Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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NETWORKS THIS YEAR winner o ASSOCIATED PRESS AWARDS AMONG COMPARABLE STATIONS IN VIRGINIA 1st Places • LOCAL & STATE NEWS • SPORTS • COMPREHENSIVE REPORTING 2nd Place • FARM NEWS 3rd Place • SPECIAL EVENTS This makes 8 A-P awards for WBOF since its start just 28 iMonths ago ... proven time and again a potent selling force for a major segment of America's 25th Market. Norfolk.Portsmouth Virginia Beach Area . . . VIRGINIA BEACH NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA HIL F. BEST CO. National Representative CBS Vetoes 'Debates' by Religious Groups WITH the entry last week of the Protestants and other Americans United for Separation of Church and State into what was once a "misunderstanding" between a noted Jesuit priest and CBS public affairs, the network had on its hand the makings of a cause celebre approximating — but on a smaller and less vocal scale — WGN-TV Chicago's "Martin Luther" case. POAU, an organization that is over 10 years old, has asked CBS Radio to schedule a "dignified hour" of monthly religious debate on its Church of the Air or any other program. The debate, obviously, would be between Protestants and Catholics. This suggestion, outlined in a letter sent to CBS Radio President Arthur Hull Hays, was made following the network's decision to cancel a Church of the Air program on which the Rev. Thurston L. Davis, S.J., editor of the Catholic weekly, America, was to have chided Protestants for failing to appreciate the Catholic attitude toward birth control, censorship and public monies for parochial schools. Father Davis' script was scheduled for March 10 airing. The following week, America reprinted in full text "The Sermon That Wasn't Given." Two days later, the Rev. Truman B. Douglass of the Board of Home Missions and a founding member of the Broadcast & Film Commission, National Council of Churches of Christ (USA), unexpectedly jumped to Father Davis' defense, attacked CBS for "censor ing" the Jesuit priest and told reporters that in some respects the "Davis case" had all the ingredients of the WGN-TV Chicago situation earlier. At the time Rev. Douglass made his remarks, CBS officials declined comment. This time they didn't. Mr. Hays said that "under no circumstances" would the network go back upon 25 years of consistent policy toward Church of the Air and turn into "running debate" a program that is basically "devotional and inspirational in format and conception." Nor would CBS "at the present time" consider setting aside another time period for debate purposes. Mr. Hays said he would shortly answer the letter, which was signed by Glenn L. Archer,, executive director of POAU, outlining a CBS "policy statement." Least happy of all was Father Davis himself. When informed that the Protestant group had in mind pitting him against Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam and Paul Blanshard, author of the highly-controversial (and anti-Catholic) American Freedom and Catholic Power the Jesuit editor noted: "There is nothing in the record of the Protestants and other Americans United for Separation of Church and State to suggest that it is capable or even desirous of conducting what it calls a 'dignified hour' of church-state discussions designed to promote tolerance and understanding between Protestants and Catholics." 4 More Advertisers Join CBS Radio's 'Impact' Plan FOUR more national advertisers have utilized the program structure within the framework of "Impact," by purchasing time on CBS Radio's Saturday morning schedule, John Karol, vice president in charge of CBS Radio network sales, announced last week. Dixie Cup Co. and Vernell Candy Co. (Vernell buttermints) have signed 26-week contracts and Campana Sales Co. and Cowles Magazines Inc. (Look magazine) have signed 13-week contracts for fiveminute segments on CBS Radio's Saturday morning ( 1 1:05 a.m. -12 noon, EST) Robert Q. Lewis Show. In addition to the new business, Mr. Karol also noted a 10-week renewal by Toni Co. This announcement raises the number of Saturday Robert Q. Lewis sponsors to eight, he said. Present sponsorship includes Hudson Vitamin Products Inc.; Lewis-Howe Co. (Turns): and Milner Products Co. The 10-week renewal by Toni is effective immediately, as is Look magazine's contract for 13 weeks of alternate sponsorship. Campana's contract is effective April 13, Vernell's in early May and Dixie Cup May 18. Agencies involved are Erwin, Wasey & Co., Los Angeles, for Campana Sales; Hicks & Greist, Los Angeles, for Dixie Cup; Martin & Tuttle Adv., Los Angeles, for Vernell Candy; and McCannErickson for Look magazine. John Balaban, 62, Dies; Was AB-PT Board Member LAST rites will be held in Chicago today (Monday) for John Balaban, president of Balaban & Katz theatre chain, pioneer in the motion picture exhibition and television fields and board member of American Broadcasting Paramount Fheatres Inc. Mr. Balaban, 62, died from a heart attack in his Chicago Lake Shore drive home early Thursday morning. Services will be conducted in Temple Sholom church with burial at Waldheim cemetery in suburban Forest Park. A founder of the Balaban & Katz chain. Mr. Balaban became a director of AB-PT after FCC approval of the merger of ABC and United Paramount Theatres in February 1953. Vernon to NBC-TV Sales Post GERALD A. VERNON has joined NBC as director of sales services, television network, it was announced last week by Walter D. Scott, vice president, national sales manager, for NBC-TV. Mr. Vernon has served as associate media director of J. Walter Thompson Co. since August 1955. MR. BALABAN Page 88 • April 8, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting