Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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area tv stations, agencies, film studios and allied organizations. Dick Lewis Films, also Chicago, has been appointed sales representative. In announcing the service WTTW reported 16 mm sound film reproduction of tv programs is being made available at low cost to any client in the Chicago area. Claiming to be the only Chicago station offering such service, it further reported: 'This new service of WTTW is already being used consistently by some of Chicago's leading advertising agencies and has proven to be a successful operation since its innovation." Proceeds are being used to "help to underwrite the operating deficit" of WTTW. Facilities are available for recording programs, special events and commercials from Chicago's four commercial stations, as well as for closed circuit work. City Grants WKNO-TV $95,000 MEMPHIS educational station WKNO-TV, facing the prospect of an early demise for lack of funds, has received the $95,000 it asked of the City Commission to enable it to go on. Community and station representatives had appeared at special hearings some weeks ago [B«T. March 11] to ask for funds WKNO-TV needed to continue its non-commercial programming. EDUCATION SHORTS U. of Miami, Radio-Tv-Film Dept.. announces four short summer workshop courses. Basic tv workshop runs from June 17 through July 3; advanced tv workshop, July 5 through July 24; motion picture basic workshop, July 26 through Aug. 13, and advanced motion picture workshop, Aug. 14 through Aug. 31. Leaflet of details may be obtained from Dr. Sydney W. Head, chairman of Radio-TV-Film Dept., U. of Miami. Coral Gables, Fla. EDUCATION PEOPLE Edward Stasheff, associate professor of speech, U. of Michigan and former N. Y. tv director-writer, received one-year appointment to program staff of Educational Tv & Radio Center, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mitzi Kornetz, public relations director-advisor to George K. Arthur, film producer and distributor, to Boston U. news bureau as radio-tv editor. AWARDS VAPBA Makes News Awards, Elects New Officer Slate TOP number of first-place awards to Virginia metropolitan stations were given the news departments of WTAR-AM-TV Norfolk and WRVA Richmond at the Virginia AP Broadcasters Assn. meeting, held March 29 in Washington. Officers elected were Mrs. Mildred Alexander, WTAR, president: Leo Hoarty.. WBOF Virginia Beach, vice president, and Jack Clements, WRVA, treasurer. Non-metropolitan stations which took honors in the highest number of contest categories were WBOF Virginia Beach and WSVA Harrisonburg, taking three first-place awards apiece, also the score made by WTAR-AM-TV and WRVA. Jack Clements of WRVA won the cup donated by WDBJ Roanoke, for best protection of the AP on news. Don Murray, of WDBJ-AM-TV Roanoke, took first place among metropolitan stations in state and local newscasting. WRAD Radford won top honors among non-metropolitan stations for farm news. The complete list of award winners: COMPREHENSIVE : Metropolitan (Cities with two or more stations) : 1, WTAR. Clayton Edwards; 2. WMVA Martinsville, Joe Merritt; 3, WRVA, Jack Clements. Non-Metropolitan: 1, WBOF. Leo Hoarty: 2, WRAD, Tom Gannaway; 3, WEVA Emporia, Eddie Anderson. LOCAL AND STATE NEWS: Metropolitan: 1, WDBJ, Don Murray; 2, WSLS Roanoke, Joe Moffatt; 3, WTON Staunton, Jim WooddeU. Non-Metropolitan: 1, WBOF. Lon Backman; 2, WRAD. Tom Gannaway; 3, WSVA, Wip Robinson III (Harrisonburg became a two-station city during the year, but WSVA's entries were judged in the non-metropolitan class). COMMENTARY : Metropolitan: 1. 'WRVA. Harry Monroe; 2, WDBJ, Dexter Mills; 3, WMVA, Joe Merritt. Non-Metropolitan: 1. WSVA, Wip Robinson III; 2, WBBI Abingdon, Bob Kent; 3, WEVA, Eddie Anderson. SPECIAL EVENTS: Metropolitan: 1, WRVA, Jack Clements; 2, WNOR Norfolk, Bill Montgomery; 3, WVEC Hampton, Guv Sothern. Non-Metropolitan: 1. WSVA, Wip Robinson HI; 2. WPUV Pulaski, John Columbus; 3, WBOF, Lon Backman. SPORTS: Metropolitan: 1, WTAR, Blair Eubanks; 2, WRNL Richmond. Frank Messer; 3, WSLS, Ed Thomas. Non-Metropolitan: 1, WBOF, Bob Gheza, Jack Garrison and Leo Hoarty; 2, WSVA, Conrad Phillips; 3. WBBI, Lindy M. Seamon. WOMEN'S NEWS: Metropolitan: 1, WTAR, Mildred Alexander; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(^^ CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS R. C. CRISLER & CO., INC. Conrad Hilton Hotel R. C. Crisler Paul E. Wagner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ■■ Jl iflffflHI WM, R. ROBERSON, JR., President North Carolina Television, Inc. (WITN) Like Hundreds of Broadcasters... President WM. R. ROBERSON, JR. ef witn and Chief Transmitter Engineer ED PILEGARD Selected STAINLESS TOWERS ED. PILEGARD, Chief Transmitter Eng. North Carolina Television, Inc. (WITN-TV) LEARN WHY MANY BROADCASTERS CHOOSE STAINLESS TOWERS Call or Write for Informative Literature. Stainless inc. NORTH WALES • PENNSYLVANIA Broadcasting • Telecasting April 8, 1957 • Page 147