Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Technical Three engineers, expanding operations. Ed Kennedy, WILM, Wilmington, Delaware. Wanted immediately, experienced, first phone engineer, no announcing, 5kw directional. Contact H. W. Jackson, Chief Engineer, WMMN, Fairmont, West Virginia. First ticket. First class announcer. Hired. Phone WTAY, Robinson, Illinois. Engineer for am-fm radio and new mobile service company. Hawkins Broadcasting Service Company, 920 King, Wilmington, Delaware. Programming-Production, Others Newsman wanted for 5 kw Ohio major market. You must be seasoned reporter and newswriter as well as good rapid fire airman. Right pay to right man. No rip and run boy need apply. Box 103G, B-T. Immediate opening eastern metropolitan market, man or woman in continuity. Send sample copy, photo, experience. Reply Box 234G, B«T. One of Iowa's largest radio and tv operations will have an opening shortly for top-notch disc jockey. Opportunity to work both mediums. Good salary. Send full info to Box 241G, B«T. Wanted: Creative, promotion minded continuity writer for 1000 watt eastern Ohio independent station. Open immediately. Send full background material. Box 256G, B»T. Interested in real good job? We have just the thing for you. Disc jockey job with central U.S. radio station. Opportunity to work in tv. Good salary. Send tape and complete info to Box 297G. B»T. MAIL TO SCHOOL NEAREST YOU Grantham Schools, Desk 12-F 821 19th Street N.W. flD 1505 N. Western Ave. Washington 6. D. C. Ul\ Hollywood 27. Calif. Please send me your free booklet, telling how I can get my commercial FCC license quickly. Name Address City — State Programming-Production, Others 5kw operation going to 24 hours. Expanding staff and making replacements. Have openings for news director-newscaster to double parttime in programming, disc jockeys for pop music, salesman. Send complete details to Bartlett, KFJI, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Radio copywriters, experienced, needed by NBC owned station. Write, wire, or phone Gustave Nathan, for interview, WKNB, 1422 New Britian Avenue, West Hartford, Conn. Newscaster-legman. Well known northwest local news department needs newscaster who can gather and write local news. On-the-air delivery is important, however, it must be subordinate to actual local leg-work. Send tape, sample of your writing and letter of application to Forjoe, 580 5th Avenue, New York 36, New York. Situations Wanted Management Available if your offer is good enough. Station manager or commercial manager with recorded and proven sales ability, including national spot radio and tv representative, experienced retail radio sales, radio sales director, station manager. Send complete details your market and station to receive resume. Box 213G, B«T. Ten years radio sales, three sales manager. Now selling tv, don't like it. Want manager or sales manager music-news operation. Top references. Box 260G, B-T. Manager. Program — sales background. Will give your station a "sound" and sell it. 8 years radio. Box 274G, B»T. 2 years assistant manager and PD AFRS, 9 months co-owner announcer-sales all night program, 5 kw. Reasonable newscaster, developing DJ, experienced, morning, evening, teenage audience. Studying for 1st. Ken O'Donnell, KCNO, Garden City, Kansas. Moved rundown small market station into first place in state in year. Increased billings 50% in 90 days. Can do same for your station. Starting salary . . . salary-percentage thereafter. Box 14, Russellville, Arkansas. Candid employer wanted by sincere and aggressive general manager, top references. Telephone 3-4534, Norfolk, Virginia. Sales Private pilot, account executive. Broad experience all phases broadcasting. Let me be your private pilot to save time, your number one salesman between flights. Seven years safe flying. Sober, married, 35, two children. $150 week, plus travel expense, minimum 1 year contract. Box 268G, B«T. Sales! Currently employed sales manager. Young. Aggressive. Creative. Hard worker! Box 275G B»T. Announcers Girl personality — DJ, run own board, eager to please. Free to travel. Gimmicks and sales. Box 688E, B-T. Baseball play-by-play announcer. Seven years experience. Finest references. Box 975E, B»T. Good samaritan needed! Not blessed with network voice. Hard worker. 10 years experience. Good references. Get along with people. Married. 32. Box 160G, B«T. Play-by-play, all sports, staff, currently sports director, southwest. Seek station with heavy sports schedule. Box 207G, B«T. Personality-DJ — strong commercials, gimmicks, etc., run own board. Steady, eager to please. Go anywhere. Box 215G, B-T. Florida (am). A young (30) married fellow is going to settle in your state soon. He is presently employed, has a pleasant voice, good references, an enviable knowledge of music programming, plus experience. He is looking for a place minus drunks, meat-heads and prima-donnas. (Not necessarily in that order. 