Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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Oil Co. in Canada, both through Cunningham & Walsh, according to George Comtois, vice president in charge of sales of the ABC Radio Network. The program, entering its 27th season on the air, will be carried in Canada over CBC. Milton Cross again will serve as commentator and William Marshall will direct for ABC. KFBI Listeners Use Ingenuity WHEN KFBI Wichita, Kan., offered $100 as the prize in a recent contest, little did it realize just how far listeners would go to win the money. The station offered the prize to the first person who called in the correct number of tunes played with the word "love" in the title. During the one-day contest, KFBI had set a 5 p.m. deadline, but contestants were undaunted when they discovered the telephone lines tied up. They resorted to the mails. Post office people reported that listeners were lined up outside of their windows to get a 5 p.m. postmark on their entries. Several people drove 25 miles to a neighboring county to avoid the local post office line. A Wichita hardware dealer told of two women employes who listened for the tunes all day, working in shifts. Several times, when they had to be away from the radio at the same time, they used a tape recorder to catch the songs they missed. FOR BEST GUESS as to when the first ship would pass through the Duluth ship canal, opening the 1957 navigation season, Joe Gavin (r), timebuyer at Cunningham & Walsh, New York, wins first prize in the contest staged by WDSM-TV Duluth. His calculations earned him and his family a 10-day vacation including transportation at any resort in Northern Minnesota. C. D. (Duke) Tully (c), general manager of WDSM-TV, makes the presentation as Charles Kinney, account executive with Peters, Griffin, Woodward Inc., station representative, looks on. The WDSM-TV contest drew entries from 650 timebuyers throughout the country. WANTED — FM TRANSMITTER We have a client -in territorial U.S.A. who wants to buy a used 3 KW Transmitter covering 92.3 to 97.9 mc. (Ch. 22-250) or 100.3 to 107.9 mc. (Ch. 262-300) meeting FCC requirements: Powers 1 KW, 5 KW and 10 KW will also be considered. 4-Bay 10 KW antenna also needed. For prompt negotiation communicate with Robert Corenthal indicating estimated availability date. Terminal Radio International Ltd., 135 Cortlandt St., N.T. 7, N.T. Phone WOrth 4-3311. Contest Plugs 'Highway Patrol' TWO-PART contest built around Ziv-Tv's Highway Patrol film series has been launched by KSTP-TV St. Paul in connection with April 18 and May 2 programs. To enter the contest northwest viewers must watch show on either date, call the station after conclusion of the show and answer questions about preceding episodes. By calling, the viewer gets a chance at grand prizes — two Setchell-Carlson portable tv sets, one for each date of the contest. Additionally, the sponsor (Velvet Blend) is offering free gifts to the first 100 caUers. KSTP-TV is promoting the contest through its Treasure Chest audience participation show on which emcees will choose the winning names from a barrel. WDGY's Mosquito Monument WDGY Minneapolis reports it has taken a reverse stand on the age-old problem of mosquito control. The station has launched an "honor the mighty mite of the North" campaign and is urging listeners to take part in building a monument to the "Unknown Mosquito of Minnesota." The best design for the monument will win $100 and so will the best offer of a suitable location. The listeners submitting the best "nominee" to be sealed in the "time vault" at the base of the monument will receive $50. The station has reported it will continue the campaign until something is done about mosquito control in Minnesota. Marine Composes 'KFMB March' MARINE Master Sergeant Abraham Balfoort, assistant bandmaster with the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot Band, has given KFMB San Diego a band arrangement of his original composition, "KFMB March." The song was composed for the station in connection with the 100th consecutive radio show of Marine Bandstand which is carried over KFMB. WMAQ's 'Sneak Preview' HALF-HOUR Sneak Preview, showcasing upcoming programs and reviewing current ones, is a new feature on WMAQ Chicago, each Sunday 9-9:30 p.m. (CST). An actor portrays "Mr. Listener," who talks with the staff announcer and comments on excerpts from programs, as well as asks questions. Personalities involved discuss their programs for the benefit of listeners. KTTV (TV) Offers Submarine Trip KTTV (TV) Los Angeles, has invited the tv editors in that area to take a three-hour trip aboard a Navy submarine on May 4. The objective is to view, while submerged, the station's premiere telecast of a new series, Silent Service, which deals with the Navy's submarine arm. McBride Begins MBS Series A SERIES of interview programs has begun on MBS (10:45-11 a.m.) featuring Mary Margaret McBride. They are devoted to significant work being done in the field of religion nationally and internationally. The McBride series is scheduled for six months. Afitofro Us 7ot(/ert fx WGR-TV ABC AFFILIATE CHANNEL 2 Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc. REPRESENTATIVES Broadcasting • Telecasting April 29, 1957 • Page 111