Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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Dannenbaum Gets WBC National Sales Office APPOINTMENT of Alexander W. (Bink) Dannenbaum Jr., formerly sales manager of WPTZ (TV) Philadelphia until its sale to NBC last month and since then assistant general manager of WRCVA M-T V Philadelphia, as national sales manager of Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., is being announced today (Monday) by Donald H. McGannon, WBC president. He succeeds Eldon Campbell, who resigned effective last Monday [B«T, Feb. 27]. NBC and WBC switched stations last month [B»T, Feb. 13] as the former absorbed KYW-WPTZ (TV) Philadelphia and the latter, WTAM-WNBK (TV) Cleveland. New Cleveland call letters are KYWAM-TV. Mr. Dannenbaum, who joined WBC at the time of its purchase of WPTZ (TV) in 1953, will make his headquarters at the network's executive offices in New York. A veteran of many years in radio, he began his broadcasting career in 1935 as a radio time salesman with WDAS Philadelphia, remained with the station (except for four years in the Army during World War II) until 1946, joined WPEN in that MR. DANNENBAUM city as commercial manager and moved to WPTZ (TV) three years ago in a similar position. He is president of the Television, Radio and Advertising Club of Philadelphia, a member of the Poor Richard Club, Radio & Television Executives Society (New York) and Philadelphia Public Relations Assn. Anderson Bankruptcy Plan Offers 25 Cents on Dollar PROPOSAL by Sheldon Anderson (KCOK Tulare, Calif.) to settle unsecured debts by paying 25 cents on the dollar will be the subject of a hearing March 12 in U. S. District Court in Fresno, Calif. In a legal notice issued Feb. 17 by William A. McGugin, referee in bankruptcy, Mr. Anderson proposed to pay all claims of $50 or less within 60 days after confirmation of his plan, without interest. For all claims over $50, Mr. Anderson proposed to issue a promissory note for 25% of the debt of each creditor with interest at 4%, to be paid over a period of six years or more. Alternatives provide that these debts can be settled for an immediate 10% payment, or by contracting for advertising time on KCOK (1 kw on 1270 kc) in the full amount of the debt, or by converting the promissory note to preferred stock of KCOK Inc. Petition for bankruptcy was filed by KCOK last year [B«T, Aug. 29, 1955]. Listed were 367 creditors and $752,985 in obligations and $53,310 in assets. Of the debts, $373,964 were in secured liabilities, $353,337 in unsecured debts, $23,620 in federal taxes, $1,057 in local taxes and $1,015 in wage claims. FINANCING KIDDER, PEABODY Sf CO.— • Has underwritten over $1,000,000,000 of publicity offered securities in the past ten years. • Has negotiated private financings in excess of $700,000,000 in the past five years. — We Invite You to Call Upon Our Experience. Address inquiries to: ROBERT E. GRANT Kidder, Peabody & Co. First National Bank Building Chicago 3, Illinois Telephone ANdover 3-7350 KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. NEW YORK CHICAGO FOUNDED 1865 BOSTON PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO Offices and correspondents in thirty other principal cities in the United States Westinghouse Reports Record Station Sales SALES AND PROFITS last year of the television and radio stations of Westinghouse Electric Corp's broadcasting subsidiaries reached "the highest level in history" during 1955, according to the corporation's annual report Friday. No dollar figures of sales and profits was available. The report also noted that Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. recently had exchanged its television and radio stations in Philadelphia for television and radio outlets in Cleveland, which had been owned by NBC. It said the transaction included the payment by NBC to Westinghouse of $3,027,000. During 1955, the report said, the Electronic Tube Div. produced a 22-inch, all-glass picture tube for color television, featuring a rectangular shape and "shadow-mask" color separation method [B»T, Feb. 20]. The new color tube, which has not been placed on the market, can be manufactured with techniques similar to those used in standard black-and-white tube processes, it was pointed out. The company reported to stockholders that it will sponsor on television and radio, as it did in 1952, the political conventions, debates and election returns (on CBS). It estimated that through these broadcasts, Westinghouse product messages will reach as many as 81 million persons during each of the conventions. The report listed sales of Westinghouse Electric Corp. during 1955 at $1,440,976,985 and net income at $42,802,747, as compared with sales of $1,636,184,253 and net income of $79,921,732 in 1954. The declines were attributed to a strike against the company, which began last Oct. 27 and still is in progress, and to an earlier six weeks' stoppage at the East Pittsburgh plant. KGIL San Fernando, Calif., Purchased by Evangelist SALE of KGIL San Fernando, Calif., by William Dolph, Herbert Pettey, Howard Gray and Associates for $475,000 cash to Texas evangelist Dr. Pierce Brooks was announced last week, subject to FCC approval. Papers will be filed in several weeks. Dr. Brooks, from Dallas, owns several insurance companies. He has used radio in his ministry. The Dolph-Pettey group acquired controlling interest in KGIL in July 1953 for $57,000. All stock in the station is being sold to Dr. Brooks, although Mr. Gray, presently part owner, will continue as manager. Hollywod attorney Milton Golden, representing Dr. Brooks, told B»T a corporation principally owned by the evangelist will take over KGIL and that several other persons from Hollywood and Dallas may be included as part owners. It was learned KGIL had not been on the market, but that the cash offer was made over the previous weekend and the agreement was negotiated within 72 hours. It was handled by Albert Zugsmith Corp., Hollywood. Messrs. Dolph and Pettey have major interests in KJBS San Francisco, and KMYR Denver. Mr. Dolph is president of WMT Cedar Rapids and with William Quarton owns 49% of WMT-TV that city. At one time the DolphPettey group owned stations in Milwaukee and Honolulu. Mr. Dolph owns a radio-tv production and talent management firm in Washington. Page 58 • March 5, 1956 Broadcasting • Telecasting