Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES LATEST RATINGS NIELSEN Top Radio Programs Two Weeks Ending Feb. 4, 1956 Rank Program Evening, Once-A-Week (Average for all Prograr HOMES (000) (842) 2,059 2,012 1,966 1,825 1,732 1,732 1,685 1,685 1,638 1,498 1. Our Miss Brooks (CBS) 2. Two For The Money (CBS) 3. People Are Funny (NBC) 4. Dragnet (NBC) 5. You Bet Your Life (NBC) 6. News & Gene Autry (CBS) 7. Edgar Bergen (Anahist) (CBS) 8. Gunsmoke (CBS) 9. Edgar Bergen (CBS Columbia) (CBS) 10. Great Gildersleeve (NBC) Evening, Multi-Weekly (Average for all Programs) (796) 1. One Man's Family (NBC) 1,872 2 News of the World (NBC) 1,825 3. Lowell Thomas (CBS) 1,591 Weekday (Average for all Programs) (1,498) 1. Wendy Warren (Philip Morris) (CBS) 2,387 2. Wendy Warren (Hazel Bishop) (CBS) 2,293 3. Helen Trent (CBS) 2,200 4. Arthur Godfrey (Kellogg) (CBS) 2,200 5. Arthur Godfrey (Corn Products-Tue.) (CBS) 2,200 6. Arthur Godfrey (Pillsbury) (CBS) 2,200 7. Young Dr. Malone (T & Th) (CBS) 2,200 8. Arthur Godfrey (Lever) (CBS) 2,153 9. Wendy Warren (St. Brands) (CBS) 2,153 10. Arthur Godfrey (Staley-10:15) (CBS) 2,059 Day, Sunday (Average for all Programs) (562) 1. Wool worth Hour (CBS) 1,170 2. Your Nutrilite Theatre (NBC) 1,076 3. Robert Trout (News-10:00) (CBS) 889 Day, Saturday (Average for all Programs) (842) 1. Gunsmoke (CBS) 1,685 2. True Theatre (CBS) 1,544 Allan Jackson (News-1:00) (CBS) Copyright 1956 by A. C. Nielsen Co. 1,544 VIDEODEX Top 10 Spot Shows* Feb. 1-7, 1956 Name of Program Homes Homes Cities (%) (000's) 1. Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (MCA-TV) 19.3 4132 105 2. 1 Led Three Lives (Ziv) 18.8 5928 128 3. Liberace (Guild) 18.4 3639 79 4. Highway Patrol (Ziv) 18.2 6636 166 5. The Man Called X (Ziv) 17.9 1693 36 6. Badge 714 (NBC Film) 17.8 4808 117 7. Eddie Cantor (Ziv) 17.7 1657 50 8. Mr. District Attorney (Ziv) 16.1 4000 104 9. Science Fiction Theatre (Ziv] 16.0 4897 125 10. Kit Carson (MCA-TV) 15.8 874 32 *Appearing in a minimum of 20 markets. Copyright, Videodex Inc. Nielsen Reports Subscribers To Coverage Service No. 2 COINCIDENT with an announcement that NBC-TV had subscribed to Nielsen Coverage Service No. 2, A. C. Nielsen Co., Chicago, reported last week that personal interviewers are at work on the survey and that questionnaires have been mailed to some 250,000 families. CBS-TV, CBS Radio and Keystone Broadcasting System previously had signed for the service. Nielsen's No. 2 service is a countyby-county measurement of stations' coverage. Nielsen said that by March 1, a total of 235 stations had subscribed to the service, with 64 new station contracts signed in February. Contracts from agencies and advertisers total 75, according to Nielsen, with the 10 agencies with largest domestic billings represented in the group. Nielsen listed these as J. Walter Thompson, Young & Rubicam, BBDO, McCann-Erickson, N. W. Ayer, Leo Burnett, Foote, Cone & Belding, Benton & Bowles, Kenyon & Eckhardt and Kudner. Agencies signing during February included N. W. Ayer, Foote, Cone & Belding, I. Walter Thompson, Biow, Benton & Bowles, Kenyon & Eckhardt and Vansant, Dugdale. Klik-Klak Toy Clicks on Tv; Sales $85,000 in Four Days HOW A TOY called Klik-Klak clicked with television to the tune of almost $85,000 in sales in four business days on a total advertising investment of $1,050 was told last week by WATV (TV) Newark. Station spokesmen said Klik-Klak, through Ovesey & Straus, New York, ordered one announcement in Junior Frolics for Wednesdays and one segment of the program on Fridays, using no other advertising medium. They said the commercials started Feb. 22 and that by Feb. 27 every Klik-Klak in the Metropolitan New York area — 600 gross of them — had been sold and Pico Novelty Co., the distributor, was airfreighting fresh stock from the West Coast. In addition, according to WATV, the demand among youngsters was such that some candy retailers, learning that a Klik-Klak vice president was in town, besieged his hotel seeking to buy more toys. Moreover, officials said, the demand stirred up by the two Klik-Klak commercials resulted in Woolworth's ordering the toys for its 1,900 stores. RKO Names JWT as Agency RKO RADIO PICTURES has appointed J. Walter Thompson Co., New York and Los Angeles, to handle its advertising program, Daniel T. O'Shea, RKO Radio president, announced Wednesday. RKO Radio Pictures is a division of RKO Teleradio Pictures Inc., parent company of General Teleradio Inc. JWT's appointment was to start with the completion of "The First Traveling