Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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the week in brief HEAT'S ON COMMERCIALS Six officials, including FCC Chairman McConnaughey, Comr. Lee and Sen. Magnuson, point to alleged excesses by advertisers, particularly on radio 31 TELEVISION TOPS AT BBDO Combined with radio, 38.11% of this major agency's income comes from microphone and camera, its offices hear on closed circuit 33 HOW COMMERCIALS COMPARE Hooper Index of Broadcast Advertisers takes product, market and week, gives relative standings 34 SECOND TV HOME SAMPLE Census Bureau includes set figure in current population study, with revised saturation data due in spring 36 NARTB CROSS-PROGRAM FORMULA Radio-tv and management technical agendas interlocked so delegates can get most out of convention proceedings April 15-19 ... . .48 BAR GROUPS SCAN CANON 35 ABA council holds fast to bans but Chicago jurists see need of revising code on radio-tv coverage 54 37 NARTB BOARD NOMINEES Radio members pick candidates for balloting to fill 12 directorate openings 50 WINNING A $10 MILLION ACCOUNT Six media representatives make pitches before Radio-Television Executives Society Workshop in New York . . .58 STATE MEETING PLAN POPULAR NARTB headquarters staff meets with presidents of 43 state groups, setting annual precedent. Delegates voice enthusiasm over idea 70 departments Advertisers & Agencies 33 At Deadline 7 Awards 93 Closed Circuit 5 Colorcasting 36 Editorial 134 Film 44 SENATE TV PROBE PROCEEDS Magnuson committee completes questioning of FCC and prepares for more industry testimony 74 COLOR FILM IN 90 MINUTES Simple technique at KOMO-TV cuts most of delay and provides good quality at only slight cost over black-andwhite film 84 CBS-TV MAY REVAMP SPOT More than one product mention in 20second segment considered along with 30-second idea 85 GUIDE TO RADIO SPOT BUYING John Blair & Co. comes up with simple way to figure coverage of advertising campaigns in a hurry 86 MUTUAL'S BUSINESS EXPANDS Kraft Foods heads $4.5 million block of new and renewal contracts under guaranteed cost-per-l ,000 plan . 89 NBC GROSS HITS RECORD Network now provides RCA with 23.3% of its first billion-dollar year, 23% above 1954 90 NEW EMMY' NOMINATIONS Academy announces names of those to be voted on with results to be telecast on NBC-TV March 17 93 TV STATION MERCHANDISING Kenyon & Eckhardt surveys stations, giving detailed facts on trade calls, mailings, other aids 96 CANADA GROUP'S SALES AGENDA Broadcasters' convention in Toronto designed to aid in supplying agencies with radio and tv information 123 For the Record 125 Government 74 In Review 14 International 123 Lead Story 31 Manufacturing 90 Networks 87 On All Accounts .... 26 Open Mike 18 Our Respects 24 Personnel Relations 40 Programs & Promotion 124 Stations 84 Trade Assns 48 Broadcasting Publications Inc. Sol Taishoff President Maury Long Vice President H. H. Tash Secretary B. T. Taishoff Treasurer BROADCASTING TELECASTING Page 10 February 27, 1956 THE NEWSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION Published Every Monday by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Executive and Publication Headquarters Broadcasting • Telecasting Bldg. 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: MEtropolitan 8-1022 EDITOR & PUBLISHER Sol Taishoff MANAGING EDITOR Edwin H. James SENIOR EDITORS Rufus Crater (New York), J. Frank Beatty, Bruce Robertson NEWS EDITOR Fred Fitzgerald SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR David Glickman ASSOCIATE EDITORS Earl B. Abrams, Lawrence Christopher (Hollywood) ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR: Don West ASSISTANT EDITOR: Harold Hopkins STAFF WRITERS: Ray Ahearn, Jacqueline Eagle, Eli Fritz, Dawson Nail, Munsey Slack EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Hilma Blair, Anita Stopak, Beverly Horney, Lamar Underwood SECRETARY TO THE PUBLISHER: Gladys L. Hall BUSINESS VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER Maury Long SALES MANAGER Winfield R. Levi (New York) SOUTHERN SALES MANAGER: Ed Sellers PRODUCTION MANAGER: George L. Dant TRAFFIC MANAGER: Harry Stevens, Norma Wooton CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Wilson D. McCarthy, M. Gwen Moore, Jessie Young AUDITOR-OFFICE MANAGER: Irving C. Miller ASSISTANT AUDITOR: Eunice Weston SECRETARY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER: Eleanor Schadi ART-LAYOUT: Duane McKenna CIRCULATION & READERS' SERVICE MANAGER John P. Cosgrove SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER: Frank N. Gentile Sharleen Capella, William Phillips, Barbara Seabrooke, Joseph Rizzo BUREAUS NEW YORK 444 Madison Ave., Zone 22, PLaza 5-8355 Editorial SENIOR EDITOR: Rufus Crater AGENCY EDITOR: Florence Small ASS'T NEW YORK EDITOR: David W. Berlyn NEW YORK ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR: Rocco Famighetti Frank P. Model, Selma Gersten, Beverly Berl BUSINESS SALES MANAGER: Winaeld R. Levi SALES SERVICE MANAGER: Eleanor R. Manning EASTERN SALES MANAGER: Kenneth Cowan, Donna Trolinger CHICAGO 360 N. Michigan Ave., Zone 1, CEntral 6-4115 MIDWEST NEWS EDITOR: John Osbon MIDWEST SALES MANAGER: Warren W. Middleton Barbara Kolar HOLLYWOOD 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Zone 28, HOIIywood 3-8181 ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Lawrence Christopher WESTERN SALES MANAGER: Wallace H. Engelhardt Toronto: 32 Colin Ave., HUdson 9-2694. James Montagnes SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Annual subscription for 52 weekly issues: $7.00. Annual subscription including BROADCASTING Yearbook (53d issue): $9.00, or TELECASTING Yearbook (54th issue): $9.00. Annual subscription to BROADCASTING • TELECASTING, including 54 issues: $11.00. Add $1.00 per year for Canadian and foreign postage. Regular issues: 35(Z per copy; 53d and 54th issues: $3.00 per copy. ADDRESS CHANGE: Please send requests to Circulation Dept., BROADCASTING • TELECASTING, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Give both old and new addresses, including postal zone numbers. Post office will not forward issues. BROADCASTING* Magazine was founded in 1931 by Broadcasting Publications Inc., using the title: BROADCASTING*—The News Magazine of the Fifth Estate. Broadcast Advertising* was acquired in 1932, Broadcast Reporter in 1933 and Telecast* in 1953. *Reg. U. S. Patent Office Copyright 1956 by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Broadcasting Telecasting