and personality; able to ad lib. (Will consider colored or white) . SJj\pp Must be good commer cial copy man with voice sales personality. Ability to ad lib is desired. Requirements are needed for 1000 watt Regional Daytime Station located in Kentucky. Must have board ability. Salary open for right men but they must be good. Send tape, complete resume of background, including recent photograph, in first response. Box 124F, B*T Broadcasting • Telecasting January 16, 1956 • Page 99