Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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minority parties or splinter groups. Networks have indicated they would be willing to furnish free time to presidential and vice presidential candidates of the major parties if they are not required to make time available on the same basis to candidates of minority groups. The boost in legal expenditure ceilings for national parties from $3 million to $12.3 million also would apply to state and local committees. The existing federal law on legal ceilings does not appy to state and local committees. Campaign expenditures for senators and representatives-at-large would be raised from the present $10,000 ceiling to $75,000. The amount in populous states might even exceed $75,000, since it is based on 20 cents for each vote cast in any state election in the preceding four years. It would raise the ceiling for representatives from the present sliding scale of $2,500-$5,000 to $15,000, also with a provision that the amount might go higher than $15,000, based on 20 cents per vote in the preceding election for that office. S 3308 follows in some respects along the lines of recommendations made in a study, "Television & Presidential Politics," for the Brookings Institution [B»T. Feb. 20]. The lohnson bill also would authorize income tax deductions for political campaign contributions up to $100. Rep. Stewart L. Udall (D-Ariz.) introduced an identical bill in the House Wednesday. ABC and CBS officials said Thursday they had no immediate comment on the Johnson proposal. NBC officials were not available for comment. Radio-Tv Galleries to Mail Political Convention Forms THE Radio-Tv Correspondents Galleries in Washington have announced that notices will be mailed to all radio and tv stations for accreditation, credentials, assignment of seats and convention hall space for the radio-tv industry at the upcoming presidential nominating conventions next August. The galleries said radio and tv stations which expect to send reporters and other personnel to the Democratic and Republican conventions should apply immediately to the national committees for hotel accommodations. For hotel space at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which starts Aug. 13. write: Neale Roach, Convention Manager. Democratic National Committee, 1001 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington, D. C. For hotel space at the Republican Convention in San Francisco, which starts Aug. 20. write: Ted Dalton, Chairman, Subcommittee on Housing, Republican National Committee, 1625 Eye St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Butler Reiterates Plea For Equal Time Revision SUPPORT of proposed revision of Sec. 315 of the Communications Act [B«T, Feb. 20, 13, 6] by newsmen and publications was advocated Wednesday by Paul M. Butler, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, in a talk to the National Press Club, Washington. Sec. 315 governs handling of political broadcasts on an equal time basis. The amendment. Mr. Butler explained, would low cost . . . flexible One of the largest suppliers of temporary lighting facilities anywhere in the U. S. and Canada. Rental equipment Service includes installation and removal at one low cost. free estimates Write for Free Catalog of Equipment JACK A. FROST Department BT 234 Piquette Ave. Detroit 2, Michigan "permit television and radio stations to extend free time to major candidates in presidential campaigns without being required to give equal time to fringe or frivolous candidates." He advocated support of the committee's "recent proposal that the two parties arrange a debate series between the heads of the rival tickets in the 1956 campaign." Mr. Butler chided the GOP because that party's response to this idea "has not been favorable." He urged support of a plan for the Advertising Council to conduct a fund drive to finance campaigns by both parties and place them on an equal financial basis. Here again, he said, the GOP has not given approval. He urged newspapers to carry "battle pages" during campaigns, with both sides supplying material, terming it a chance for newspapers to give equal space and impartial treatment "in accord with the precedent and the principle of 'equal time' in the radio and tv media." FCC Denies Uhf Petitions Concerning Deintermixture PETITIONS from several uhf stations asking that the FCC reconsider its Nov. 10, 1955, action denying all petitions for deintermixture [B»T. Nov. 14, 1955] were denied by the FCC last week. The Commission said that it had considered and disposed of reasons in support of action on deintermixture when it incorporated the question into the current reallocations proceeding. Those denied reconsideration appeals were WTVO (TV) Rockford. 111.; WGTH-TV Hartford. Conn.; WKNB-TV New Britain. Conn.; WHYN-TV Springfield. Mass.; WWLP (TV) Springfield. Mass.: WAIM-TV Anderson, S. C; WGVL (TV) Greenville. S. C: WTSK-TV Spartanburg. S. C: WITV (TV) Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: WPFA-TV Pensacola. Fla.; KTAG (TV) Lake Charles La., and WOBS-TV Jacksonville. Fla. Comrs. Rosel H. Hyde and Robert T. Bartley dissented. WLBR-TV Hearing Begins HEARING into the protested purchase of ch. 15 WLBR-TV Lebanon, Pa., by Triangle Publications Inc. (WFIL-AM-FM-TV Philadelphia. Inquirer) got underway last week with Wednesday and Thursday sessions. The WLBR-TV purchase, for $115,000 plus assumption of $125,000 in obligations, was protested by Harrisburg, Pa., uhf stations WCMBTV (ch. 27). WHP-TV (ch. 55) and WTPA (TV) ch. 71. Walter H. Annenberg, who with his family owns the Triangle interests, occupied the witness chair Wednesday. Testifying Thursday were Mr. Annenberg, Roger W. Clipp. WFILAM-FM-TV general manager, and Joseph First, Triangle vice president. The hearing was recessed until March 12. Rep. Bentley to Run Again REP. ALVIN M. BENTLEY (R-Mich.) last week announced that he will seek re-election to Congress rather than attempt to get the Republican nomination for governor of Michigan. Rep. Bentley has been in government on the national level for 15 years and has specialized in legislation dealing with foreign affairs. The Congressman is one-third owner of WKNXAM-TV Saginaw, Mich. [B»T, Feb. 7, 1955]. WKNX operates on 1210 kc, 1 kw daytime. WKNX-TV, ch. 57, is affiliated with ABC and CBS. expert tv lighting Broadcasting • Telecasting March 5, 1956 • Page 85