Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1956)

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■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■•■■■■■•■■■B"" MEMO: TO TIMEBUYERS, ACCOUNT EXECS WHO LIKE TO LEAD THE FOLLOWERS! With the coming of major industries like GE's $5,000,000 plant now in operation, Roanoke is on the Go! And the one and only station that caters to this change in pace and taste . . . in the home, at work, in the car . . . day and night ... is WROV! HOW? With a compelling programming schedule of proven Music, Top Area Personalities, In-Person Local News and All Season Sports! Exclusive '56 broadcasts of World Series Dodgers, first time in Roanoke! Exclusive broadcasts of High School basketball and football from three local schools! Exclusive Live coverage of local news, featuring voices of people in the news ! Exclusive producers of largest local contest ever run, Jr. Chamber of Commerce Dream Home. Dream Home Contest, presented with Jr. Chamber of Commerce! Leading Local Personalities, Jerry Joynes, Jackson, Sid Tear! More local advertisers hire WROV personalities, and programs to move merchandise than any other local station! They know it's the programs, not the power, people listen to and believe! In Roanoke, lead the followers with a localized selling campaign on Roanoke's only fulltime Music, News and Sports Station! Represented by BURN-SMITH CO., INC. 1240 MAN'S BEST FRIEND WR ■TRADE ASSNS. RAB NAMES TAYLOR, CONFIRMS HARDESTY Burt Levine, Pres. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA IBlNIIIIBBBlllt3BSIfllBIIIIIIBIIIiVllBIII||l||t|||img|||| Page 56 • March 19, 1956 CBS Radio executive acquires vice presidency along with directorship. Bureau also formalizes John F. Hardesty's role as general manager and advances Warren Boorom to promotion manager. SHERRIL TAYLOR of CBS Radio was named vice president and promotion director of Radio Advertising Bureau and RAB Vice President John F. Hardesty's role as general manager was formalized by the bureau's executive committee last week. In addition, Warren Boorom was advanced from director of local promotion to promotion manager. The changes were announced by RAB President Kevin Sweeney, who had proposed them, following an executive committee meeting in New York Wednesday. The committee, headed by Kenyon Brown of KWFT Wichita Falls, Tex., also: • Approved management plans for a second National Radio Advertising Clinic to be held Oct. 29-30 at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. The first, held last October, drew a capacity MR. TAYLOR MR. BOOROM attendance of 600 advertiser, agency, station and network executives to discuss radio as a national advertising force. • Approved a revised budget for the first half of 1956, reflecting income gains that thus far this year are running at an annual rate of $100,000 more than anticipated at the RAB board meeting in December. The revised budget pushes planned expenditures for 1956 to more than $775,000. • Heard President Sweeney present plans for helping stations and networks make the most out of this year's National Radio Week, which, as long advocated by RAB, will be held separately from the observance of National Television Week. e Heard plans for RAB participation in Radio Day at the NARTB convention next month. RAB will stage a presentation tentatively titled "Radio: One of the Big Four" on the convention's last day. Mr. Taylor, who will join RAB on April 1, currently is co-director of sales promotion and advertising for the CBS Radio Network. In his new post he will supervise all promotion activities. As part of the realignment, Mr. Boorom becomes promotion manager and will serve as Mr. Taylor's deputy. Through him, both national and local promotion departments will report to Mr. Taylor. Sales development, headed by Walter Brown, also will report to the new vice president and promotion director. Mr. Taylor started in radio in 1947 as a publicity writer for KSL Salt Lake City, where he rose to director of sales promotion for both KSL and KSL-TV. In 1951 he moved to CBSowned KNX Los Angeles and the Columbia Pacific Radio Network as sales promotion manager. He later became KNX-CPRN sales promotion, advertising and exploitation director before joining CBS Radio Spot Sales in New York in 1953. He was named co-director (with Louis Dorfsman) of sales promotion and advertising for the CBS Radio Network last year after two years as manager of the CBS Radio Spot Sales Promotion dept. "Sherril Taylor's unmatched background of promotion for radio stations, station representatives, and regional and national networks was made to order for RAB," President Sweeney said in announcing the election. He expressed the view that Mr. Taylor "is one of the outstanding media promotion men in the country" and said "his addition to the RAB completes what we feel is the best team in media promotion." Mr. Boorom, director of advertising and promotion for WTOP Washington before joining RAB as assistant director of local promotion in 1954, was named local promotion director eight months ago. The addition of the general managership to Mr. Hardesty's vice presidential title, also effective April 1, was a formality. Officials pointed out that "vice president and general manager, although a new title, formalizes the arrangement that has prevailed since Mr. Hardesty's election to a vice presidency in December, when he returned to RAB after two years as eastern sales manager for Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. He had been RAB local promotion director from 1952 to 1954. AFA June Convention Expected To Draw Over 1,000 Ad People OVER 1,000 advertising executives are expected to attend the 52d annual convention in Philadelphia of the Advertising Federation of America, June 10-13, according to Ben R. Donaldson, institutional advertising manager, Ford Motor Co., and AFA chairman. Coincident with the convention — timed as part of the national observance of Benjamin Franklin's 250th birthday anniversary — Philadelphia's Poor Richard Club, affiliated with AFA and one of the largest advertising clubs in the U. S., will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Meanwhile, Bonnie Dewes of D'Arcy Adv., St. Louis, general chairman of the AFA committee to select the Advertising Woman for 1956 — the ninth such annual selection to be made — said that nominations will close March 26. Winner will be announced during the four-day convention. Convention activities as planned include the following: a four-day analysis and discussion of advertising, an eight-member panel discussion on the future change in advertising, a theatre party to see the road-company tour of "Kismet," sightseeing trips throughout Philadelphia and a round of buffets, cocktail parties and fashion shows. New Officers for RTES Submitted by Committee THE nominating committee of the Radio & Television Executives Society has unanimously recommended the following slate of officers and members of the board of governors to serve next year: Officers: Robert Burton, vice president, Broadcast Music Inc, nominated for second term as president; Merle Jones, vice presi Broadcasting Telecasting