Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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THE FUND FOR THE REPUBLIC Announces The Robert E. Sherwood Awards For television programs dealing with American liberty and freedom, as presented on commercial television between October L, 1955, and May 31, 1956 20,000 for the best network drama S20,000 for the best network documentary $1^,000 for the best production of either type by an independent station NO/77 inOtlOnS of candidates for the Awards may be made by anyone. Members of the television industry and the general public are urged to write or call: The Robert E. Sherwood Television Awards — Fund for the Republic, 60 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y., MUrray Hill 2-1250 Kermit Bloomgarden Theatre Producer Robert M. Purcell Managing Director KEYD-TV The jurors Gardner Cowles President DES MOINES REGISTER AND TRIBUNE CO. AND COWLES MAGAZINES, INC. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Buell G. Gallagher President COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Gilbert Seldes Author and Critic Robert Taft, Jr. Attorney TAFT, STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER Harrison Tweed Attorney MILBANK, TWEED, HOPE & HADLEY Philip H. Willkie Vice President and Attorney RUSHVILLE, IND. NATIONAL BANK THE FUND FOR THE REPUBLIC IS A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION DEVOTED TO INCREASING PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLES SET DOWN IN THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS. The Fund for the Republic, Inc. 60 EAST 42nd STREET • NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Paul G. Hoffman, Chairman of the Board Robert M. Hutchins, President Broadcasting Telecasting January 23, 1956 • Page 75