Saleslady," feature film, last week. The agency will handle advertising for all forthcoming productions. Current agency is Foote, Cone & Belding, whose contract with RKO Radio Pictures terminates after two or three productions currently for release and previously designated to be handled by FC&B are placed in circulation. Retailers to Be Feted WINNERS of the ninth annual "Retailer-ofthe-Year" contest will be feted over a three day period, beginning April 16 and climaxed by an awards banquet at New York's WaldorfAstoria April 18, it was announced last week by Henry E. Abt, president of the Brand Names Foundation, New York, which has sponsored the contest since 1947. With April 15-21 designated by New York's Mayor Robert F. Wagner as Brand Names Week, the 120 winners will be guests of NBC and other media groups at a series of breakfasts, luncheons and cocktail parties, tour New York advertising agencies and attend the banquet which is scheduled to be addressed by Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Kimmel Forms Tucson Agency NORMAN H. KIMMELL, with varied experience in radio-tv, has established an advertising agency bearing his name in Tucson, Ariz. The agency, at 215 N. Court Ave., will function in all media for local and regional accounts. Mr. Kimmel originated and produced the Naval Air Reserve Show while radio-tv director for the Naval Air Reserve Training Command, Chicago. He left the Naval program in 1951, moved to Tucson and has since been associated with a television film production firm and has been personnel and public relations director for Darr Aero Tech Inc. (flight school) and advertising and sales director for a Tucson construction firm. Find DAV's Treasure DISABLED American Veterans is currently producing a filmed, hour-long quiz program, Hidden Treasure Show, in association with William Tell Productions, New York tv program packager, for future spot placement throughout the country. For the series, DAV has allocated a $390,000 budget for the first group of programs on which $50,000 in cash prizes per show will be awarded. DAV will use the programs to appeal for funds, 30% of which will be designated toward future productions, and the balance to the DAV fund. Arrangements have been made for Allen B. Du Mont Labs' electronicam tv-film system to film the show. Margaret Farrar, crossword puzzle expert, will set up the quiz structure and Remington-Rand will electrically judge the entries. W. T. Clemons & Assoc., parent firm of William Tell Productions, is DAV's agency. Newsprint Shortage Forces Newspapers to Curtail Ads SHORTAGE of newsprint led the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle and Times-Union to curtail advertising last week, with radio and tv stations taking up some of the slack for local and national advertisers. Only classified and small service ads were carried Wednesday and Friday by the newspapers. National advertising was omitted Thursday. The newspapers explained that news content was being maintained, with full coverage given to local, national and international events. They traced the shortage to delivery problems and to lack of production by mills now producing special paper items of newsprint. They predicted the shortage was temporary. The Times-Union recalled that the newspaper shortage started to develop late last year, with some papers going into the gray market. Cost of newsprint went up $4 a ton recently, with some of this increase earmarked for expansion of production facilities and pulpwood supplies. FC&B Plans Detroit Setup To Service New Ford Account FOOTE, CONE & BELDING held discussions last week looking toward the opening of a Detroit office in mid-year to service its newlyacquired automobile account of the Ford Motor Co. [B*T, Feb. 13]. According to present plans, Charles S. Winston Jr., vice president in the agency's Chicago office, is slated to head the Detroit branch. Clyde Rapp, also a FC&B Chicago vice president, will remain in that city to service new Ford automobile account for that office. SPOT NEW BUSINESS San Francisco Brewing Corp., supporting introduction of quart cans for Burgermeister beer with series of radio and tv spots through BBDO, S. F. Initial distribution is in California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii. Firm plans to extend throughout West. Glamur Products, Syracuse, N. Y., using radiotv spots in Midwest, Pacific Northwest and New York for Easy Glamur rug and upholstery cleaner. Agency: Rockmore Co., N. Y. Page 40 • March 12, 1956 Broadcasting Telecasting