Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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at deadline ROBINSON, JONES: CBS-TV EXEC. V. P.'S ELEVATION of Hubbell Robinson Jr. and Merle S. Jones to CBS-TV executive vice presidencies in which they will divide responsibilities for all areas of network's operation is being announced today (Mon.) by CBS-TV President J. L. Van Volkenburg, who said move is dictated by network's growth. Mr. Robinson, vice president in charge of network programs, will retain "entire broad area of programming" under his direction. All other departments will report to Mr. Jones, who has been vice president in charge of CBS-owned tv stations and general services. Messrs. Jones and Robinson both will continue to report to Mr. Van Volkenburg. They also will continue their present responsibilities in addition to the expanded assignments. Mr. Robinson joined CBS Inc. in July 1947 as vice president and program director. When tv and radio operations were separated in July 1951 he became CBS-TV vice president in charge of network programs. Before joining CBS he had been vice president and radio director for Young & Rubicam, with ABC as vice president and program director, and with Foote, Cone & Belding as vice president in charge of radio. Mr. Jones started with CBS in 1936 as as sistant to general manager of KMOX St. Louis, became head of western division office of CBS Radio sales in Chicago in 1937, went back to KMOX as general manager same year, left KMOX and CBS in 1944 to join Cowles Broadcasting Co. as vice president and general manager of WOL Washington, and returned to CBS in July 1947 as general manager of WCCO Minneapolis-St. Paul. He was general manager of CBS-owned KNX Los Angeles and Columbia Pacific Network from September 1949 to January 1951, when he was given additional responsibilities in charge of KNXT (TV) Los Angeles. MR. ROBINSON MR. JONES L'Heureux Says He Was 'Quoted Out of Context7 ROBERT D. L'HEUREUX, assistant to FCC Chairman George C. McConnaughey, said Friday he was "quoted out of context" by Rep. Joe L. Evins (D-Tenn.) in statement released Thursday by Rep. Evins as chairman of subcommittee of House Small Business Committee (see story, page 27). Mr. L'Heureux denied he told Rep. Evins in March 8 conference that networks had power to have FCC personnel hired and fired. He said he gave Rep. Evins "normal explanation" of why FCC is reluctant to release to public staff opinions or interoffice memoranda affecting FCC decisions: that public knowledge of such information might lead to outside "pressure." Thus, he said, such staff personnel would not feel free to give their honest opinions. He said FCC as federal regulatory agency doesn't fear such pressures and that protection of staff members from outside interference is "sound policy" to keep agency independent. Chairman McConnaughey, who was quoted by Rep. Evins as having said he was powerless to hire and fire FCC personnel, could not be reached for comment by B»T's press time. OARTB Elects Officers NEW OFFICERS of Ohio Assn. of Radio & Tv Broadcasters were elected Friday at Cleveland meeting (early story page 62). They are: President J. L. (Dutch) Bowden, WKBN-AMTV Youngstown; Vice President for Radio Hubbard Hood, WKRC Cincinnati; Vice President for Tv Ward Quaal, WLWT (TV) Cincinnati, and Directors John D. Kelly, WJW Cleveland, and Robert Mack, WIMA Lima. Registration reached 80 despite five-inch snowstorm. Senate Group to Probe Daylight Time Problems APPOINTMENT of three-man special subcommittee to study problems of daylight broadcasters was announced Friday by Chairman lohn J. Sparkman (D-Ala.) of Senate Small Business Committee. Subcommittee is headed by Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and includes Sens. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) and Andrew F. Schoeppel (RKan.). Sen. Sparkman said small daytimers have complained restrictions on their hours make it "impossible for them to render adequate services" to respective communities. He said number of complaints has been large enough to justify special subcommittee to study problem. Sen. Kennedy said more than 900 am stations are limited by FCC to daytime operation, with their channels used at night by fulltime stations. He said complaints are that "favored position" of fulltime stations makes effective advertising by small businessmen "impossible." These limitations are based on rules set 30 years ago when there were only "handful" of stations, he said, and subcommittee wants to find if public interest requires extension of daytimers' present hours. He said FCC, daytime, fulltime and clear channel representatives will be invited to testify. Moizlish Buys KPAL SALE of KPAL Palm Springs, Calif., by Desert Radio & Tv Co. for $70,000 to Harry Maizlish, president, KFWB Hollywood, and Gregson Bautcer. Beverly Hills attorney, announced Friday subject to FCC approval. KPAL president is Florence P. Raley. Broadcasting Telecasting • BUSINESS BRIEFLY RADIO FOR GOETZ • Goetz Brewing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., through Compton Adv., N. Y., placing spot announcement radio campaign starting early in April in some markets and today (Mon.) in others. Length of contract is 26 to 39 weeks. Approximately 60 stations in Midwest will be used. SPOT SUPPLEMENT • To supplement television network advertising during peak sales periods of spring and summer, General Foods Corp., Post Cereals Div., Battle Creek, Mich., is set to launch extensive tv spot campaign in 48 markets in Southwest and Midwest on April 1. Agency: Benton & Bowles, N. Y. LOCAL TO NATIONAL • Spurred by success of advertising on WATV (TV) Newark [B«T, March 12], Pico Novelty Co., distributor of Klik-Klak toys, planning nationwide spot announcement campaign using live commercials on children's programs. Scope of campaign not determined, but it is planned to use metropolitan and smaller markets. Agency: Ovesey & Straus, N. Y. BABY OIL BUYING • Mennen Co.. Morristown, N. J., for its baby oil summer suntan lotion, planning summer radio spot announcement campaign to start June 1 and run for 9 to 13 weeks in eight major cities. Grey Adv., N. Y., is agency. DUAL DRIVE • Shulton Products (toiletries). N. Y., planning two series of radio spot announcement campaigns; one to start April 16 for 26 weeks in 33 markets, using five announcements per week, and other to start at end of May for eight weeks using 10 to 12 spots per weekend (Fri., Sat., Sun. only) in 21 markets. Wesley Assoc., N. Y., is agency. BIG PUSH FOR JELLO • General Foods (Jello), N. Y., buying saturation radio spot announcement campaign to break May 1 and run for five weeks, using 25 spots per week on each station bought in 79 markets. Young & Rubicam, N. Y., is agency. SIMONIZ SPOTS • Simoniz Co., Chicago, for its auto wax, placing radio spot announcement campaign for about 10 weeks in mid-April in several markets. Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, N. Y., is agency. LAXATIVE CAMPAIGN • Union Pharmaceutical Co. (Saraka Powder, laxative), N. Y.. placing radio spot announcement campaign in top 20 markets starting May 1 for six weeks. Grey Adv., N. Y.. is agency. PAINT PURCHASE • Carbola Chemical Co. (Carbola paints), Natural Bridge, N. Y.. buying radio spot announcement campaign in 32 markets, starting early in April in southern area and early in May in others. Contract runs 10 to 13 weeks. Four television stations also will be used. J. M. Mathes Inc.. N. Y., is agency. VIM CONSIDERING • Lever Bros., N. Y.. for Vim (powder detergent), considering radio spot campaign to break — if approved — mid-April in about dozen markets. Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, N. Y.. is agency. March 19, 1956 • Page 7