Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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the week in brief Broadcasting Publications Inc. Sol Taishoff President AGENCY LEADERS IN SPOT B*T's exclusive report on the 25 advertising agencies with top billings in spot television and radio during 1955 31 ADVERTISER-AGENCY RELATIONS How they are affected by AAAA consent decree will be a major topic of ANA convention, starting Wednesday at Hot Springs, Va . . .33 TIMEBUYING TECHNIQUES DEBATED MacDonald of Y&R advocates allmedia executive who buys both time and space; Pardoll of FC&B defends specialist who concentrates on radiotv only in debate at final RTES Timebuying & Selling Seminar 34 BUILD PROGRAMS, DON'T BUY TIME National Council of Churches of Christ adopts record budget of $1.8 million for radio-tv-film production, but advises members not to buy time for religious programs 36 'EQUAL TIME' RELIEF AT HAND Johnson bill to amend Sec. 315 has support of 67 senators; America First Republican candidate demands time equal to Eisenhower's 42 SCHOOLS FOR CANDIDATES ABC -TV affiliated stations set up courses to teach political candidates how to campaign by television . . . .44 SNEAK PREVIEWS FOR TV FILMS ABC Film Syndication pretests new film series in New Haven; Brisacher, Wheeler & Staff gets reactions of agency personnel to films offered for clients' sponsorship 50 REVOLT REPERCUSSIONS International Executive Board of AFM begins investigation of revolt of Hollywood Local group against Petrillo "dictatorship" while rebels seek impeachment of Local 47 President te Groen 54 departments Advertisers & Agencies 31 At Deadline 7 Av/ards 80 Closed Circuit 5 Coiorcasting 39 Editorial 102 Education 90 Film 48 Page 10 • March 12, 1956 SAG PROTESTS CBS-AFTRA PACT Jurisdictional battle over Electronicam programming looms as Screen Actors Guild objects to CBS agreement with AFTRA .56 NARTB ASSIGNS CONVENTION SPACE Heavy equipment displays to be shown on lower lobby, others on fifth and sixth floors of Chicago's Conrad Hilton Hotel during broadcasters meeting, April 15-19 5<S' LEE'S PAY TV VIEWS DRAW FIRE Comr. Lee's Look magazine piece, urging trial to let public decide whether it wants pay tv or not, evokes demands that he disqualify himself from official consideration of issue 66 JERROLD'S TRANSLATOR PLAN Wedding of proposed translator tv service to community television systems proposed to FCC by major manufacturer of community antenna equipment . . .68 FILM EXCLUSIVES' PROTESTED WMUR-TV Manchester, N. H., asks FCC to forbid station getting exclusive film right outside own community, similar to network affiliation rule . 71 WESTINGHOUSE BOOSTS KEY MEN Lasky becomes head of all WBC West Coast operations; Conley assistant to the president; Bachman KEX general manager, and Blain midwest sales manager 74 PETERS, GRIFFIN, WOODWARD INC. Is new name of veteran station representative firm after 20 years as Free & Peters 76 GLOBAL COLOR Intercontinental exchange of color tv programs foreseen by engineering experts from all parts of world at New York meeting . 86 For the Record 93 Government 66 In Review 12 International 89 Manufacturing 86 Networks 84 On All Accounts 26 Open Mike 18 Our Respects 24 Personnel Relations . . Political Broadcasting Professional Services Programs & Promotion Program Services Stations 74 Trade Assns 58 54 42 83 92 82 H. H. Tash Secretary B. T. Taishoff Treasurer BROADCASTING TELECASTING THE NEWSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION Published Every Monday by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Executive and Publication Headquarters Broadcasting • Telecasting Bldg. 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: MEtropolitan 8-1022 EDITOR & PUBLISHER Sol Taishoff MANAGING EDITOR Edwin H. James SENIOR EDITORS Rufus Crater (New York), J. Frank Beatty, Bruce Robertson NEWS EDITOR Fred Fitzgerald SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR David Glickman ASSOCIATE EDITORS Earl B. Abrams, Lawrence Christopher (Hollywood) ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR: Don West ASSISTANT EDITOR: Harold Hopkins STAFF WRITERS: Ray Ahearn, Jacqueline Eagle, Eli Fritz, Dawson Nail, Munsey Slack EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Hilma Blair, Anita Stopak, Beverly Horney, Lamar Underwood SECRETARY TO THE PUBLISHER: Gladys L. Hall BUSINESS VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER Maury Long SALES MANAGER Winfield R. Levi (New York) SOUTHERN SALES MANAGER: Ed Sellers PRODUCTION MANAGER: George L. Dant TRAFFIC MANAGER: Harry Stevens, Norma Wooton CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Wilson D. McCarthy, M. Gwen Moore, Jessie Young AUDITOR-OFFICE MANAGER: Irving C. Miller ASSISTANT AUDITOR: Eunice Weston SECRETARY TO GENERAL MANAGER: Eleanor Schadi ART-LAYOUT: Duane McKenna CIRCULATION & READERS' SERVICE MANAGER John P. Cosgrove SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER: Frank N. Gentile Carola Southers, William Phillips, Barbara Seabrooke, Joseph Rizzo, Charles Harpold BUREAUS NEW YORK 444 Madison Ave., Zone 22, PLaza 5-8355 Editorial SENIOR EDITOR: Rufus Crater AGENCY EDITOR: Florence Small ASS'T NEW YORK EDITOR: David W. Berlyn NEW YORK ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR: Rocco Famighettl Frank P. Model, Selma Gersten, Beverly Berl BUSINESS SALES MANAGER: Winfield R. Levi SALES SERVICE MANAGER: Eleanor R. Manning EASTERN SALES MANAGER: Kenneth Cowan, Donna Trolinger CHICAGO 360 N. Michigan Ave., Zone 1, CEntral 6-4115 MIDWEST NEWS EDITOR: John Osbon MIDWEST SALES MANAGER: Warren W. Middleton Barbara Kolar HOLLYWOOD 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Zone 28, HOIIywood 3-8181 ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Lawrence Christopher Toronto: 32 Colin Ave., Hudson 9-2694. James Montagnes SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Annual subscription for 52 weekly issues: $7.00. Annual subscription including BROADCASTING Yearbook (53d issue): $9.00, or TELECASTING Yearbook (54th issue) j $9.00. Annual subscription to BROADCASTING • TELECASTING, including 54 issues: $11.00. Add $1.00 per year for Canadian and foreign postage. Regular issues; 35c per copy; 53d and 54th issues: $3.00 per copy. ADDRESS CHANGE: Please send requests to Circulation Dept., BROADCASTING • TELECASTING, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Give both old and new addresses, including postal zone numbers. Post office will not forward issues. BROADCASTING* Magazine was founded in 1931 by Broadcasting Publications Inc., using the title: BROADCASTING*—The News Magazine of the Fifth Estate. Broadcast Advertising* was acquired in 1932, Broadcast Reporter in 1933 and Telecast* in 1953. *Reg. U. S. Patent Office Copyright 1956 by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Broadcasting • Telecasting ■MBBBntUMlHl