5 Box 231G, B«T. Original hillbilly DJ. One of the best. Six years experience. Good references. Sing, play guitar. Good man with know-how. $125. Box 240G, B«T. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers Midwest announcer, experienced on console. Married, conscientious. Good DJ, staff announcer. Box 243G, B-T. Combo — now chief engineer. Family man seeking permanency. Prefer western half. Box 246G. B-T. Attention southwest. 10 years announcing experience. Want p.m. shift approaching $100.00 per week. Prefer tv. Veteran, college graduate, 30, single. Presently five day week. Box 251G, B«T. Veteran DJ, record wise, hard selling, guaranteed. Top references. Minimum salary $125.00. Box 255G, B-T. DJ, with sell, three years experience, good news, family. Box 258G, B«T. Announcer-salesman . . . second ticket . . . very good voice . . . heavy small station experience . . . qualified to manage . . . wants to settle pleasant southern location. Box 259G, B»T. Long experience, stable announcer. All phases, extremely flexible. Can fit any operation. Have ideas and unique, proved gimmick for making commercial sell. Box 261G, B«T. Announcer: Morning man thirteen years in Florida and northeast markets . . . must match $650 per month. Box 263G, B»T. Wish to relocate college town. 5 months experience. Available June 3. Box 267G, B«T. Announcer, presently employed seeks relocation in northeast. One year experience at lkw. For tape, resume, and references, write Box 273G, B«T. Sports and news, 10 years experience — available now. Best references. Box 277G, B«T. Top-flight. Experienced all phases radio-tv. Deep, resonant voice. Employed. Box 282G, B«T. Outstanding voice quality. Experienced, expeditious worker. Network references. Negro. Box 283G, B»T. Staff announcer — 2 years experience in competitive market of 300,000. Mature voice, authoritative news delivery, compiled and edited news, very capable sportscaster, smooth DJ. Excellent references offered. Available immediately. Box 284G, B-T. DJ, announcer, flexible personality, good voice quality, strong salesmanship, finest references. Box 285G, B«T. iy2 years experience at 250 watt and 5kw. Georgia wanted. Young man. Box 295G, B«T. Staff announcer. All staff duties. 3rd ticket. Car> olinas only. Blythe, 737 11th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ME 8-5255. Relaxed ZV2 years experience. Must relocate due to personnel change. Charlie's Doll, WAFC, Staunton, Virginia. Have 3rd class ticket, will travel anywhere. For tape and resume contact Hal Metthe, 6 Clinton Street, Haverhill, Mass. Would prefer disc jockey show. Announcer-DJ, specializing sports, news, hillbilly— single — 29 — 3rd class license — prefer east coast. Contact Joe Mock, 830 North Stuart Street, Arlington, Virginia. Jackson 5-5748. Summer employment wanted by college student — plenty experience — DJ-news-commercials, etc. Some selling. Ken Monroe, Box 294 Emmet, U. of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Staff announcer. All staff duties, car. 3rd ticket. Louisiana or Mississippi. Pinkston, 737 11th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ME 8-5255. Announcer: iy2 years experience, ambitious, good potential. Good on news, commercials, DJ. Operate own board. Married, and not a drifter. Looking for daytimer. Mark G. Wiesner, 201 Columbus Street, Saint Marys, Pennsylvania. Parttime announcer — 7 months experience (Harvard, 111.— WMCW), 22, vet, single, 30 credits short for B.A. Degree; desires weekend work within 150 miles of Chicago. Telephone Chicago: John Zachary, Keystone 9-6015. Floridian desires permanent change to home state. Experienced DJ, newscaster, reliable. Box 20, LaLuz, New Mexico. Qet Your First Class Commercial F. C. C. LICENSE in 12 Weeks! Grantham Training is Best Grantham Schools SPECIALIZE in preparing students to pass F.C.C. exams. All courses begin with basic fundamentals—NO previous training required. Beginners get 1st class license in 12 weeks. Read this letter from a recent graduate of the Grantham Correspondence Course March 23, 1957 Mr. Donald J. Grantham Grantham Schools Hollywood, Calif., and Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Grantham: I took and passed all four elements a week ago today and now have my fi rst class, FCC license. Now that studying is over I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed the course, I am certain that without it I would never have been able to obtain my license so quickly or obtain so thorough an understanding of dectronics. It has been a wonderful experience for me and I would heartily endorse your course to anyone. At this writing I have three job offers to choose from — one in AM , one in TV, and one with an airline— all of this because of your fine course. Donald A. Littleton 2171/2 West Lamme Bozeman, Montana Learn by Mail or in Resident Classes Correspondence training from Washington and Hotlywood. Also, DAY and EVENING resident classes held in both cities. New resident classes begin April 15, 1957. Write for free brocure. Page 158 • April 8, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting